Secret: Those years when I was a foreign aid for the Aurora Club

Chapter 592 The old man’s tour group starts!


"It's so quiet in Dilan today. There are no whispers in my ears, and there are no intruding adventurers or juniors. The road is also very quiet."

Zaratul took a sip of tea and looked at Leonard in front of him:

"It was so quiet, I knew the person who was coming to find me was coming."

Well, if he hadn't suddenly felt that a high-sequence person from an adjacent route would go here, Zaratul felt that he would have continued to stay in the castle, continue to rest quietly, and wait for his non-direct subordinate to find a way to come. Here, trigger the resurrection backhand you left behind. Except for Antoine, everyone else who comes here will basically become snacks that Zaratul eats when he sleeps.

This is certainly dangerous, but it's concealed enough. Every time the "Miracle Master" is resurrected after the golden cicada escapes from its shell, caution must be exercised, because they are likely to be found again by the enemies who killed them through various means.

Therefore, a sudden arrival of an uninvited guest from an adjacent route had to make Zaratul wary, and after some weighing, he chose to trade his incomplete state for a short period of time in exchange for early resurrection. Considering that there are currently no angels in the "Gate" pathway, it is absolutely impossible for Bethel Abraham to make himself feel if he comes in person. Coupled with the fact that there was no clear hostility, Zarath had a pretty good idea of ​​who the visitor was, but he was still very wary.

"It's not easy for you to find this place all the way. It's really hard work." Zaratul sighed, "In my estimation, it will take at least one or two years for the little guy who I hinted to come to resurrect me to come. Here it is.”

He waved his hand and bought two low-quality sugar cubes from the store: "Come on, let's drink tea."

Leonard didn't drink tea. The only small coffee shop in this town - Leonard didn't even think it should be called a coffee shop - served the same low-quality tea as the 1 penny mug in Tingen. . It would be fine if that was all, but after all, there was an unidentified contemporary of the old man sitting across from him. Even though the old man didn't speak, Leonard still acted a little reserved.

He asked curiously: "Babble? Are angels also troubled by babble?"

"It's better to say that angels can hear more and clearer murmurs. They are simply VIP seats..." Zaratul muttered.

Leonard understood a little bit what the other party meant:

"Because the 'Fool', the true god of the 'divine' path, can you also hear the ravings from this 'Fool'? But I have been an Extraordinary for so long and I have never heard the ravings of the goddess. But like Is Aurora going to be like that... is the gibbering related to the state of God?"

"The brains are quite bright, but their gibbering is not because of their state, it all depends on whether they want to or not."

Zaratul took another sip of tea. Half of the afternoon sunshine fell on his body. Combined with his simple clothes, he looked like an old country man enjoying himself. However, Leonard always felt that the height of the water surface had not changed.

"If you become a demigod or even an angel in the future, you will also have the right to whisper in the ears of low-sequences of the same path. You can also designate your whispers to a certain sequence or even a certain person. This is your own freedom, Unless you are in a bad state and can’t control your mouth.”

So that's it... Although the doubts have been answered, Leonard still has many questions popping up like bubbles in his mind. When it comes to Mr. Fool, he can always immediately think of Klein.

"Babble" is something that is harmful to ordinary people. Whether it is the true creator or the hidden sage, they all use this ability as a means to increase their followers and refine their faith. So what kind of gibbering will Klein, who is also a "divineer", hear now? Is it the same as what Zaratul heard? Will it also have a mental impact?

"What was the gibbering you heard?"

After saying this, Leonard suddenly heard the old man in his mind snort heavily.

Zaratul smiled and replied: "Sometimes it's a language I don't understand, sometimes it's reciting the name of a city-state. I think, since this gibberish didn't avoid me, it should also be something given to me. A hint."

Thinking that Mr. Fool was an ancient god and knew some lost languages, it was not surprising, and Leonard didn't take it to heart. He was a little curious about the name of that city-state, and suspected that it was the destination of Pales and himself - now it seems that the ancient angel in front of the fortune teller, the strong man of the Zarath family, might also be targeting that place?

Is this guy the "fellow traveler" the old man mentioned?

"By the way, did Pales also tell you about the 'Fool'?" Zaratul suddenly asked, "He said he was the true god?"

Leonard was stunned: "...Isn't 'The Fool' the name of sequence 0 of this path? Of course it is a god."

He has never doubted that "The Fool" is a god.

"You seem to know a lot about this name." Zarath put down his tea cup and humbly asked for advice, "Can you reveal the information you know? I am not greedy, nor will I cheat. I can even use it to fulfill your wishes. In exchange.”

"Sorry, I can't reveal Mr. Fool's information to outsiders." Leonard shook his head firmly.

Zaratul smiled and said slowly: "... Soon I will no longer be an outsider. I am considering joining Mr. Fool's command."

He addressed the other person as sir without any apparent intrusion, directly putting himself in the position of a subordinate or a believer. Before Leonard could find the words to answer, he continued to ask with a smile: "Young man, can I ask you a few questions? Don't worry, they are not very important ones. You can also choose whether to answer them. As long as you Choose to answer me, and I will still grant your wish.”

This... Leonard hesitated for a moment. In his mind, Pales did not object. He also had the right to choose whether to answer or not. He reluctantly nodded: "Then you can ask, but I may not be able to answer any questions." answer."

Zaratul nodded slightly to express his gratitude.

"So, my first question is, do you have a special gathering place?" Looking at the young man with a thick aura of gray mist in front of him, Zaratul made a gesture, "I'm very curious about your gathering place." What the meeting place looks like.”

The meeting place... isn't that the Kingdom of God of Mr. Fool?

Leonard felt that this question could be answered, and he had already told Palles. He thought for a moment and said with a very vague and ambiguous description: "...We will gather in His kingdom, in the ancient temple shrouded in gray mist."

As for the rest, the number of members and the interior decoration, Leonard didn't plan to say anything.

"Thank you for your answer, then... when was your first meeting?"

"I don't know that either." Leonard answered truthfully, "I joined midway and was not selected at the beginning."

His kingdom? No, how could Klein have the Kingdom of God? He, no, he was using the Source Castle... It was incredible. Not only could he stay on it by himself and use the power of the Source Castle to perform divination and fight, he could also use the Source Castle's power to Give care to others. He can even bring others directly into Origin Castle and stay there for a long time as a gathering place... Zaratul looked at the young man in front of him with a heavy gaze, seeing the gray mist wrapped around the other person's body, and the looming, black and white... The ancient clock still has envy and greed in its eyes.

No envy, no envy at all... This is fate.

Ah - if you put it this way, even if it is Sequence 0 of the Destiny Path, it may not necessarily make Origin Castle directly belong to a certain person, right? Unless there is also an existence that possesses the source of essence, it can directly let the Source Castle... In this way, it is indeed the case.

Zarath quietly took a sip of low-quality tea, looking at the table that had been wiped many times by the store manager but was still greasy, as if he was very interested in the patterns of the wood and the scratches in disrepair. of.

What makes Zaratul interesting is another thing, that is, according to his divination, Klein Moretti and the young man in front of him named Leonard have known each other for a long time and have worked together for quite some time. , and had cooperated on other things, but Leonard said that he was not among the first ones to be selected... Well, could it be because Klein was worried that acquaintances in life would find out the clues, so he had certain expectations after choosing Acting and extraordinary strength before bringing in his acquaintances?

In addition, how many people were "selected from the beginning" and how many people were in the entire gathering on Source Castle?

Hehehe, when did the favor of "Origin Castle" become so common...

Zaratul couldn't hear Pales's voice, nor could he feel the other party's emotions. He felt that Pales should have given up. After all, after Pales suffered the blow from Amon, he gradually gave up further opportunities in a long period of depression and despair, but he himself still found it difficult to accept that what he and his ancestors had been pursuing for their entire lives had long been handed over. Give someone else’s reality.

I'm afraid Amon can't accept it, right? Ha, this guy has almost regarded the position of the Lord of Mysteries as his own. When he found out that Klein Moretti was not even a demigod, he had already obtained the Source Castle. I am afraid that he would feel unbalanced. A while.

The tea was bitter, Zaratul smiled and asked again:

"Has Mr. Fool always been a god?"

This was the second question. Leonard found that the other party was particularly concerned about the question of "whether the Fool is a god." However, Leonard really couldn't answer this question, so he casually answered: "I don't know."

Zaratul nodded:

"Okay, that's all I have to ask. Thank you for clarifying my old guy's doubts. What wish do you want to come true?"

As he said that, he stood up, and Leonard also stood up and gave the store manager 5 ferkin. Leonard followed Zaratul out. He thought for a while and felt that he had nothing to be curious about or wanted at the moment: "Not yet."

Zaratul nodded, and they walked on the road for a while. When the buildings on both sides began to become sparse and the surrounding environment began to become a little strange, Zaratul looked at Leonard again: "Pallez, Aren’t you coming out yet?”

"Don't tell me that you sent this kid all the way to come to me just to scare me by pretending to be Amon - By the way, did something happen to Amon too? Could it be that he has been killed by the 'Fool', and you actually Dare you pretend to be Amon to scare me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Leonard's mouth opened involuntarily, and he uttered an old sentence with a strong sense of schadenfreude:

"Something did happen to Amon. Although I don't know exactly what happened, I know that he will never have time to harass me again now."

When the topic of Amon's disaster came up, the atmosphere between the three of them became obviously happy and relaxed. As soon as these words came out, Leonard found that not only Palles was in a good mood, but even Zaratul across the street was smiling. Both old guys were happy to hear that Amon was in trouble. Of course, Leonard was also happy to see it.

"Should we go?"

He asked: "The old man said that the place we want to go is in Fusac. We are still at least three days away from the border."

Upon hearing this title, Zaratul glanced at Leonard twice more, and finally said with a smile:

"It's really time to go, but I have a way to reach my destination directly. Young man, do you want me to use that method?"

Just as Leonard was about to speak, his throat was controlled by Pales again.


Pales said firmly: "You are reluctant to give me a wish? If you don't want to use a miracle, I will steal the distance. Anyway, you have nowhere to go except that place."

"You speak as if you don't have nowhere to go." Zaratul responded, "Aren't the difficulties I encountered your difficulties? Do you think the 'Sect' will accept you, a junior from the old enemy family, or me? This descendant of the enemy whose ancestors he killed? They are all just lost dogs. Our only choice is Mr. Fool. Even if I seek refuge with that demon of knowledge, I am worried that I will die without anyone noticing. "

While speaking, Zaratul stretched out his right hand and grabbed it in the air.

In an instant, a huge carriage, luxuriously decorated and engraved with ancient ornate patterns, appeared on this small dirt road that looked muddy and crude after the rain. The roof of the carriage does not seem to be flat, but has a slight slope toward the right, probably to prevent water from accumulating on the roof. The overall decoration on the carriage is asymmetrically distributed, with patterns carved on the left and gems and crystals inlaid on the right.

The lasso positions for the two horses were reserved in front, and the carriage was almost as wide as the entire road.

At the same time, a coat of arms that Leonard had never seen was drawn on the car door and the small flags set up on the car.

A product of the Quaternary Age? Leonard looked at the asymmetry and thought.

Occupational illness struck, and after getting permission, he took a closer look at the car, carefully observing the lines on it, looking for familiar elements.

Zaratul looked at Leonard's doubtful and probing eyes, sighed secretly, and touched the carriage of this huge and gorgeous carriage with a nostalgic expression. His rough fingers slowly touched the coat of arms on the door: " This was given to our ancestors by His Majesty Solomon, but the old man liked it but didn't use it, and he didn't use it even a few times until his death. It was basically left to us juniors to look majestic when we go out."

"Haha, the Antigonus family was much more prominent than us at that time. Before the empire was divided, although there were overt and covert fights between our families, they were generally peaceful. Because fighting and killing among descendants were tacitly allowed, so on the whole The qualifications of the juniors are quite good..." Zaratul said to himself, and suddenly smiled, "If this car is still there, it should be older than you, Palles."

"Here..." Leonard looked at the noose in front of him, "This shouldn't be a carriage, right?"

Zaratul shook his head regretfully: "Of course not, these are the two semi-spiritual world creatures that have concluded a contract with this car, but they also died together with the destruction of this car."

Then he winked at Leonard: "It's okay for demigods to pull carts for angels, but the people who used the historical projection of this car to wander around were basically the newly promoted Sequence 3s. This is a huge temptation, you should understand How much did the younger generations of the Zaratul family like it at that time?"

The enjoyment of the Fourth Age nobles is really... Leonard was slightly startled.

Zaratul opened the car door and motioned for Leonard to get in, but before Leonard could take a step forward, he discovered that a seat in the car had sunk slightly, and an ancient book floated into the air and opened automatically, as if there was an invisible figure. It looks like someone is sitting there.

"..." Leonard was shocked. He looked left and right and asked tentatively, "Old man?"

The cushion next to the sunken position was patted, and it seemed that the person sitting there asked him to follow him.

Leonard had no choice but to get in the car. As soon as he sat down, he found that the decoration inside the car was much more luxurious than outside.

The curtains were made of spiritual materials and looked very similar to the high-sequence corresponding materials in the "dark" pathway. Leonard found himself a little spiritually drowsy. I realized that this curtain might be higher than my rank.

The seat cushion is made of the skin of an unknown creature. It feels like cowhide, but it feels much better than cowhide, and it also has tiny scales.

The snack rack on the table and the ice bucket beside the table contained snacks and drinks that Leonard could not name. The space inside the carriage was also extremely spacious, almost as big as a two-bedroom house. Leonard could almost imagine the aristocratic young men of the Fourth Age drinking and chatting in their cars, while summoning spiritual creatures to serve as servants.

Just after he sat down in the carriage with some restraint, Zaratul also got on the carriage, and then the carriage suddenly took off into the air.

Leonard looked out the window and saw dozens of spiritual creatures of different sizes and shapes flying into the air surrounded by carriages, taking them into the brightly colored spiritual world. Under the gaze of seven lights, Fly in a certain direction.

Leonard has not entered the spirit world many times. With two angels by his side, he does not have to continue to abide by the rule of "not looking at the spirit world creatures for more than three seconds, otherwise it will be considered a provocation." He used curiosity to His eyes looked at all the spiritual creatures in his field of vision.

Just when he thought the last journey would be peaceful and interesting, a sigh suddenly came to his ears.

"It's so abominable."

Zaratul said softly: "Fate is really hateful. Pales, do you really have any complaints about fate?"

"I have long known that the extraordinary world is unfair. I am a descendant of a big family and was born in an angel family, but there are stronger Antigonus, Amon and Abraham in the angel family. When I enjoy my When I saw the status and talents brought by 'unfairness', I had a hunch that one day in the future I would definitely be angry because of the unfairness I encountered."

"It's just that I thought I was mentally prepared. Even if my ancestor died, I could persevere. If my family was destroyed, I could still bite the bullet and steal Antigonus's characteristics. I thought I wouldn't collapse no matter what happened. , I didn’t expect that I still overestimated my mental endurance.”

The invisible figure next to Leonard made a voice: "It seems that the fact that you didn't track down the 'Origin Castle' was really a big blow to you."

It's very, very big. Zaratul nodded and admitted:

"Yeah, what about you, Pales?"

Did you ever feel despair and regret when you learned that you had an enemy you could never defeat?

"If you are told that your life is doomed before you decide to continue promotion, you can become Sequence One, but the price is that your great-grandfather will be killed. You inherit his characteristics, but you cannot protect your own. The family and descendants have not been prosperous for decades, and I have to live everywhere like a street rat, lingering... Will you still drink the promotion potion and continue your life as an extraordinary person?"

Pales was still flipping through the book. After a while, he said abruptly:

"Because of what happened to Origin Castle, you started to doubt whether your efforts for most of your life were worth it?"

"I'm sorry, Antigonus was put to sleep, but Amon was not. Just like you said. I was busy running for my life and mourning my children, and I didn't have time to regret it. As for regret, I don't I will only regret that I was unable to kill Amon due to my lack of ability, and I will not regret that I tried my best - I also allowed them to live for a long time under my protection, and this is the limit of what I can do."

These words were spoken rationally and sharply, just like the old man's usual tone of voice, which was as hard and ruthless as ever, but Leonard clearly felt a faint sadness welling up in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, then carefully placed a snack in front of Pales.



In the bumpy carriage carriage, the two angels faced each other silently. After a few seconds, Zaratul sighed:

"Actually, there was a moment when I wanted to seek refuge with God, because when I saw the 'Fool', I felt so heartbroken."

“By joining God, I no longer have to suffer, I no longer have to make unrewarded efforts, and I no longer have to run away and live in fear.”

"But I gave up later. I thought it was good to suffer like this. At least, this pain and dissatisfaction can prove that I am a human being with independent thinking and strong, rather than a person who can be manipulated by the 'Lamb' One of the groups that the title replaces.”

Leonard saw loneliness and resignation on the face of an angel. He smiled bitterly:

"...After all, this kind of pain is quite rare, isn't it?"

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