"Today is December 18, 1360, my sixth day in Utopia."

"When I woke up in the morning, the teacher told me that she dreamed of the little white snake again. Sometimes it would follow her, sometimes it would hide in the corner. She said that every time it appeared, it seemed to be some kind of omen. But she doesn’t understand it yet.”

"As I write this, I am having dinner in the restaurant of the Iris Hotel."

"Sitting in front of me is a gentleman who seems to be a traveler. We are far away, but I always feel that he is constantly talking to himself, or talking to someone invisible. He He should be an Intis man, because he speaks very standard Intis language, but when he starts talking to himself, he uses Loen language. He likes the bubble ice provided by 'Iris' very much Tea."

"If I remember correctly, this gentleman should have arrived at Utopia the day before yesterday."

"The teacher said that Utopia has no port, only a railway. Because the river is frozen, even river transportation has been suspended. The only way for outsiders to come is by train, or by following the horse-drawn carriages from neighboring towns that carry out regular trade."

"But there was no train arriving the day before yesterday. I don't know how this gentleman came to Utopia. I happened to be learning painting skills from a painter named Anderson in the municipal square at that time. I saw this gentleman walking quickly from Walking from a distance, I went straight to the Cathedral of St. Merlin Hermes. Yes, I can easily identify him because he looks quite good and has a special temperament."

"His goal was clear. He seemed to have come just for this church. After entering, he spoke directly to the priest... His behavior gave me a weird feeling, as if the 'Fool' really existed in this world. Belief."

"I think I should go back and look it up."

"Alas, this city is very interesting and full of various Fusac folklore, but I have begun to miss home. Only the Utopian Municipal Library can temporarily relieve my desire for travel notes and knowledge from the family library. I miss it, but I can only stay there for three hours a day. The rest of the time, I will learn painting skills from Mr. Anderson and listen to open-air concerts in the square."

"Yes, I should have written yesterday that people in Utopia always have various ways of entertainment."

"It's not snowing today, it's sunny and the sun is out, so people are bringing out their instruments while they're soaking up the sun."

"This is not a professional band, but a group composed purely of amateurs. Among them are government employees, magistrates, solicitors, professional police officers, school teachers, candy factory workers, shop owners... …Among them, those who had money and time were responsible for more difficult instruments such as tubas and violins, while middle- and lower-class citizens used simpler items such as lyres and harmonicas.

“On certain days off, they would take to the streets, starting from the Municipal Square, going around the city and back to the church near the square. They called this a ‘musical parade’.

"During the parade, they not only did not exclude citizens from joining, but encouraged them to sing or dance along with the team. According to my observation, the participants were quite happy and expressed their love for life to their heart's content. This made me feel a kind of vitality High-spirited attitude.”

"I have to admit, this is very contagious. The teacher said that I was too young and might get hurt if I joined in, so I could only watch from the window. But just watching, I couldn't help but join them. Humming and feeling very happy..."

Everett writes with great care.

The teacher asked him to record every meaningful thing he saw, no matter how big or small, because this might help him better grasp his power in the future stage of "Recorder".

As he was writing, he suddenly caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye that the gentleman had finished the food in front of him and drank his last breath of ice tea. Then he wiped his mouth, took off his napkin and stood up, as if he was about to leave.

In the eyes of the young apprentice who comes from an old family, this young gentleman's table manners are not very good. He can barely meet the basic requirements of eating well, but every action will appear extra special because of the other person's outstanding appearance. Free and uninhibited temperament.

For a moment, Everett wanted to stand up and take the initiative to ask for advice about the belief in "The Fool" and where to see the records of the saint "Merlin Hermes" - there are people in this world. There are countless secret sects, and some even believe in certain aspects of the same god. Although these unknown beliefs are unsafe and require vigilance, and there are even people who will be brainwashed into fanatic believers just by hearing the information... But in this city, the "Fool" and his saints at least have built a cathedral.

This means... He should also be... an equal being to a true god, right?

Everett's heart was itching, but he didn't stand up to ask until the other party left, because this kind of thing was still too risky.

It is said that suffering from mental pollution is quite hidden. In history, there was an angel who died suddenly one day after returning from a journey in the stars. He didn't want to become a fanatical believer or lunatic of some existence in the future, bringing danger and trouble to his teacher and his family.

After dinner, Everett packed up his things and returned to his suite as usual.

As expected, Ms. Vipelia was already waiting at the desk. She raised her head from the document she was reading, glanced at the clock, and praised the student's punctuality: "Very punctual, sir, take a ten-minute break and then we will start." Learn occult knowledge.”


Everett nodded obediently. He sat over and looked at the other documents spread out on the table. It turned out that they were basically research materials on the symbol of "snake" in "dreams". There were no such things in the room yesterday. It seemed that the teacher had written to Mr. Dorian about his continuous strange dreams, and then asked for these materials.

It's so convenient to be a messenger from a spirit world creature... He thought with anticipation, I might also meet a creature willing to cooperate with me in the future.

He also took a copy and started watching.

There were a lot of occult terms in the literature that he couldn't understand, but he could understand the main idea of ​​the article by only reading the parts he could understand.

"...In the world of occultism, due to the existence of extraordinary abilities and pathways, 'snake' often symbolizes 'corpse collectors'. This cold-blooded animal symbolizes the lower body temperature, less eating and physiological activities of 'corpse collectors' , and a state of 'suspended animation' that resembles hibernating snakes. In ancient times, there was a culture of worshiping the feathered serpent in Balam, which was on the same level as the 'death' they believed in. The Balam people still believe that their power comes from a huge feathered serpent. , this may also be the reason why their path is consistent with the 'snake' in mysticism..."

What is a "mythical creature form"... Everett couldn't understand the word.

Apart from some introductions to extraordinary abilities, the education given to new Beyonders by the Abraham family did not include knowledge of mid-sequence and above.

The "Corpse Collector" path seems to be a path that symbolizes death? The extraordinary beings on this path are accompanied by corpses, spirits and death. If they appear in dreams, they are basically completely negative symbols... Everett felt a little uneasy. After simply reading the article in his hand, Seeing that the time was not up yet, he reached out and touched another one.

But this one still associates "snake" with a negative symbol.

"...In rare cases, 'snake' means transformation..." While he was rummaging through the documents aimlessly, his eyes suddenly caught sight of such a sentence. But before he could take a closer look, he saw that the teacher had put down the paper in his hand and stopped him from flipping through his eyes.

Everett quickly sat down:

"Teacher, I have a question to ask."

Ms. Vipelia glanced at him and said unconvinced that the student wanted to change the subject: "Just tell me."

"I want to know if the 'Fool'...is this a secret belief that actually exists on a certain scale in the occult world?"

Everett told the story about the mysterious young man with black hair and green eyes, and honestly expressed his doubts:

"...I think that gentleman might really be a believer of 'The Fool'. The Aurora Society, Witch Sect, and Life School did not dare to build churches for the beings they believed in, but they actually built churches openly in the city. After all, the church belongs to the righteous god, right? Does this prove that the 'Fool' has actually received quite widespread support in secret and is about to come to the surface..."

"Teacher, are there any records about the 'Fool' in your family? What kind of god is this, and what does it symbolize in mysticism?"

After asking these questions, Everett began to wait expectantly for the teacher to answer him.

According to his own experience, the teacher always likes him to take the initiative to ask questions and study seriously. Such behavior is in line with the requirements of his potion. And every time he seriously raised a question after his own thinking, whether it was about history, art, mysticism or something else, the teacher would quickly bring the corresponding information and explain the knowledge carefully in the small class.

But this time, he unexpectedly found that the teacher was silent after he asked and looked at him with a meaningful look.


"Yes!" He grabbed his pants with his hands uneasily.

"Why do you think Utopia is so unknown and mysterious, with so many strange devices, weird beliefs and churches, and even incredible extraordinary powers, yet I still feel that it is safe here and bring you here?"

Everett replied carefully: "Teacher, you told me on the train, because you got the permission of your ancestors..."

Everett's mother was a critic. At a certain salon, she received a travel promotion poster and coupon from a new writer. She couldn't get away from it, so she took it home.

In the end, Ms. Vipelia, who came to class, learned that she had never heard of this place name and didn't care at first. But two days after returning, she suddenly expressed that she wanted to take her students to Utopia. Take a short trip.

The parents felt that it was indeed time for the child to go out for some fun, so they allowed the grandmother-like family manager to take him out.

Ms. Vipelia nodded:

"After I went back, I divined the name 'Utopia'. I spent 50 years in Loen. When I was young, I felt confident that I could become a 'traveler', so I almost every person in that country Traveled all over the city.”

"But I've never heard of this little town."

"Sure enough, I divined that this place does not belong to Loen, but to Feysac."

"I was very curious about why a small city went to great lengths to disguise its address, let alone promote its tourism industry across borders. It just so happened that I had an opportunity to study and communicate with my ancestors that day, so I took this question with me... and then , the ancestors said that this city can be visited, and if a 'traveller' or a 'recording officer' goes there, there may be unexpected gains."

"I asked my ancestors, is there anything special about this city? My ancestors told me that this city belongs to the 'Fool'."

"Listen, Everett, forget about this matter when you go out. You are not qualified to know more information about this existence, so I will only tell you... He is a friend of the ancestors and a An ancient being, He will not harm us.”

"Ms. Audrey Hall?"

Someone knocked on the office door.

"It's me, please come in."

The door opened, and an extraordinary man wearing a platinum robe came in:

"This is your letter of appointment."

Several documents were delivered to Audrey, who thoughtfully laid them out one by one on the table. Audrey looked over and saw that every document had indeed been processed for anti-counterfeiting. As a letter of appointment for a demigod, the contract power on it must have come from an angel.

The church has only been established not long ago. Is it too late to train an angel now? If you don't belong to the "Aurora Society", then you can only be an angel who once followed the "Eternal Blazing Sun"... I heard that the Twilight Hermit Society also controls the "Sun" path. This infiltration is really silent... Ao Dai Li didn't speak, she looked at the other person with a smile, waiting for further introduction.

Facing this young demigod, church members only dared to admire her beauty with awe:

"According to your expectations, you will be the general director of the reconstruction area in southeastern Intis, including two small cities and one important city. As for subordinates and staffing, you can continue to submit applications to the church."

The general director of the diocese, which means that my status is basically equivalent to that of Archbishop St. Anthony, even though I am only Sequence 4... Audrey nodded slightly: "Thank you, then when will I take office?"

"Within this month." After saying that, the other party quickly added, "If you want to go to Trier after the New Year, that's completely fine. As the general person in charge, you are eligible to use the houses with the following configurations. Our The engineering team has already arrived."

Audrey looked at the official housing conditions and shook her head softly:

"There is no need to build a villa or residence for me. Please use the money to rebuild local residences."

"By the way, I will be on a business trip for a while. I hope to temporarily hand over my parish to Ms. Irene Montemar. I have also submitted an application to the church for this matter. What is the church's approval?"

The clerk nodded: "It has been approved. You and Ms. Irena need to be present at the same time to complete a contract together."

"No problem, I can do it tomorrow."

After a few more pleasantries and confirming more regulations, Audrey sent the other party away.

After the other party left, Audrey relaxed her body, stood up, walked a few steps, and stretched.

"The Montemar family has maintained its status, but lost its title and a lot of money. They are ready to transform into new aspects of investment industry and new energy industry. Then hand over the reconstruction area to Irena. This will complete the process for me and her. The promise we made... Huh, now it's time to deal with the tasks given to me by Mr. Hermes. I'll go back to Backlund on a business trip... It's such an incredible feeling."

Although this is an opportunity for Susie to play the role of "Dream Walker", I must accompany her throughout the whole process. April is the social season for the Backlund nobles. During this time, I must use a new identity to interact with the Backlund nobles. We need to have a good relationship.

I can see my parents and Hibbert again, as well as Martha, Gray Linte, and my friends...



Audrey stood quietly, recalling in her mind these friends who had a high status in her heart, but she felt a sense of strangeness, as if she knew them, played ball and had a banquet with them. Already decades ago.

She recalled the candidates for the Backlund nobles she was familiar with, and soon she selected a noble family that had a certain status and was already in a considerable economic crisis before she left.

There was even more than one, Audrey could think of seven or eight just by thinking about it.

"We have to spend more time discussing a completely different character with Susie. By the way, we also need to train Susie in aristocratic etiquette, including hobbies, clothing styles, personality traits, growth experiences, including learning experiences, history, culture and other things. Philosophy...gosh, a year ago I wouldn't have believed that Susie was actually going to learn how to be a human being."

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