Chapter 550

Of course, the students are extremely looking forward to it, and at the same time they are also very respectful.

Especially for goddesses like Zhang Xi, although they can be touched, they can’t have any other ideas.

After all, you may not be able to compare with others in terms of literary talent, nor may you be able to communicate with others.

Besides, Zhang Xi is not a poor man.

It is said that people’s ancestors were scholars from the beginning, and it may be traced back to Zhang Tingyu’s line in the Qing Dynasty.

Although the ancestors said they were loyal to the Qing court, they had never done anything to cheat their colleagues and bully the common people.

And in that era of staking, the major officials exchanged information with each other, even though it was explicitly stipulated that this could not be the case.

However, it is inevitable that benefits must be conveyed. In that era when the means of supervision mainly relied on reporting.

If anyone has mastered the whistleblower’s mouthpiece, then it’s not just what they want!

However, even in such an environment, Zhang Tingyu can still maintain his ideals to the utmost extent. Should he not do disgusting things, or not do it.

The self-cultivation Qi family can be said to be the level of a saint.

Had it not been for the emergence of Zeng Guofan in the late Qing Dynasty, I am afraid that throughout the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it would be difficult to surpass this person in terms of courtiers.

Zhang Xi’s family is also very powerful, engaged in the education industry.

And in the research and development of stationery, it is also in the forefront.

Many early education websites, educational textbooks, extracurricular textbooks, teaching tools, and learning tools are the first batch of learning apps developed in the new era.

Wait and so on, similar research and development are simply too numerous to mention. It is said that Zhang Xi herself and her family are also among them.

There have been times when I wanted her to go back and take up a position on the board of directors.

In fact, the purpose is to prevent her from appearing too abrupt when she takes over the company in the future, so that many members of the board of directors are not familiar with it.

But Zhang Xi refused.

No one knows what her thoughts are. Could it be that this is even contemptuously called the profession of teaching a bookmaker in society.

It’s even better than inheriting a large company, from then on, to manage the company, become the company’s boss, and build your own business empire. Is this still valuable and more attractive?

These things, Zhang Xi’s colleagues, her friends, and many people who are hers, all have different ideas.

But there is no doubt that they all find this matter incredible, and most of them find it difficult to understand!

So Zhang Xi is in the school.

Although the students all think that this is a great teacher, they also think that this is a goddess with great accomplishments in Chinese and Chinese studies.

But I don’t know much about his family background.

I don’t know the economic situation of others.

But most of the teachers know it. After all, the communication between teachers and each other is still very convenient in this age.

(No promise)  Online meetings, online communication, these are all commonplace.

Who is more capable, and whose economic capacity is relatively poor, this cannot be concealed in any way.

Therefore, many people are very curious about Teacher Zhang Xi, and at the same time, there are countless illusions, as long as the teacher can be taken down.

So don’t talk about the future, isn’t Teacher Zhang Xi the future?

What’s the future? .

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