Chapter 863

Originally, the little bosses, even though it was not enough for the time being, what good opportunities should be given to the Qi Seri team and others.

But the world is flexible and has a lot of room to seek.

Maybe now, people really can’t, who can guarantee that in the future?

You must know that twenty years ago, countless companies were still in their infancy, and they didn’t necessarily look good.

But now it seems that everything has changed.

If doing things is just looking at Liulingling, then maybe everything will become nothingness.

It is a pity that Qi Sili and others are the most promising people now.

It seems that there is really a bit, that arrogant look, ordinary people and competitors, people simply look down!

This kind of capability is indeed a certain, wild capital.

However, although the ability is pure, it is nothing, especially commendable.

You know, at many times, opportunities are changing.

You looked like it was not an opportunity before, but maybe it will become an opportunity soon.

A lot of guys who used to look good will become bad in the later stage.

Of course, a lot of guys who didn’t work in the early stage, made efforts in the middle stage, and then firmly occupied the market.

That is also super domineering.

This must be understood.

Speaking of the results of the competition, many people on the scene are now using them all, watching with curious eyes.

The depths of the eyes seemed to have a bit of real heart, this overbearing look.

Competition is a must, and it is impossible to accomplish this before the last minute.

Now I found out that the depths of this gaze are really sharp tastes.

At this moment, many people began to encrypt the electronic information in their hands, compiling the answers, and outputting them.

All answers are kept in a confidential folder.

And this position, no one can invade.

Moreover, even if it is a temporary edited answer, it is not enough.

What’s more, this is a mode of change or destruction. This kind of non-classical mode only requires you to act.

Then it will be noticed.

This will not change at all.

So now it has been discovered.

Most of the electronic information will be collected.

Seeing it now, deep in this gaze, it really has a somewhat, determined taste…

“The results will be announced…”

At this time, the person in charge is serious. For the family, this is as serious as the college entrance examination, and it does not exist at all, even if it is a little stroke.

Everyone is now using it all, with such caution and anticipation, to pay attention to the results.

This person in charge has nothing to pretend to be mysterious, he should say it or say it arrogantly, and then the results will probably be explained clearly afterwards.

The scene fell into it, and it seemed to be a really long silence.

“Haha, we still won. Facts have proved that there is no way for the red neck to play any role where it is really capable.”

Qi Sili finally seemed to prove himself now.

The fact is true, all five questions are correct!

Most of the other people are now one or two, and the highest is three!

This kind of team doesn’t even deserve to give him shoes!

Therefore, it is not difficult to see now that they were very arrogant, but now they are even more rampant.

It can even be said that the feeling of not putting people in the eyes is really a hundred times stronger than before.

Such a situation is really a pity. .

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