Chapter 850

Zhang Fan’s amazing learning ability has made a lot of exquisite knowledge quickly and digested by him.

However, many problems have arisen from this.

“Haha, now I feel that there are obvious loopholes in many sectors.”

“Then you think this may be self-contradictory and unexplainable, right?”

Xia Meng tilted Erlang’s legs, holding a cup of milk tea, and said lightly.

Zhang Fan gradually recovered from the state of thinking.


“Looking at you, do you seem to know something?”

Zhang Fan sneered slightly.

What bad thoughts can a girl have?

In fact, Zhang Fan really has some reservations on this point.

He never felt that everyone is a good person, at least it is necessary, through personal contact.

Through long-term observation, you may be able to see who is a good person, who is a good person with shortcomings, and who is a pretender.

And this is destined to be a long process!

Some people can do it for one or two days, and some individuals can do it for one or two years. It is not surprising that it can be ten or eight years.

Wei Zhongxian, the eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, can be said to have been a fool and idiot by his colleagues for most of his life.

But once the power is in control, the nature of the report will undoubtedly be missed.

If he died at that time, who would know the authenticity of his life?

Zhang Fan wondered, this girl seemed to have a lot of needs.

This is actually quite happy for Zhang Fan, because he now knows it very well.

In many cases, these individual needs are the best solution and the basis for cooperation.

Because as long as you can meet these needs, the other party is very happy.

Then the risk factor between each other will drop rapidly, or even there is no risk at all.

Just be afraid of those people who have hidden themselves and their true purpose. That would be a bit scary!

At this time, Zhang Fan still had to talk to this girl about her purpose.

“I said that there are research results that belong to me, and for these contents, it should be said that you will not be able to study them at least in the next two years.”

Xia Meng said lightly.

Zhang Fan said: “Then what are your goals and requirements?”

Xia Meng clapped her hands, nodding gently with this special heartbeat.

Even the depths of these eyes seemed to be a little bit, this special taste of appreciation.

“Very good. At first glance, you are a person who knows how to do things. Talking to people like you makes me really relieved to do things.”

After she pondered it, she said: “~ My requirements are very high, but the benefits and value that can be brought to you are also great.”

“So this matter, I think you should seriously and carefully consider it.”

“Because as long as you can be satisfied, it is absolutely not at a loss for you.”

Now that I saw it, Xia Meng was really special.

Zhang Fan pondered and said, “How much money do you need?”

There is no doubt that among young people, especially in modern society, money may be gradually demonized.

Also (Li Ma Zhao) it means that these precious concepts, such as courtesy, justice, integrity, and shame, all have to give way to money.

Because these concepts, if they fail to become social values, then these concepts will quickly depreciate or even disappear.

According to the laws of economics, only if a certain item is defined as a currency attribute or related, even if it is useless, it can be rushed by people.

It’s like a passbook, maybe just a paper product, but it can store hundreds of millions of capital! .

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