Chapter 802

Zhang Fan’s company is listed for business, but the company’s business is a big problem.

These top students under him, or former elites from other companies, of course have extremely high business capabilities.

But they also need specific work to give full play to their talents.

At the beginning of the company’s establishment, Zhang Fan had a full estimate of the market and the short period of possible loss of money.

So in addition to taking out his own several million, all the small treasury-he also loaned a batch of money.

These are all preparations for persevering, and at the beginning it was just entering the warm-up period.

In addition to formulating the business development of VR reality simulation, several people are required to form a research and development team, he himself is the person in charge, except for the general person in charge.

Everyone else will start with the most basic stationery, stationery, cultural and entertainment tools, etc. These places have formed a fixed purchasing power and are competing for the market.

In fact, if you are just a buyer, you may never feel what the business environment is.

But when you are really engaged in it, you will know that there are actually fewer real practitioners in all walks of life than imagined.

These situations make people feel helpless, and also feel like a pie, in fact, many powerful businesses.

Everyone has completed their occupation of certain areas.

It’s not that people are engaged in any illegal activities.

It’s that people in this business have a good reputation, high quality, fast shipping, and good reputation. In this case, the partner will not consider others at all.

Zhang Fan came here for the first time, so he would naturally suffer, but he was still very early and passed the nearby visits, investigations and so on.

Attracted the first batch of users, these offline stores, it should be said that they are all very mature.

And they all hope that they can quickly get some benefits and improvements here.

After all, many businesses also need to face competition from their peers.

If there is no fresh blood injection, their advantages will continue to shrink, whether they can continue to grow in the future, this is no small question.

Zhang Fan now looks like he wants to play the role of fresh blood, and he will naturally be welcomed by countless merchants.

Looking at the first batch of orders, this is how it was completed.

· ····Seeking flowers·· ·

The factories were established in the suburbs of the city. At a time when the traffic was not convenient, many factories tried to be in the urban area.

This will avoid a lot of unnecessary waste and is also safe.

The traffic line was extensively upgraded, and after the promotion, the unnecessary worries disappeared

So many factories, even though they are built in the suburbs, basically don’t have the slightest worry.

… ……… …

Nowadays, many small orders and small products have started to operate, and the production department has become the first department that has officially started and is busy.

Regarding business, the people in the business department respect Zhang Fan as the eldest brother.

After all, the basic business and direction still need him to check. This is not something that the small salesmen can decide.

Zhang Fan actively expands the type and breadth of this business.

Such exhaustion lasted for almost three months.

In the past, Zhang Fan was almost a celebrity in the school circle.

But the result has now suddenly disappeared. Many people have written to elite high schools, called the principal, and emailed publicly or privately to inquire about Zhang Fan’s current situation. So.

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