I sat on the chair in my shop. The chair I just bought is soft and comfortable. Once you sit down, you won’t want to get up again.

The curtains were drawn, leaving only a crack for me to see the street across from me.

People come and go there, and people from out of town go to the store across the street. Occasionally, customers come to my place to buy souvenirs.

Oh, the kid came to my place a few days ago and bought a lot of things. I just sent out his goods using the "Universal Wishing Machine".

To be honest, I think I should change a batch of goods. Foreign guests are not interested in these soothing herb bags, potions that activate the mind and body, and stones and pendants with real protective power. Instead, they rush to From the electronics store across the street, you can take away ordinary light bulbs, kettles, telephones, induction cookers, and even small toasters that are mass-produced in factories.

Many people rushed in and ran out with messy electrical appliances, as if there were wolves chasing behind them.

However, compared with the people who wandered in at first simply wanting to buy some souvenirs, the people who come now seem to be here to purchase goods. There was even a boss who came from nowhere and said that he wanted to buy the entire hotel where he lived and install the entire heating pipe into the mansion where he lived. It made a big joke.

Really, aren’t there any of these things out there?

I once went out to listen to their accents, and found that the ones who rushed to buy these household appliances the most were from Intis, and even mainly from Trier, and they all believed in the god of knowledge and mystery. I asked them where they were from, and they started talking about things they couldn’t understand, such as pursuing knowledge and mastering technology. They also muttered something about praising the God of knowledge and thanking the Abraham family for their generous sharing. Finally, there is a research report available. It seems that wholesale home appliances are a big deal.

I observed them again and found that they often had symbols such as gears and eyes on their bodies.

Moreover, these wholesalers would discuss rituals and mechanical structures during chats, so I was convinced that they were experts in the occult and invited them to visit my occult souvenir shop. They were a little surprised, so they came across the street carrying more than a dozen packaging boxes for home appliances.

However, they looked left and then again and said that what I had here were all basic ritual props and were far less valuable than household appliances.

At this point, I had no choice but to ask them to see the "Universal Wishing Machine" made by angels. But I didn't expect that after they heard that there was an object that could make wishes, they ran faster than the other one. No matter how I explained, they refused to come back without chanting the honorary name. .

Business is getting really bad.

What makes me most helpless is that my highest sales volume in the past few days was actually a plastic armchair I bought from ■■■■.

I took it out from the corner when I was tidying up the warehouse. I originally just put it outside the store to bask in the sun. Unexpectedly, someone happened to pass by and was shocked by this chair - I explained for a long time that this was It was an ordinary plastic chair, but the other party insisted that he had never seen such a light, beautiful and flexible chair. I had no choice but to quote a high price with tears in my eyes.

Seeing him holding the chair and going back happily, I felt that this world was so unreal.

Oh, I'm a little tired, let's go buy something to eat nearby.

I was awakened by crisp sounds. It turned out to be someone tapping their fingers on the counter.

"Sorry, I fell asleep!"

It was all thanks to the cold weather outside and the warmth inside that I fell asleep lying on the table without knowing when. Rubbing my eyes, I saw the visitor, a girl with beautiful flaxen hair and green eyes like deep pools. The customer was an acquaintance from the shop next to me, so I couldn't help but smile. I looked away from her face and turned around to play with the kitchen utensils that were still warm.

"Tracy, what do you want to eat?"

"I hope there's a big chunk of beef in the burger, preferably a fresh fried egg and vegetables, and a side of fries. Shanna's is the best in town. And a glass of sparkling ice tea, too, with ice." ." Tracy smiled and knocked on the marble countertop to order food carelessly, without finding a place to sit down. As I put the beef on the frying pan, I saw several guests dining in the lobby quietly looking at this beautiful lady.

"I just tried a new flavor of fried fish steak yesterday, Tracy, do you want to try it?" I chatted with her while frying the meat, and looked through the cabinets, "How is your business recently? I think you seem to have changed Got a new curtain.”

"Not bad." Trish said, with a bigger smile on her face, she walked towards an empty table and chairs in the hall, "Bring me another fried fish steak, no one is coming now, I'll be here Rest here for a while."

Of course I would be happy to see an increase in sales, so I immediately replied: "No problem."

I secretly looked at the beautiful girl who was quiet and lost in thought, and felt that the burger in my hand was not that delicious.

Of course, my upbringing taught me that it is extremely rude to peek at other people, especially at their faces. So I wanted to muster up the courage to talk to her, but she kept looking out the window, as quiet as a flower blooming alone at night. I can't bear to break this beautiful picture. I have a hunch that this picture will continue to appear in my mind, even in my dreams.

This metaphor comes from a book of poetry. My new friend who helped me catch a pickpocket told me that reading poetry can make me more attractive.

Oh, it’s not that I’m saying bad things about him behind his back, his appearance already makes him charming even if he doesn’t do anything.

Unfortunately, until now, that book of poems has brought me more fun, and my colleagues in the police department think it is worthless.

Her name is Tracey, right? This name and her appearance together have an indescribable beauty.

My mind was in a mess, and I suddenly remembered that there was still half an hour left for my lunch break. Accidentally, I bit my finger.

I played the lyre by the fountain in the Municipal Square, and I painted the inspirational images that appeared in my dreams with my brush;

Using a knife and fork, I cut the steak;

I was in the Cathedral of Fools, telling the stories of the gods to the people who came to worship;

I stretched out my right hand, and with the attentive assistance of a gentleman, I left the carriage;

I got the long-awaited new dress and couldn’t wait to put it on;

I was on four legs, being chased by a child, laughing loudly, stumbling and playing with a dog...

Klein has been in amazing form during this period of time.

He felt as if he had been completely divided into thousands of creatures, each with its own will, thoughts, cognition and destiny. These fates and perspectives are intertwined, constructing a variety of life pictures.

However, above these many consciousnesses, there is a dominant main consciousness. It is constantly subjected to various impacts, and seems to be assimilated by the ocean of consciousness formed by itself at any time, but in the end it persists, allowing Klein to remain Lived a certain amount of sobriety.

His body has been sleeping inside the "Origin Castle", and his consciousness sometimes floats in the sky, half asleep, and sometimes sinks into his body.

The various scenes experienced by the Secret Puppet clones kept flashing in his mind, like a dream composed of a large number of fragments.

On top of Source Castle, the Sequence Two clone turned its attention from the Western Continent and suddenly found that his marionette town was actually on fire.

He was startled. Although he was also a part of Klein, he was not the body that performed the ceremony.

Compared with the real body, his connection with Utopia is several times weaker, and he is not usually responsible for any affairs of Utopia. After all, this is the ceremony of the main body. The consciousness of the main body sinks into each of its marionettes, and they use this city as a stage to dance together. The main body only cares about Utopia, and this avatar of mine is in charge of the city of miracles, "Poseidon", and a member of the Tarot Society. …everything except utopia.

Therefore, he realized that the reason for the trouble in Utopia was actually Leonard praying to him and reporting the situation!

"It is suspected that a large number of sudden souls appeared in Utopia with strange negative effects, causing the residents of Utopia... causing the Marionettes of Utopia to be contaminated by external forces and began to attack each other, showing strong malice? Well, this is not the case at all. There is no doubt that it is an attack on the ontology and Utopia... There are very few people with such power, and I can already guess who it is."

Klein immediately took action, but at this moment, the Utopia had completely fallen into complete chaos. He used a miracle to filter out the travelers and foreign souls, and then quickly built a new small building where Leonard was now, and placed it there. They all temporarily settled in this safe place, and all wounds on their bodies were treated.

Under Klein's will, these people fell asleep one after another, losing their memories of their time in Utopia.

Fortunately, the train station in Utopia just ran a round yesterday, sending away the previous batch of guests and welcoming a total of 87 new people. Klein counted the number of people. Although some of them were injured or even dying, none of them were injured. casualties.

From the perspective of Origin Castle, Leonard was startled by the sudden appearance of the building. He cautiously went in and explored for a while. When he saw that there were beds arranged and living people resting inside, he walked out again. Invite another person next to you to go in and hide from the wind and snow.

"Oh, Anderson is here too..."

He glanced over and saw a familiar soul.

Things have changed and people have changed. The presence of the other party's soul here means that Anderson has died, and he suddenly feels an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"I really miss the time when I was at sea."

Klein murmured and sighed. He had no intention of delving into the reason why Anderson appeared here. Instead, he was thinking about whether to reshape the face of the marionette possessed by Anderson later. After all, this marionette is just called Anderson, it is a little prank on the main body, and it does not look exactly like the "first hunter among the former five sea demigods" that he knows.

But just when He intervened in the problems that arose in Utopia, He suddenly saw the main body on the other side of the long table move slightly, and his eyebrows hidden under the gray mist frowned slightly, looking like he was in some pain.

My heart is full of joy and I don't feel sad.

The moment I stabbed the knife aimed at the heart of the person in front of me, I even felt that I felt joy. The warm blood spraying on my body was like the grace given by the gods.

The splattered blood tasted so sweet and made me more intoxicated than any wine I had ever drunk. I could no longer remember what the dispute was about between us. At a certain moment, I was furious. When he picked up the vase with one hand and was about to smash it over my head, my hand moved faster and stabbed the knife I was holding tightly into his chest.

I stabbed his body with the knife again and again, and the blood rushed out. When it passed across the back of my hand, I was addicted to the feeling that slowly changed from hot to slightly cold. It's winter now, and he will soon stop bleeding. My head is dizzy, but I feel strangely empty.

I realized that I needed more blood to savor the pleasure I had just experienced.

I took the gun and hid in the corner of the second floor, hunting the prey in front of me.

These idiots were making a riot in the street. They only knew how to beat each other violently. No one would look up and notice the muzzle of my gun that was quietly extended. I only need to pull the trigger lightly to make a beautiful blood flower explode in the scope.

I have wanted to do this for a long time. From the day I got my shotgun, every time I used it to target prey, I thought - if only I could shoot people with it. What a hunt that would be!


Human eyes have many colors, blue, green, brown, black...and so on. I think these colors are the most beautiful colors produced by nature. There are obvious elements of eyes in my graduation works, and my teachers also expressed high praise for my colors, but I only imitated the halo and color of some people's eyes.

My internship at the eye hospital made me very satisfied, and I thought that was enough.

But soon, I found that just looking at it was not enough. I longed for touch and possession, so I changed my shift and went to the morgue, where I could enjoy the eyes of my favorite color.

The only drawback is that dead people's eyes are not as delicate as living people's eyes, and I can't take them away.

As the gunfire started outside, it occurred to me... maybe now I could pick any color I wanted.

I smashed thick glass wine bottles on other people's heads and smashed their bones;

I cut open human bodies, tore out their intestines and threw them aside for all who passed by to see;

I was swinging the stroller up and throwing it towards the slope;

I drove the carriage, crashing and trampling everyone in front of me, laughing at their screams and curses;

I tied them in the corner of the room, unscrewed the gas, and left a lead that was enough to drive them crazy;

I cut off other people's heads, throw them from the window, and enjoy the shouts from below;

I took the torch and threw it into all the curtained windows…

I don't have any scruples, I just want to do something to my heart's content, preferably killing everyone in front of me and destroying everything.



The power of the abyss has contaminated all marionettes in the entire Utopia, and countless crazy and extremely malicious thoughts rush into Klein's mind every moment. These malicious outbursts were without any reason and had a huge impact on Klein's consciousness and logical thinking. The originally peaceful, calm and beautiful picture of city life was torn to pieces in an instant, and his bloodthirsty and fanatical thoughts almost infected him.

His skin squirmed, and a large number of spiritual insects swam, and then fell from all over his body like rain.

Only then did the clone realize that he didn't think this attack was a big deal because it wasn't directed at him at all!

This attack reversely affects the main body through the marionette! Logically speaking, Klein's soul is protected by the Source Castle, which can isolate it from external influences to the maximum extent, but his consciousness is scattered in the marionette town, and the marionette town needs to interact with the outside world!

I saw that those spiritual insects did not scatter after landing. Instead, they immediately gathered together in twos and threes to bite and devour each other. These contaminated clones were scattered on the ground around "The Fool"'s seat, making Klein even more helpless. Maintain the outline of the human form.

Not only that, after seeing the condition of the main body deteriorate instantly, the serial clones that were originally unaffected showed signs of losing control!

Not long after, He pulled his hair and rolled down the "world", turned back into a spiritual insect, twitched and rolled on the ground, as if he was fighting something with all his strength.

After losing the outline of his human body, Klein's original will finally awakened from the partial spiritual insect. His consciousness flowed everywhere, so he could more clearly feel his own disintegration and sudden intensification of schizophrenia.

Part of him was roaring angrily, cursing the people who had used him and hurt him, cursing the world that he didn't love but had to protect, claiming that if he wanted him to protect the world, he would make everyone in the world his. The thing has become his marionette; a part of him is trying to commit suicide, but they have not succeeded yet, so Klein can clearly feel that various ways of death are going on, and the feeling of death is biting up from everywhere in his body, with despair To erode his mind; there is still a part of him that is dying, and Klein is dying.

He desperately wanted to kill something and destroy something to express his inner anger, despair and all kinds of detonated dark emotions, but he instinctively didn't want to do it. As an ordinary person, he naturally didn't want to and didn't think about it. never hurt anyone.

Klein wanted to cry, but he couldn't find his eyes where he could cry. He wanted to yell, and he wanted to beat something angrily, but his body had been scattered into countless spiritual insects, in vain. There is internal fighting and biting.

Even the clone that was still somewhat conscious was eventually dragged into this avalanche of negative emotions.

Therefore, no one came to control Utopia, and it burned into a black silhouette along with all its residents in the flames and disappeared under the snow-capped mountains.

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