"Then good luck to you."

Will spoke helplessly.

This sudden defeat was not something he couldn't accept, it was just that he simply couldn't understand Ouroleus's thoughts.

"Destiny may not let you win." He finally couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart, "Why do you use such drastic measures? If you want to save the Red Angel, he might actually have... …”

Will's words were chosen as carefully as possible, for fear of offending the man who had forcibly taken away the destiny of "becoming a god".

Drifting with the flow and waiting for arrangements is the real ritual of becoming a god in the Path of Destiny. Will is still unclear about how Ouroloius completed the ritual - he seemed to have used the power of the outer god's "Circle of Fate" to sacrifice One's own past and future, and using the other party's special authority to quickly fight against oneself again and again, thereby bypassing the ritual of "let nature take its course".

Ouroleus' goal is to become a god. He sacrificed the past and future in order to forcibly seize the fate of "becoming a god" with the help of the Ring of Fate!

Other things can be obtained by paying a price, but the ceremony of becoming a god is definitely not an option!

Wait... Will was stunned.

The moment Ourolius decided to do this and put it into action, He should have been abandoned by "fate". Coupled with the previous situation, and now that the three copies of Sequence One and Uniqueness are complete, so to speak - —I was the one who had a better chance of becoming a god?

I feel like I'm at a huge loss... With the way Ourolius is now, the "destiny" in the future will definitely belong to the outer god's "Circle of Fate". I'm afraid I will never return to Sequence One or further. Opportunity. After he obtained the "destiny" path, he must have a stronger ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The probability of finding the opponent again in the starry sky is infinitely close to 0. If this outer god also has the good habit of "bringing all extraordinary characteristics to himself", he may become the only "destiny" extraordinary person left outside.

I will never have a chance to be promoted again! Will's heart throbbed.

At this moment, after seeing the intuitive follow-up impact, Will somewhat understood the idea that Ourolius must succeed.

Ourolius glanced at him:

"I should have killed your parents or relatives."

The expression on Will's face became slightly colder and serious:

"...Although your target is me, it is true that occasionally the whole family goes out and dies together."

"After all, they are the relatives you get from restarting. They are not enough to be the motivation for you to move forward." Angel of Destiny looked at his old rival and suddenly said something with unknown meaning, "You don't reject the blood and kinship brought by restarting. But you always remember that you are a child and remember your true identity. You are as innocent and ruthless as a child, just like you change your last name every time, but even when you are hunted by me, you never consider changing your name... Will Chris, you are probably more suitable to be the god of this path than me."

"Why are you beating around the bush and scolding me again?"

Life is not easy, Will sighed: "Come on, I'll just restart."

Ourolius thought for a moment, looked at Will, and made a movement to stop him.

The river of destiny under His feet suddenly started to flow, setting off a huge wave and slamming onto Will's stroller!

There was a loud crash and the waves fell, but Will's figure was nowhere to be seen, as if the wave just now swallowed the child who was less than two years old and the stroller together.

The next moment, the river pushed an extraordinary characteristic that shone with silvery white light, like a snake slough sealed in white amber, to the feet of Ourolius. After this extraordinary characteristic was pushed up, a silver-white scaleless giant snake swam out from the other side of the river in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Immediately afterwards, the "8"-shaped river of destiny under your feet changed its appearance. It seemed to be extending forward as in the past, but in fact it has been leaning in a certain direction, and it must eventually end up somewhere in the infinite future. connected to itself.

It's like an extremely huge ring that no one can see clearly.

Will slipped away into the distance, and Ourolius did not reach out to pick up the Sequence One attribute at his feet, but the attribute gradually became dim, and the spiritual power in it continued to turn into light spots and escape, gradually integrating into Ouroleus's body.

Will's mouth and eyes widened as he flew further away, his body coiled up in a defensive and fearful posture. He looked at Ourolius, and the snake spit out silk threads, with lingering fear in his heart:

"Did you just take control...?!"


Ourolius thought.

I can directly control your restart, allowing you to die and come back to life in an instant, without losing anything other than your extraordinary characteristics. I can directly affect your destiny, letting your death follow the time you were still alive. Rather than needing to control it by increasing or decreasing luck.

"Is this the power you get from all your efforts?"

Will was a little sluggish. He once again looked at Ourolius with a more serious look. After a moment, he sighed and said in a lonely and helpless voice:

"Perhaps you are right. If we can only make a deal with destiny instead of controlling it or directly intervening, then we are not the 'Extraordinary' of this path after all, but the perfect container selected for the final 'destiny', promotion and All the 'luck' needed to survive is just to walk in front of Him. You are right, we have no power to control our destiny, let alone our own destiny."

"But if I have the power to choose, I have to burn everything I have...I can't do it."

He seemed to have become much older and more decadent in an instant, and he was not as optimistic and lively as usual. Will subconsciously bit his own tail, intending to restart himself and leave here. Then he realized belatedly that he was no longer a "giant snake", and there was no use connecting him end to end.

Will's expression suddenly became more lonely.

He circled in place, his body getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the space he had built himself. There was only one sentence left, and the sound of water flowing through the River of Destiny reached Ouroleus's ears.

"you win."

The extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1 at his feet finally completely disappeared.

These words were like the sound of a hammer coming to a conclusion, and the last bit of spiritual brilliance floated up, falling into Ourolius's body like starlight.

In an instant, the surrounding world disappeared like pieces of shattered glass. Ouroleus breathed slowly, and he stepped forward. The sparkling river of destiny flowed gently at his feet, accompanying him. The progress will cause big or small waves.

The new God of Destiny closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, what he saw was the vast starry sky.

The river of destiny at your feet has a hazy halo, and it no longer looks like a river, but like countless flowing times. Every drop of water is a vital part of the life of something alive. The road that life has taken, the road that has not been taken, and time are mixed together to become history and destiny, intertwined into an endless river - one day, this universe will also come to an end, and time will be lost. significance.

The rotation of the wheel of fortune will not stop, and the spinning wheel will operate again after a short period of stagnation, weaving the fate of all living beings and even the gods.

Ouroleus stared at the sky. He now only needs an idea to tamper with the fate of others, and even let the dead live on the fate of the living. With the help of the Ring of Fate, even the true gods of the same level can , He can also make an effective impact.

But He did not want to declare His power to the entire world like other gods. ——Making the declaration of becoming a god now will only make the whole world a mess again. He does not want to disturb Utopia at this last moment.

He needs time to digest and stabilize.

But this still seems to be not enough - what took away Medici was the City of Disaster and the Seiran. Becoming a true god has exhausted his mental energy, and his state is entirely due to the fact that he sacrificed the past and the future before becoming a true god. God then lost control on the spot. He has already tried his best to maintain the status quo. Where will he find the strength and time to contact the "Key of Light" of the Western Continent, or even tolerate it, and gain the power to steal people from the City of Disaster?

"...Are you watching?" Ourolius said.

"Yes, I'm watching."

Another Outer God replied. He picked up the camera, pointed it at Ourolius, and pressed the shutter with a click.

"I was thinking about something." He said, "Seeing you praying with the Ring of Fate, I suddenly thought that not long ago, I was also regretting that you all joined Klein's army, otherwise I could kill you all. , and then use your extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness to lure the Ring of Fate into the earth, adding luster to the current situation - but you made such a choice, which is really an interesting ending."

"I have handed over the past and future, and now I want to keep it to save people. I have nothing left to make a deal with you."

Ourolius said expressionlessly:

"I don't know your authority, but my intuition tells me that Medici's fate may not be over yet, and the opportunity is in your hands. If there is anything else worth taking away, just tell me directly."

"The consequences of making too many deals with fate."

The Outer God pretended to sigh, and took a picture of the camera. The camera spit out a picture that seemed to be burning with a weak flame: "I want nothing, and you have nothing - it is better to leave Medici's fate to her." What about me? I'll let Him live."


The demigod of the life school, Congressman Richard, was startled by the sudden voice that just sounded in his mind, and almost lost his grip on the precious gold-painted ceramic cup in his hand. He looked left and right, and when he saw that no one suddenly appeared around him, he quickly stood up from the chair, lowered his head to the air, and replied with fear: "You are finally back! You have finally answered our prayers again!"

The last time the Speaker delivered a message, he still asked them to find a way to sacrifice the "Dice of Probability" directly, and the words were unclear, only indicating that it was not in danger at that time. And for several months since then, no information or words have been conveyed.

The longer the speaker disappears, the more serious the divisions within the School of Life become. He directly chooses the "moon" as his belief, instead of believing in the symbol of the red moon with reservations as required by the school. Therefore, more and more people start to do whatever they want. . Rachel, who was a demigod before, was injured due to some internal reasons and needed to recuperate. Now he just found a reason to avoid internal friction and return to a safe place to live in seclusion.

Now, hearing the speaker's voice again, he suddenly felt like a second boot had landed. In any case, if the Speaker comes back to sort out the school this time, then the internal divisions will finally end.

Rachel's heart, which had been hanging before, calmed down, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes." He was answered by a voice whose gender and age could not be distinguished clearly.

The only thing that Rachel could hear was that the Speaker seemed to be out of spirits and seemed unhappy.

But Rachel took the time and quickly complained to the Speaker about what the people from the "Moon" faction had done, who were getting more and more outrageous. Then he asked the Speaker what happened in the terrifying earthquake just now. .

Big earthquake? Will didn't know. Will didn't hear it.

"Report the recent situation, sort out files and records, and offer sacrifices to me...I will deal with the matters of those members who believe in the moon later. During this period, I will stay in the Northern Continent. You can contact me proactively, but not too frequently. High, you can control it yourself.”

"Can you receive prayers stably?" Richaud was pleasantly surprised. He realized that the potential meaning of this sentence was that the Speaker was out of danger, "Yes! We will obtain the appropriate prayer time through divination, and then report to you the important information."

"Yeah." Will's mind echoed with the words Ourolius said, which made him not want to speak now.

After quickly ending his communication with his junior, Will hovered over Backlund like an invisible ghost.

It seemed that the outside world had just experienced a huge earthquake, and the sky in the south was as dark as ink at some point, as if something was fighting inside. His eyes swept from below and saw that the once prosperous towns were now in ruins without exception. They were like fragile sand castles, collapsing into tattered building materials in the shock. Looking at the busy Church Extraordinaries in the distance and the very practical plant shelters, Will was originally going to use the restart to help with some small help, but then he remembered that he was no longer a "giant snake", but just a "prophet".


Will looked around carefully again. He could see the general direction of everyone's fate. He could see that their suffering was not over yet, and they had not yet come out of danger. He lowered his head and looked at his hands. But he couldn't see his own destiny.

Isn't my destiny obvious enough?

From now on, I will follow Klein Moretti and the master of Origin Castle as an angel. This is the reward for my ability to survive after facing Ourolius—and, with Ourolius’ ascension to the gods, If I leave, I will no longer have the opportunity to be promoted.

He no longer wants to look at fate. He is just a prophet. He can predict things before others do, but there is no need to tell people about their future.

He floated forward, and a familiar cry suddenly came to his ears.

Will turned his head subconsciously, and sure enough he saw Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kress and their children.

Probably because of his good luck, half of their house did not collapse, which makes them stand out on this street. And these two people whom He once called "Mom and Dad" were now surrounded by children, with a smashed stroller beside them, and they were crying bitterly while holding something wrapped in a ball of cloth.

Ms. Velma was crying especially hard, and Allen looked exhausted.

Will looked at them, calculated the remaining luck on them, checked their fate, and made sure that he had given enough, and that the family's subsequent life and destiny no longer needed his involvement and help.

"I need a new image." He thought silently.

From now on, there is no need to evade Ouroleus' pursuit. After restarting, there is no life-threatening danger and he can grow up naturally.

Immediately afterwards, Will quickly left Backlund, entered the border of Intis, and was ready to sneak to Fusac at any time.

And as soon as he stood firm in the country of Intis, he immediately saw the Loen Empire, in the direction of Backlund, a thunderstorm blew in the sky, heavy rain poured down, and the center of the thunderstorm suddenly rose. The huge black tower reaches the sky, and countless thin black lines quickly extend around like blood vessels, intending to encompass the entire empire's territory!

Fortunately, he ran fast. Will sighed and found a seat to sit down and watch the battle.



I woke up in the morning and found that the reader group had exploded. I suspected that it was due to the cross-dimensional attack by the Suhuan, or that Ourolius sacrificed the past of the reader group. In short, the new group now does not have the same book group as the past.

Let’s set up a new group account in the book club circle later.

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