Seize Genes

Chapter 1381: Glow and bubbles

Zhan Fei looks like an enemy.

However, something embarrassing happened.

Those robots touched those rays of light, but nothing changed at all, as if they had no effect.

"Why?" Zhan Fei felt a little dazed.

These glows are so strange, and Zhao Xi also said that she can feel the power of time flowing. Zhan Feizai also felt the power of time after he felt it seriously.

This subtle time force, let alone say, can also change the time on these robots? But the timers in their bodies did not show abnormalities. The atomic clock is unaffected.

After pondering for a while, Zhanfei conducted various tests.

" effect?" He was puzzled.

"It's almost like a phantom, as if there is no such glow at all." Zhao Xi was also surprised.

She expected no danger, but she didn't expect it to be that effect at all?

Stretching out the slender jade fingers, Zhaoxiaguang points to.

Xiaguang still hasn't changed.

But Zhao Xi was very courageous, or the mind was too pure, and he dared to try anything without sensing the danger. She had a trace of the power of time that emerged from her hand.

Then, strange things finally happened.

The rays of light, like silk, were gently wrapped around her fingers, like a thinking and wise creature, very attached to her fingers.

Of course, Zhanfei can see that those glows are sensitive to the power of time.

To be precise, as long as time can flow normally in the world, whether it is in the universe sea and any area in the universe sea, or outside the universe sea, or the ancient ruins, the power of time exists. The power of space also exists, but these forces are in a state of equilibrium and cannot be extracted at all.

The concentration and thickness of various energies are completely equal, then these energies will not produce the effect that the energy should have.

The power of time and space exists everywhere and is equal, then time stops and space cannot be perceived.

If the force of time flows from a high dimension to a low dimension at a very slow rate, or from a low dimension to a high dimension, it is the normal rate of time elapsed.

Or to put it simply, the most core and source energy contained in various substances in the universe, whether flowing to high or low dimensions, will cause changes in time.

This is the secret that Zhanfei only realized after reaching the pinnacle of the extreme state and solidifying the state.

The power of time is, essentially, the energy that can drive the internal operation of atoms from the current spatial dimension to a higher or lower dimensional level for circulation, and time changes.

Essentially, this time force does not seem to be different from normal energy.

However, this is not the case.

For example, the flame is heated and burned, and the activity of molecular atoms is intensified. The molecular atoms carry the activities of positively charged particles and negatively charged particles, but this fiery energy and electrical energy are completely different types of energy.

Like various elements, the intrinsic part contains atomic protons and neutrons. It feels the same in essence, but a slight change in the number of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus will cause a great change in the nature of the element. The nature of the has changed considerably. Even just changing the number of electrons contained in an atom may cause some minor changes.

Therefore, the essence of the power of time is the same as the essence of other energies, and the essence of the so-called "universe origin power", but the way of passing is different and the effects are different.

What does it mean by different ways of passing? It means that the operation rules of this energy itself are different. That's the difference in law.

Various energies operate in a constant and self-sufficient and self-circulating manner, and can distort other energies and matter to operate in a corresponding regular manner, that is the law.

Rules and rules determine the dominant nature of matter and energy.

Those Xiaguang are not so interested in this kind of power, they are not interested in the way that can communicate through higher dimensions.

In this environment, it is difficult to break open the void, let alone open higher or lower dimensions. However, it is not necessary to open a vast high-dimensional and low-dimensional space. A small space with different dimensions can be used.

Zhao Xi has a weapon inferior to the flying sword in his hand. With the help of other powers, it is possible to condense the power of a weak time at the fingertips.

"I heard...the sound from them. Oops!!" Zhao Xi exclaimed suddenly and shrunk his hand back.

"What's wrong?" Zhan Fei asked.

"It's weird... do you try?" Zhao Xi said.

Zhan Fei groaned for a moment, and also extended his finger to touch.

Similarly, those Xiaguang did not have any impact on him.

The power of time is weak, Xiaguang is attached to his fingertips and walks around. This is a dead thing without thought and no wisdom, but it is like a living thing with thoughts and likes and dislikes at this moment, and it cannot be entangled.

At first glance, Zhan Fei saw some scenes in the ray of light, like the light and shadow left over from the past, and saw some strong people talking and communicating.

This is not unusual.

However, when Zhanfei saw one of the seemingly powerful Chaos Lords, the Chaos Lord frowned suddenly and looked towards the void, just as he looked towards Zhanfei: "Where is Holy Peep?!!!"

With a wave of his hand, the scene was dim and blurred, and Xiaguang suddenly dimmed, and Zhanfei's fingertips were slightly painful, and he couldn't help but withdraw his hand. I feel that the time on my finger slightly changes, as if it has gone through thousands of years. But for a strong man like Zhanfei, this change is nothing.

Thoughts surging, the power of the fingertips is repelled away, and the slightly aging finger completely restores the old concept.

Strange under my heart, he reached for another ray of light and observed again.

After trying many times, I finally found a stronger presence than the one I saw before. In Xiaguang, it is impossible to judge how strong the other party is, only to know how strong it is.

"Huh, there is even a peeping look from the "future"? Looking for death!!!"

Xia Guang burst into a sudden burst, spreading his hands fiercely, blood on his fingertips. And the fingers are aging at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The strong man in this realm, Shou Yuan is endless and immortal. But it does not mean that they will not age. The cells in the body are less active, and the accumulation of impurities in the body hinders the energy flow and blocks the circulation of qi and blood, which is aging. But as long as the mind and energy are used to drive the energy flow, the circulation of qi and blood, the discharge of impurities, and the cells to restore normal vitality, then regain youth. So you can have endless life yuan.

Therefore, if you encounter an irresistible power, you will also age.

Like chaotic corpse, people can be weakened and weakened.

Decaying robbery is a similar force, but more advanced. Even if the strong man chops off his body that cannot restore his youth, and then regenerates a new body, it will not work. And no matter how they are avatars, they can trace the cause and effect of infection, which is the terrible place of the decay.

At this time, Zhan Fei forcibly disperses the fine wisps of light from the wounds in his fingers before he can repair the injury. The finger quickly returned to its original state.

"How is it?" Zhao Xi asked.

"There's a's not like the persistent and persistent thoughts left by the ancient strong, but it's like a continuum of communication time that can see the cracks in the time of the'past' scene." Zhanfeidao.

"I have a similar feeling. However, time cracks are stronger than space cracks and can do more damage to us. When we do not use the power of time, we are not injured at all..."

"Is it the power of our time that allows these rays of light to open a very minute time channel to communicate with the past?" Zhan Fei asked.

"There is such a possibility... But, can we really shuttle back to the past? Our so-called shuttle back to the past is generally just going to the parallel plane of the parallel universe, not the past of the current plane."

Zhanfeidao: "There is still a possibility... It seems to change the past, but it changes the present because of causality, so that the current state of the entire world is exactly the same as the impact of the "past history is changed", that is, it is equivalent to shuttle Back to the past."

Zhao Xi stared at Xiaguang and said, "Those strong people in Xiaguang are not clear about the existence of an eccentric plane. But for them, they must hate our peeping of them?"

Zhanfei nodded: "Of course, for them, the "future" is not fixed, there are infinite possibilities. But if the "future" has a gaze, travel back in time and observe them, then It means that the'future' has been fixed and will not change again.

"And everything in their future is a foregone conclusion. As we observe the history of the past, the history will not change anymore. It can only be rumored or the records in the book changed, but the real history has been completely fixed, not Change again.

"In the current era, we look at the past and feel normal. But in the current era, we look at the future. Who would be happy that their future is completely doomed? In the past era, they look at the present and do not want us to observe each other. And their future has been fixed."

Zhao Xi smiled slightly: "This situation is somewhat similar to the "quantum state" studied by mortals. The third party's "observation" will change the experimental research results, which is very magical and very mysterious."

Zhan Feidao: "If these Xiaguang can really communicate with the past, it is magical enough. But if these Xiaguang communication is just an eccentric plane that is the same as the "past", which can lead to changes in the "future" of those eccentric planes, it is too mysterious. Qi Tai is worth studying."

Zhao Xi said: "Maybe, these glows are just communicating with the eccentric plane, the other party thinks that we are observing the "past" from the "future", in fact, we are only observing the eccentric plane. They thought their future was fixed, but in fact still It can change, we all misunderstood it."

Zhanfei nodded slightly.

He was very interested in these glows.

If you only observe through the glow, you can have a strong influence on some things, then this glow is undoubtedly close to the core essence of many forces. It is equivalent to mortal researching the "Great Unification Theory", which is extremely significant.

But it is a pity... these glows do not seem to exist at all. They cannot be touched, collected, or stored without using the power of time. And using the power of time, these glows will change.

"Go ahead."

The two entered deep into the valley plain.

All kinds of ruins, all kinds of mixed gravel and mud, some space cracks, more and more of those colorful colorful glows, and even suspended bubbles like glows.

The courage of the two became bigger and bigger, and they did not attract the power of time. They reached out and touched the glowing rays, but did not cause any abnormal changes. Reaching the bubbles again did not cause any change.

There is no "any" change.

People walk straight to the past, if the glow and bubbles do not exist, as ghosts and humans pass through each other, as if light passes through transparent glass and water, the two have little interaction.

"It's amazing..."

"Fortunately, these rays and bubbles have no effect on us, otherwise. The rays and bubbles here are so dense that if you want to pass by, it will be troublesome. It is almost impossible to avoid all the rays and bubbles."

The two said, suddenly standing still.

A few people in front walked towards this side, and when they saw Zhan Fei and Zhao Xi, both sides were silent.

Then they staggered each other in a very tacit understanding, no contact, no dialogue, no communication.

In this environment, no one can easily believe a stranger. Because here you may find big benefits and big benefits at any time.

Therefore, cooperation is unlikely.

However, if you really want to fight here, excluding other competitors is unlikely.

As long as one of the parties is defeated and wants to escape, the others will be chased, which is almost impossible.

How to chase? Chasing out of this area together? Waste time outside? So that the third party can take advantage of the fisherman?

Or turn around after chasing out? The hunted person can also turn around and come back.

Again, want to kill a strong enemy here? Unless the opponent has never tempted these glows and colorful bubbles, once tempted, you can use the power of time in the battle to affect the opponent. If the power of time is too strong, the area of ​​coverage is too wide, and you and your enemies are covered, then the consequences will be unimaginable. Both parties may be together.

Therefore, before investigating the situation here, there is no need for in-depth communication with strangers.

So, Zhan Fei and Zhao Xi went on.

This central area is roughly circled.

It can be easily found that there has been a strong energy outbreak here, and there have been a large number of strong wars. It is unclear whether there was a war when the Tomb of the Ten Thousand Tombs were in operation, or whether the strong men came to explore and fight again after the Great Tomb of the Tomb ceased functioning.

This is temporarily unclear. From the glow, the information I read is quite limited. Most Xiaguang mapping events are the same, too much content is repeated.

Here, the sky has the effect of a forbidden air, it can't fly too high, and there are no space cracks. Dimensional cracks and the No parallel space was found.

There is no need for excavation in the earth. There is a lot of energy in the underground veins, which is consistent with the external veins, but the energy is more intense. Strangely, the veins are staggered, and there is no convergence into Chicheng Lake.

"I didn't find it?"

Zhanfei was surprised.

Here, even if you find something good or find something, it is possible. Only "there is no real useful discovery" is unexpected in advance.

"Strange, why is this happening? Look again."

Thinking, his eyes lit up, not far in front of Bai Su and Su Yun and Cang Song and Geng Chen, these two teams of people seemed to converge here after a big circle.

Seeing Zhanfei, they reached out to say hello.

"How are you doing? Did you find anything?" Zhao Xi, the woman in red, walked over with Zhan Fei and asked the four first.

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