Chapter 737

In the era when women were in school, it should be said that countless people and countless things required serious consideration.

For example, how to lay a good relationship and how to compromise. It should be said that learning to be a human being is sometimes more effective than learning knowledge.

Even if order is fair in many cases, you need to find evidence first.

In that era when you were bullied and you couldn’t find evidence in your report.

In the era when you just bought a train ticket and disappeared into the crowd.

There are a lot of people who are somewhat powerful. It should be said that they are acting like a tiger, bullying others, bullying disadvantaged groups, and so on.

It should be said that such things are not uncommon.

Now it is really not difficult to imagine that progress in all aspects and the advent of the media age have made many ugly phenomena public!

It enables countless people to pay attention to these things through social platforms.

It should be said that there are many ugly guys who want to hide themselves through fluke.

Such despicable intentions have been impossible to achieve.

Therefore, the current era is destined to be a fairly transparent era. When you do something good, you will be screened out like a big wave.

It is really easy to get praise from the whole society, but if you do some bad things, you will be completely overwhelmed.

This situation is really unusual.

The woman was pointed at by many cameras!

It looked like a real tiger, but I didn’t expect it to be just a paper tiger.

When it frightened people, it was more powerful than anyone else. After being counterattacked, he became a grandson.

“Why are your students so poor in their psychological quality? Auntie, I’m just joking with you, this is serious!”

Her attitude appeared almost, a big turn of 180 degrees!

“Xiaoxue, I still have something to do, so quickly go and apologize to me and the teacher, and make it clear that I can return to the company.”

“Don’t waste everyone’s time, especially mine!”

Murong Xue didn’t have any fear just now, nor did she give this woman, even if she saves the slightest amount of face, would she give it now?

Therefore, looking at it now, it really has some points, this cold look, it seems that it is really necessary, casually, it will give him a wave of suppression.

“Sorry, Auntie, I’m not interested in this.”

“I also advise you to manage yourself effectively.”

· ····Seeking flowers·· ·

“Just do my own thing, I have my own life, it’s not that I stay with you for a few days, it becomes your personal property, you are not qualified to control my freedom!”

Murongxue is really a bit sturdy right now.

Ba Ba Ba…

All kinds of applause came suddenly from around.

It can be seen that these college students who have gone through many times of cultural and material abundance, but still insist on faith and cultivate morality.

.. ……… …

Now they all have very good moral character and independent personality.

Therefore, for those young people who dare to speak their own words, even if they are not alumni of the same school, they will be very supportive.

“You girl dare to talk back to me?”

“Don’t give me the embarrassment of continuing here, let me go!”

The woman seemed to know at this time that it was impossible to let this girl follow her to do things just by speaking.

However, since their young age, women insisted on not being gentle, but directly approaching them in a grumpy way.

And also got a lot of success.

This is what she needs to do! So.

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