Chapter 791

Zhang Fan now looks like there is really a bit of tiredness in these eyes.

You know, talk to people continuously for more than ten hours.

Try to understand the needs and needs of others as much as possible.

This is really super tiring!

And Zhang Fan is not a perfunctory person, which means that unless this guy, he didn’t come for an interview.

Otherwise, whether it is a university graduate, a doctoral degree or a master’s degree. In other words, it doesn’t matter if you are just a secondary school or college student, even if you are a high school student.

In Zhang Fan’s eyes, the gap between rich and poor, background gap, talent gap, etc., is equivalent to no gap.

After all, these are just bonus items, and they are a kind of talent with more advantages on the social field.

But it cannot be regarded as necessary.

If people can’t see clearly, it leads to the phenomenon of tiger breeding.

So even if this person has international-level artistic attainments, what’s the use?

When the person you like most and admire and look up to is no longer in the same camp as you.

Then all the advantages of this person will become the most ruthless fangs and weapons when attacking you.

The cruelty of this incident is that many people do not want this to happen from an emotional point of view.

It is as if the peasants do not want disasters from the sky, the craftsmen do not want the raw materials to disappear, and the merchants do not want to be hindered too much.

Everything, is it the real existence, but it seems invisible, that is called the concept of law!

Zhang Fan is not so fantasizing. Being a person and doing things is just a person who has more help than others.

If you understand, then everything is okay. If you don’t understand, it is really necessary. Take more time.

Work harder, and maybe you will be able to gain a lot in the end, if you haven’t mastered it for a long time, you will even refuse to understand.

So as a personal choice, no one can blame it.

It’s just that when the loss occurs, is your choice correct?

That can show it.

“Well, you little guys, it seems that your work and business abilities are all high-quality people. I admire you very much.”

Zhang Fan now expresses his concern and expectation for these young people who came to interview and performed very well.

And it can be seen that he communicates with others with admiration and equality in his eyes and attitude.

This obviously has won the attention of many people, and it will also make countless people want to find a stable place to develop well.

Then it’s best to do it as a career. Countless people are like this. They look forward to and hope to find such a place.

It’s just that in this world, among the countless entrepreneurs, those with entrepreneurial spirit are so few that it is really unimaginable.

In today’s era, capital is rampant, and people who chant slogans are more like people who don’t know a few geometric figures than people who do serious things.

If workers want to get a place that is long-term, fair, promising, and rich in welfare, it’s almost like a dream.

But the times and social environment are like this. Maybe they are waiting, maybe there will be in the future, or maybe there will never be.

When something like this happened, Zhang Fan felt that he should do something.

That is necessary. Since no one wants to do this anyway, he will do it.

And this shouldn’t be, it’s just an empty idea, with specific goals! .

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