Seize Genes

Chapter 598: Sinister Hina

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"It's too much..."

With a flick of Zhan Fei's right hand, a burst of black gas filled, and the rumbling noise quickly disappeared.

But at this moment, there was a translucent figure beside it, with a red light shining, as if burning a blazing flame, quickly chasing towards Zhanfei.

Zhanfei moved slightly in his heart, while maintaining a high-speed run, while slightly twisting his figure, his left palm slowly extended, black and red energy condensed in the palm.

"Respected strong man, and move slowly." A somewhat familiar voice came.

"Huh?" Zhan Fei surprised.

This is, Goddess Hina... No, it is the voice of Hina pseudo-god.

Turning his head, he saw that the hazy figure showed Hina's smiling face, very vague. Zhan Fei recognized that this was a group of energy bodies, and the ice power was circulating on his body, but it was a false image of the flame.

"It turns out to be you, what do you want to do?" Zhan Fei asked Shen Sheng.

"Respected strong man, I am the incarnation of the goddess Hina. My body accidentally fell into this abyss. Seeing that it is about to die, are you kind enough not to give help? If you can save me from this abyss In addition, I am willing to give you a satisfactory reward, whether it is a place in my kingdom, or I want to be a god. I would rather give you some of my gods and deities to repay you. Great grace," the woman's voice said.

Zhan Fei was dumb, maintained a galloping posture, and hesitated for several seconds before he could not help asking: "Why did you choose me? Why do you think I can save you? Why do you think I can save you?"

The woman said: "You have a breath that is completely different from this abyss. All the souls in the abyss are stained by the Stygian River, and the qi is emitted from the depths of the soul, the depths of the demon, and outward. But I can see that In your body, qi is just something contaminated from outside, and there is no way to penetrate into your body.

"This shows that you must be a strong man not inferior to the abyss monarch. Moreover, you must also be a kind generation, in order to maintain your nature in this abyss and not be attacked by the dark spirit here."

Zhan Fei's eyes flickered and said, "My strength is not as good as the Abyssal Lord, you are wrong. In addition, I am indeed a kind generation. But, as far as I know, the snow goddess Hina is neutral and inclined to evil. Camp? The evaluation in the world is not very good..."

This is not a false statement, but a memory fragment that Zhanfei finally seized. Multiple memory fragments of multiple creatures are all similar evaluations, so they will not be considered wrong.

The woman said: "As long as I can escape from the abyss, I would rather change my camp."

Zhan Fei shook his head: "It's useless even if you change your camp into goodness, I'm not sure to save you."

"You are too polite. A strong man like you, who appears in the abyss, should be an adventurer? There have been several teams of adventurers who are not as powerful as you. They all rescued the gods from the abyss, and you can certainly do it. "" The woman touted.

Zhan Fei sneered.

But the mind turned, and the incarnation of the goddess Hina kept following him, and it was not a way.

If you don't save, this guy suddenly attracts the attention of other demons, and Zhanfei's identity is a big trouble. However, there is no way to save.

After pondering for a while, Zhan Fei asked: "Can your spirit, your main consciousness, be transferred to this incarnation?"

Xina nodded: "Yes... and as long as one soul is not completely destroyed, the other souls can still be recovered even if they are destroyed. They can also leave their will on the bloodline descendants, and have the opportunity to resurrect after death. As long as the divinity is not completely wiped out, it can continue to recover."

Zhanfei was surprised.

This ability is very convenient.

The so-called divinity of this world is so easy to use. The half-holy in the outer universe, the core of consciousness is wiped out, and it is completely over, and there is no way to revive it. Unless promoted to the realm of the Hundred Saints, it can be said to be immortal and close to the world.

He thought for a while and said, "Then you can transfer all your souls and souls, I can't save your body, but you can save you by transferring your core of consciousness here."

"But..." the woman hesitated.

"Why don't you want to get onto the body?" Zhan Fei asked.

"That's not true. Although the divine power is in the body, if you really reach despair, it's okay to abandon these. However, the priesthood deity in me can't be reluctant."

"Huh, divinity and life are important?"

"That's not..." The woman said with a bitter smile: "I succeeded in sealing the gods, and the consciousness and the spirit of the gods have been fully integrated with the priesthood. The degree of suffering is no different from that of a mortal being delayed a thousand times, a trace of extraction, such as the soul being cut and stripped. If only part of the priesthood is renounced, I can barely bear it. But to renounce all the priesthood, I must bear the backlash of the beliefs of all living beings and endure When there is severe pain, most of the divinity must be cut off, for fear that it cannot be done."

Zhanfeidao: "Wouldn't it be enough not to let go of the priesthood and divinity?"

"It will be stared by the abyssal monarch, regardless of divine personality, priesthood, or divinity, it will be found. I can only cover it with a powerful divine explosion, sneaking away and letting a little divinity escape with the spirit of my soul. However, the escape process In the middle, it will definitely lead to the separation of the divine personality from the divine personality and will be discovered." The woman said.

Zhanfei speechless.

Is this the drawback of the power of faith?

In other words, the use of the power of faith in this world is far superior to the outer universe. It's just that the power of faith seems to be able to have a role in half saints. For the saints of Hunyuan, it is basically a chicken threat, unless it is the special belief of the clay figurines of Zhanfei.

Moreover, it must be above the realm of the Hunyuan saints in order not to fear the power of faith. According to mythology, sages can transcend causality and are not affected by the cause and effect of the mortal world. Zhan Fei also speculated that the Hengyuan saint had no power to renounce, nor was he afraid of being touched by any power, even if it was the divine power of the true God of God. Unless it is a divine power that traces the cause and effect ability particularly, and at the same time it is fully integrated with its core of consciousness to the extreme.

Something like "divine personality", "priesthood" and "divine nature" in this world is somewhat similar to the external artifacts? Or similar to a pseudo artifact. Luo Wan’s core of consciousness is pinned to the sachet of artifacts, and the core of the consciousness of Al French master is pinned in the urn of the gods, and can possess the immortal ability close to the saint of the Hunyuan. The powerhouse of this world is replaced by the so-called "divine nature", which acts like an external artifact.

It's just that the "divine nature" here is too bad compared to the artifacts of the external gods.

At this point, Zhan Fei's footsteps had stopped and he pondered for a moment, saying: "Do you want me to help you break away from the connection between the priesthood and the spirit? This is beyond my ability."

"No, I hope you take my avatar to quickly find a space access to the main material plane, or... can you completely cover my avatar with the power of the abyss from being noticed?" the woman asked.

Zhanfei stunned, suddenly.

It turned out that she had such an idea.

This woman, seeing that the power in Zhan Fei's body is different from the outside world, so she wanted to flicker from Zhan Fei's disguise. If she can use the power of the abyss to cover the periphery of her body and pretend to hide from the abyss monarch, then she has a chance to escape-just consume the vast majority of her own, and what kind of priesthood and personality can be broken or broken. After consuming most of it and making his breath extremely weak, and then using the abyss breath to cover up the camouflage, it is possible to sneak away and escape successfully in the melee, hiding from the sky.

"I'm sorry, your divine power is too conspicuous. In the abyss, it's like a burning torch in the dark night. Unless the torch is extinguished, how can you hide the devil from the abyss?" Zhan Fei shook his head: "My power The law will not work."

The woman said: "If it is not a huge torch, but a humble candlelight, it is weak enough not to be extinguished, and it can be blinded by a black lampshade?"

"Unfortunately, you are a torch, not a candlelight. It is difficult to conceal your incarnation, only 50% sure, if you use my method to cover the body and escape, then there is no possibility of success." Zhanfei directly pointed to this The woman's mind.

At this moment, a roar in the void, a huge two-winged demon descended from the sky, ha ha laughed: "Uncle Ben smelled the breath of divinity..."

With a bang, it fell suddenly, and a huge deep hole was blown out of the ground.

Suddenly, a gleam of light emerged, and Zhanfei's figure flew past, and the demon was pierced into the head with a sword.

Surprisingly, the demon consciousness was extinguished, and it fell to the ground without any scars.

The woman looked at Zhan Fei in surprise: "You, you are also a god? I don't know which His Majesty is here?"

Zhan Fei used his divine power to fluctuate, so he killed the demon's consciousness instantly. However, the divine power is "the power of the **** of the universe", which is the weak fluctuation of the power of the **** of the universe, but it is much stronger than the so-called "magic power" of this world. The "divine power" of this world can at most be called "pseudo-divine power", or "half-holy power".

The woman felt the difference in power levels and stared at it in disbelief.

Zhanfeidao: "Don't follow me again, this demon corpse is for you."

With that, Zhan Fei's figure was dim.

It turned out that after the instant killing of the demon, his body had been invisible and quietly left, and only one incarnation of light was here, even the incarnation of Hina had been deceived.

Hina's incarnation stomped on her feet, angry.

Suddenly the eyeball turned and stared at the demon corpse, muttering: "If my soul is transferred into this demon body..."

The gods in this world all have strong cleanliness, and some do not even repent, even if they almost die, they will not give up the so-called dignity of the gods-the reason is very simple, too much flattering by believers, The power of faith contains all kinds of touted words, transformed into pseudo-divine power, and integrated into the deity's soul, they have long been accustomed to being "great", all kinds of arrogant prejudices, and will not be destroyed until death. Some deities would rather die and never change their style.

Hina is obviously not such a deity. Although she hates the abyss breath, she pays more attention to her life.

"If my incarnation seizes this demon body, and then make more demon circles here, my body consumes most of the power, teleports it, and hides it in this demon body...maybe it really can hide the demon monarchs ...

"The key is that this demon killed too easily. Only the core of consciousness is destroyed, and the Maru Maru Palace is not broken. How can this killing method be done? Coupled with this demon’s powerful strength, it should be able to suppress my divine fluctuations. As long as you do not use spiritual power, the divine breath contained in the spiritual power will not be discovered, and you should be able to escape successfully..."

Zhanfei's incarnation is far away, and he changes his image while escaping. The clay figurines and red crystals inside gradually transformed into the human image of the "substance plane" of this sub-universe, but the outer crystal shells and metal armor remained almost unchanged.

Traveling thousands of miles along the way, there is no abnormality outside, but no one knows that his interior has been completely changed. When he reaches the outside world, human beings pretending to be the "main material plane" of this world have absolutely no pressure.

"Let’s pretend to be a warlock in the future. However, now also change the appearance and the strength of her body, so that after that Hina escapes from birth, she will leak my information and be used to find the roots and find Out of my source, accidental."

In fact, Zhanfei didn't want to help Naina. However, the lady-in-law was very insidious and always followed Zhanfei at a speed no slower or faster than that of Zhanfei. If she moves hard, the pseudo-divine power fluctuations on her body will surely attract the attention of other demon lords, and it will be difficult for Lianzhanfei to escape.

"Abominable guy, on the surface, it is for help, but there is a hidden She should have owed me a favor before, and I must swear it in return. But alas... this world The gods, ordinary vows don’t work, the real useful vows are the Stygian vows, but the Stygian here may contain the will of the **** of the Stygian ancestors, how can I let that Hina swear to Styx? This is not intentional Exposed?"

Zhanfei's body is not afraid to fight against the Sage Ancestral King. If the body breaks into this sub-universe, it will not be a problem to sweep the entire world, and it will not be a problem to crush all the devil lords and all gods. However, the movements are too great, the Sage Ancestor will find out. And the first moment that any door teleported in, the Blue Star Demigod must have noticed from a high-dimensional perspective, and other Yushen hidden in the universe, such as the Hunyuan saint, must also be aware, such as Shi Jingru, such as God of War Lott, etc. Wait, all of these guys come to take advantage, then Zhanfei will not have much benefit to take.

"You must cross the sea and take a big advantage in this world first, and then force the ancestor of Styx to make him have to pinch his nose to share the benefits of this world with me before he can develop safely in this world. This is the best way. Now It must never be exposed or hard.

"More importantly... The "cross-dimensional extinction cannon" (zero-point dissociation cannon) in the outer universe has not been obtained yet. If there are other Hengyuan saints with such a big killer, I can't face each other at all. anti."

The mind flashes and accelerates, and the original image of the metal golem is gradually twisted into a huge "construct" of another form, not like an armor but like an ore giant. Driving.

Not far ahead, I gradually saw the trail of the giant city.

at the same time……

Outside, the universe is empty.

Another incarnation of Zhan Fei stared at the chaos in front of him, with a sigh of emotion: "The end of the universe is finally approaching..." (To be continued.)

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