Chapter 223: All items are discounted? purchase!

“Damn, these humans are weird. They can see through our seamless disguise!”

Seeing the phoenix and the behemoth behemoth that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, these werewolf NPCs disguised as adults were extremely surprised.

Especially their leader, it really didn’t happen that Lu Xiaoshi was actually indifferent to his request from beginning to end.

You know, this method of pretending to be an ordinary caravan asking for help and then taking the opportunity to kill it has rarely failed.

But today, they seem to have encountered Lu Xiaoshi, an alternative…

On the other hand, the unknowing tauren also faced the disguise of the werewolves and the speed of light.

They were originally deceived by the werewolves to use food as their guards, but from the beginning they were also one of the targets of the werewolves to attack and kill.

These werewolves who have fallen into the dark road seem to want to use this method to collect a large number of creatures of all races as sacrifices.

Taking advantage of the stunned kung fu of these silly tauren people, many werewolves showed a fierce look in an instant.

The pitch-black silk thread suddenly radiated from them.

Just in the midst of the whispers, a lot of dense silk threads directly pulled up and rushed in the direction of the tauren.

The werewolf suddenly broke out, causing the tauren to roar and fight back.

Just a short while later, the commercial fleet, which was still in a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, instantly became extremely chaotic.

The cries of swords and the tauren’s shouts varied.

In the direction where Lu Xiaoshi was, many werewolves rushed over while shouting to help their leader.

As if seeing the sarcasm in Lu Xiaoshi’s eyes, the werewolf leader instantly became extremely angry.

As fierce werewolves, they are irritable.

Especially the previous disguise was seen through by Lu Xiaoshi, which made it extremely annoying.

“The spider web god will punish you, despicable humans! Take it to death!!”

After the cry, the werewolf leader also wanted to attack Lu Xiaoshi in angrily.

Facing the deterrent sharp wolf claws of the werewolf leader, Lu Xiaoshi also looked at its level in wonder.

Seeing that the level displayed on its head was only 39, Lu Xiaoshi was speechless for a while.

Little rookie who is only level 39, why are you crazy?

Just as he was silently complaining in his heart, the phoenix that had just flashed out from behind him howled and let out a bluffing phoenix.

Once, it can be seen that Phoenix’s character can be described as beastly and ruthless.

Just hearing a ruthless word from the werewolf leader, it directly and silently launched a killer move.

When the phoenix shot, the wingspan of the flapping wings looked like a peerless sharp sword.

Wherever the gust of wind went, there were dots of flames falling on the ground, causing scary burn marks.

As the target of his attack, the werewolf leader also felt deep regret at this moment.

Damn it! What hard stubble has it encountered?

With a single blow of the Phoenix, it achieved such a terrifying power!

However, since Phoenix had already taken action, the werewolf leader was over regretting it.

Faced with an attack that threatened its safety, the werewolf leader had to take out a carved pendant like a spider from his arms.This spider carving pendant also depicts the image of a deity with an invisible but terrifying human spider body.

The moment the werewolf leader took it out, the surrounding light became extremely dark and obscure.

A prayer with the meaning of God’s words also appeared slowly.

The sudden change also surprised Xue Linger.

How did this werewolf leader come up with such a carved pendant with the breath of evil spirits!

And the terrifying vision created by the carved pendant made her have no doubt that the object itself has the ability to corrode people’s spirits.

Faced with this insidious attack that directly hits the human spirit and soul, I am afraid that she alone will not be immune.

Had it not been for Persimmon to let the nine-tailed fox impose a special mental shield on her from the beginning, she would have fallen down the moment the statue appeared.

With inner gratitude, Xue Linger looked directly at the behemoth behemoth that was killing all sides.

She has only one thought:

Since I can’t beat you the werewolf leader, can I still beat your subordinates?

She must vent all the insults Persimmon suffered before on those ordinary werewolf NPCs! !

Through the spiritual power link that comes with the pet contract, Xue Linger directly urged the Behemoth Behemoth to speed up the killing.

For a time, all werewolf NPCs ushered in a desperate and gloomy moment in their lives.

The terrifying behemoth beasts galloped and slaughtered in front of them.

As the party who wanted to ambush at the beginning, they had no power to fight back!

Seeing that their lives were about to be threatened, the werewolves also had to cry out a few aggrieved wailing to the leader for help.

What made them desperate was that no matter how they shouted, the leader never looked at them.

The reason for not responding to their request for help is also very simple. Right now the werewolf leader is already unable to protect himself.

In the two choices of his own life and his subordinates’ lives, the werewolf leader directly chose to save himself without hesitation.

Just after it took out the statue with the atmosphere of the evil god from its arms, he directly relied on the shadow to retreat.

Don’t tell me, almost everyone present was attracted by the huge shadow created by the statue.

The werewolf leader also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get away.

Just as it took two steps with joy in its heart, a word full of drama and abuse shattered his dream of escape.

“Hey! This believer who believes in the spider queen, running away does not seem to conform to your belief in the main god?”

The speed of light from Lu Xiaoshi broke through, directly causing the werewolf leader into despair.

You can’t beat it, and you can’t escape.

What else can it do now?

Do you want to catch it with one’s hands? No, it can’t do this! !

The fierce heart made the werewolf leader rule out the option of surrender from the beginning.

Facing the terrifying deterrence of the Phoenix itself, it knew that it would never be able to beat the Phoenix.

The werewolf leader who was in a hurry also prayed to the statue angrily:

“Almighty Spider Queen! Your humble believer is willing to sacrifice his soul in exchange for a curse on the despicable humanity in front of you!”

When it tried its best to utter this prayer, the werewolf leader suddenly whitened his eyes and collapsed to the ground weakly.

At the same time, the statue of the god hanging high in the air also shot a pitch-black and profane black light at Lu Xiaoshi.

At the moment of crisis, Phoenix also rushed in front of Lu Xiaoshi to block the blow.

“Persimmon, does the phoenix matter? That is a curse with the power of the evil god!!”

Before Xue Linger continued to worry about the safety of the Phoenix, the Phoenix turned into a sacred fire and re-Nirvana.

Seeing the phoenix transforming into a group of flames, it seems to be saying:

“Be stupid, Lord will be Nirvana! Watch my rebirth from the ashes!”

“Persimmon, Phoenix actually relied on Nirvana to ask for the influence of the curse!!”

Seeing Phoenix calmly and calmly, Xue Linger’s eyes were full of admiration.

Even though Lu Xiaoshi had told her before that the phoenix would still be able to resurrect from Nirvana, she really did not expect that Nirvana would be used by the Phoenix in this way.

In fact, resurrection will refresh most curse-type debuff effects. This information is basically common knowledge that most players know.

But what surprised Xue Ling’er was that Phoenix, a favorite of the gods, could actually do the same.

And seeing the phoenix nirvana at will show the posture of rebirth from the fire, it seems to him that Nirvana is just like eating and drinking water.

Xue Ling’er couldn’t help being a little envious of this powerful strength.

In contrast, the Behemoth Behemoth under her command is somewhat “ordinary.”

After all, the werewolves beaten by the Behemoth were all poorly-ranked rookies.

Often, Bi Meng went down with a paw, and the enemy was directly shaken to death by the aftermath of the attack.

This kind of huge amount of damage is basically overwhelming.

The crushing advantage of combat power also made the most terrifying ability of the Behemoth behemoth not able to be displayed.

And Phoenix’s gesture of raising all the surrounding flames to exude divine light, it is really exciting!

Feeling the envy of Xue Ling’er, Lu Xiaoshi was also very warm-hearted and actively comforted:

“Our Linger player, your Behemoth is also very strong, right?

It’s just not the stage where it fully demonstrates its strength. ”

With the comfort of Lu Xiaoshi, the top god, Xue Linger also smiled and nodded in agreement.

“Okay, I believe you, Persimmon, but I still think Phoenix’s Nirvana is so handsome!”

“Is it handsome? How do I feel so normal, but if you like it, you can let Phoenix play with you.”

Hearing what the owner Lu Xiaoshi said, Fenghuang also turned his head in horror.

Seeing its awkward and horrified expression on its face, it is clear that it is full of resistance to accompanying Xue Ling’er.

Before Phoenix could say that he wanted to reject the “draft” in its eyes, Xue Linger asked curiously:

“Let the Phoenix accompany me? But there are still many werewolf NPCs that haven’t been wiped out?”

When she asked this question, Lu Xiaoshi pointed her chin to the direction of the sound of horses hoofs coming from a distance.

The billowing smoke and dust blew past, and the army that rushed in showed the true face of some of those who came.

The bloated and fat body, the round head looked extremely fat and big ears.

This turned out to be a group of ogres riding sturdy wild pigs!

An ogre with two heads rushed in the direction of Lu Xiaoshi right now.

With its charge, the earth trembles unconsciously because of their heavy bodies.Many hard rocks have been trampled into rubble by the wild pigs riding on them by the ogres at this moment.

On the path they charge from, there is the previous caravan of werewolves.

At this moment, the werewolves were still fighting with the behemoth behemoth and the furious tauren.

It can be said that as long as the ogres keep on charging, it is definitely not Lu Xiaoshi who is attacked first.

The first ones to bear the brunt are the werewolf NPCs who have been too late to escape!

Just like this, Lu Xiaoshi, who saw the situation clearly, directly waved all the tauren and behemoth beasts with invisibility spells and brought them back.

And all the werewolf NPCs that were still alive lost their opponents by hitting them at this moment.

When they came back to their senses, the ogres riding the war pigs had already screamed and roared.

The ogre who had already fallen into a violent state, could directly drew his sword at the werewolves regardless of the three or seventy-one.

For a time, the protagonists of the entire battlefield have become werewolves and ogres.

However, compared with the ogre who is fighting to the sky, the morale of the werewolves who have lost their leader is extremely low.

Because the previous battle lost too much physical strength, it also made many werewolves too late to dodge even the first round of the ogre attack.

In an unfinished battle state wearing thick armor, rushing to face the ogre’s pig cavalry, the loss of the werewolves is naturally extremely heavy.

In just one round of the first confrontation, more than a dozen werewolves died.

As for Lu Xiaoshi, it was a good time to sit and watch the two different NPC bandits fighting each other.

He was planning to wipe out a few NPC forces at will and go back to Xuanshui Town to trade in exchange for the title award. Naturally, he was not at all anxious about this task.

With the absolute strength advantage, he naturally wanted to take this opportunity to observe whether the dark turmoil of the version update tomorrow had any signs.

Because the dark turmoil would have caused most of the NPCs of the dark races to be corrupted by the evil gods, at this moment, Lu Xiaoshi also made up his mind to gather information while the NPCs were fighting.

However, after he took a closer look, he unexpectedly found an interesting discovery that he hadn’t thought of before.

He unexpectedly found a troll player among the dozen mace infantry behind the ogre cavalry.

Although the “Black Husky” player with the ID of the rich club Black Flag Brotherhood seems to have used some transformation potion to change his body shape, in the eyes of Lu Xiaoshi’s insight, it can be said to be invisible.

Just looking at it casually, Lu Xiaoshi found out the figure of the troll player who was mingling in the ogre team.

And when he saw the real identity of the opposite player and the history of the club, the black husky still wanted to pass the level.

I saw the “black husky” seriously learning that the ogre next to him said a unique battle cry and rushed towards the werewolf.

He thought that his acting was perfect, but he didn’t know that all these clown actions seemed to be flawed in Lu Xiaoshi’s eyes.

Just as Lu Xiaoshi wanted to continue watching, the two-headed ogre with two heads before suddenly shouted.

That loud roar like Hong Zhong, as if with magic power, aroused the gluttony hearts of the ogres.

The inner hunger made all the ogres instantly turn into jealous gluttony.

Even the werewolves facing them were in panic for a while.

Such terrifying eyes really scared them!

When a patch of ogres was neatly filled with earth-red energy, an ogre who hadn’t changed anything seemed out of place.

Seeing that the surrounding ogre NPCs looked at him with suspicion, the troll player who pretended to be in the team was stunned for an instant.

He is a husky who has mixed into wolves. Where can he get the weird energy changes?

Seeing this funny scene, Xue Linger clapped and laughed happily.

Hahaha! This player is really miserable!

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