Shocked, I quickly took off my pajamas to check my body. I couldn't see my back, and there were no extra teeth marks where I could see.

I jumped out of bed, naked, and turned my back to the mirror on the dresser to look at my back.

I'd never seen my back before, with my back to the mirror. There were no teeth marks on my back, but there were bright red birthmarks.

I quickly reached back and touched the birthmark. The birthmark didn't bulge at all, and the skin was as smooth as the rest of my body.

I took my mother's birthmark. I was sure that the birthmark on my back was indeed a birthmark, but I couldn't find any information about the birthmark that matched the one on my back.

I carefully looked at my back. The birthmark on my back didn't look ugly at all, instead, it had a strange beauty. It seemed to be an unformed pattern.

I shook my head at the allure of the birthmark and dressed to exercise on the balcony.

When Aunt Tao woke up, I told him about the nightmare I had last night. I told him that the girl I dreamt of two nights in a row was the same baby girl.

I extended my wrist to let Aunt Tao see the rows of deep teeth marks on my wrist, but I realized that the teeth marks had already disappeared without me knowing when.

While I was still in a daze, the Aunt Tao patted my shoulder and said that I had been too tired these few days.

When I woke up, there was a row of deep teeth marks on my wrist.

Aunt Tao's face turned serious as she looked at my wrist. She then asked me if I had met with any strange people or things in the past few days.

The last few days are the days of Aunt Tao.

Aunt Tao frowned and looked at me, saying that I seemed to have encountered a lot of things recently, and let me explain to you all the special people and things that I've met recently.

Aunt Tao's words made my heart clench, I immediately denied it.

I said that it wasn't that I had a lot of things going on recently, but rather that I hadn't encountered any special people or things recently.

I asked her if it was a few days. I wanted her to give me a deadline so I could go over what had happened during that period of time.

Aunt Tao nodded, and then opened her mouth again to let me go through the events that happened in the last five days.

After hearing Aunt Tao give a deadline, I calmed my emotions and quickly went through the events that happened in the last five days in my mind.

To me, what happened in the past five days was rather special. I had seen ferryman meeting Zuo Mu and Yu Kexin before.

The ferryman and Zuo Mu had already left. Gui Yan hid inside the Linlang Bowl and Yu Kexin deceived me to eat the baby's flesh.

Among the four matters, I absolutely cannot mention the matter of ferryman, Zuo Mu and Gui Yan to the Aunt Tao.

If I tell Aunt Tao about Yu Kexin, Yu Kexin might be punished, and Aunt Tao might ask him to return to Malaysia immediately.

I glanced at my wrist, which was no longer abnormal, and told Aunt Tao that in the past five days, I have not met any special people or things.

Aunt Tao was silent for a moment, before she said that she would sleep with me tonight.

I nodded and went to wash up.

As I washed up, I wondered if my nightmares had something to do with baby meat. After all, the dream girl's body had been dissected into pieces and scattered on the floor.

As for the pieces of meat, they looked as if they had been sliced with a sharp knife.

With this question in mind, I waited until after breakfast before I mentioned baby meat to Aunt Tao. I asked him what kind of adverse reactions she would have after eating baby meat.

Aunt Tao said that baby meat was meat too. Under normal circumstances, a person eating baby meat would not have any adverse reactions.

There was a spell in the black sorcery that could be cast using the flesh of infants. That spell was too cruel, and the moment it appeared, it immediately angered the people in the sect, and the spell disappeared the moment it appeared.

Aunt Tao's explanation made me frown. I got her to tell me more about the witchcraft that she mentioned.

The Aunt Tao told me that in that magic, there was a need to use baby's four pairs of arms and forty-four portions of brain tissue.

Once that spell was successfully cast, people would be in endless fear until their lives were taken.

At this point, the Aunt Tao said that she only knew this much about the spell and asked me why I was asking about the baby's meat.

I hesitantly told Aunt Tao that Yu Kexin had deceived me to eat a piece of baby meat.

I have already forgiven Yu Kexin from the bottom of my heart, but I do not want to fall into the black sorcery.

Aunt Tao's face darkened as she asked when I ate the baby's meat. I told him that it was two days ago.

The Aunt Tao immediately called out to the Aunt Zhao who was busy in the kitchen to mention the spell she had cast using the baby's flesh. She asked her how long it would take to cast it successfully and how long it would take for it to show its effects.

Aunt Zhao told Aunt Tao that among the spells, the most important one was the secret seasoning.

The secret seasoning, combined with the baby's arm and brain juice, became a dish that could be served on a dining table.

After eating that meal, a person would be immediately infected. In less than six hours, they would sink into endless fear.

Unless the black sorcery was broken, one would not be able to get rid of the fear until the moment of death.

I was surprised that the Aunt Tao still needed to ask for an answer. After hearing what the Aunt Zhao had to say, I felt a little more relieved.

When Aunt Zhao opened her mouth again, she meant that all sorts of black sorcery s appeared one after another. All kinds of black sorcery were being replaced very quickly.

If that spell had been passed down, it would have improved a lot.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I looked at Aunt Zhao and asked her if she had inherited that spell.

Aunt Zhao said she didn't think so. She glanced at Aunt Tao and then glanced at me, and asked what happened.

I looked at Aunt Tao who was frowning, and did not say anything.

If I were to bring up the matter of me eating baby meat again, it would be equivalent to announcing to Aunt Tao and Aunt Zhao that I am completely suspicious of Yu Kexin for allowing me to fall for the black sorcery.

Aunt Tao immediately asked Aunt Zhao to help me see if I was hit by the black sorcery.

Aunt Zhao immediately walked in front of me, bent down to examine my eyes, and then pressed down on the top of my head.

Following that, Aunt Zhao told Aunt Tao that in her opinion, I have never been in the black sorcery before.

Aunt Tao's scrunched forehead relaxed, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

Aunt Zhao did not question further, she turned around and went back to the kitchen to busy herself.

Relieved, I quietly asked Aunt Tao, how did she know about black sorcery.

Aunt Tao told me in a low voice that she used to be an expert in black sorcery.

To become a Sect Leader, one had to have exceptional skills, but the ability to specialize in the arts and arts was limited, and the Sect Leader had his own weaknesses.

The Sect Leader was not omnipotent, nor was he omnipotent. To the Sect Leader, what was more important was that he was adept at controlling the entire situation, more capable than making his own abilities stronger.

I told Aunt Tao that listening to her words is better than reading for ten years. Aunt Tao laughed and said that I was a lackey.

Taking advantage of Aunt Tao's good mood, I asked him if I could learn black sorcery from him.

Aunt Tao said she could, that her time at home was limited, and now that she has taught me Pure Lady Sect, it's basically a filling in duck education.

After she returns to Malaysia, it won't be too late for me to learn black sorcery from the Aunt Zhao.

I immediately nodded my head. After that, Aunt Tao began to continue to teach me Pure Lady Sect.

Aunt Tao slept with me at night. After I washed up, I didn't cultivate my inner pill and just lay on the bed to rest.

I was used to sleeping late. I couldn't sleep early.

Seeing that the Aunt Tao didn't immediately fall asleep, I lied on the bed and didn't say a word to him. Then, I mentioned the birthmark on my back.

Aunt Tao closed her eyes and said that she already knew that I had a birthmark on my back.

She had asked the doctor about it, and the doctor had said that my birthmark was fine.

I was very at ease with Aunt Tao staying with me, and not long after I chatted with him, I fell asleep as well.

I slept through the night without a dream until the alarm went off.

When I opened my eyes and saw that Aunt Tao was still awake, I immediately turned off the alarm.

The forehead of the slumbering Aunt Tao slightly creased, the white hair of her ashen face especially striking on the heavy colored pillow towel.

I sighed in my heart as I lightly stepped on the bed and went to exercise on the balcony. I wanted to become stronger as soon as possible so that I could look like the hope of the Aunt Tao.

It wasn't long before I heard the sound of breaking glass in the room.

I was worried that something was wrong with the Aunt Tao so I ran back to my room.

Pushing open the door, I saw that the glass cup Aunt Tao had placed on the stool beside the bed last night had shattered and Aunt Tao was already standing on the floor barefooted.

Unknowingly, Gui Yan had already come out of the Linlang Bowl s and was facing off against the Aunt Tao.

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