Chapter 488 Three Slaps

Early in the morning, the dawn is beginning to blossom.


Yang Zhen, who had just had breakfast, slowly walked out of the iron gate of the Chaoyang District Detention Center.

The fifteen days of administrative detention made Yang Zhen, who was originally arrogant and domineering, more depressed on his body. He, who originally looked quite young, had a messy face and looked very sad.

Wuyangyang released the crowd, rushing out of the Chaoyang District Detention Center. Many people smiled and relaxed on their faces, striding towards the door to receive their relatives and friends back home.

Only Yang Zhen’s footsteps are slow, and the emotions in his heart now are extremely complicated, with hatred and anger.

Naturally, it was Lin Qian who hated him. If it weren’t for Lin Qian, he would never have been sent to the detention center. If it weren’t for Lin Qian, he wouldn’t have become a laughing stock in the small circle.

And he was angry, it was his parents.

During the fifteen days of administrative detention, his parents did not call him once, did not look at him, and until today, no one called him, as if they had forgotten him.

Every day I stay with people at the bottom of the society, live in a chant full of stinky feet, covered with sweaty quilts, Yang Zhen, who has been pampered since he was a child, has lived in such an environment.

Therefore, although Yang Zhen came out, he came out with anger and hatred.

Wuyangyang’s release crowd soon dispersed. In the end, only Yang Zhen was left standing in front of the Chaoyang Detention Center, and only one was left to pick up people not far away. A silver Bentley.

In front of Bentley’s door, where Yang Weikang stood quietly.

Seeing that it was his father who came to pick him up, Yang Zhen was a little surprised, but his face remained expressionless. He chose to express his dissatisfaction with his expression.

He walked slowly in front of Yang Weikang and stood there quietly, with his head bowed and said nothing.


However, when Yang Zhen expressed his attitude to Yang Weikang, Yang Weikang didn’t say anything. He slapped Yang Zhen’s face by raising his hand.

Yang Weikang’s slap was extremely hard, and his voice was dull. It directly slapped Yang Zhen, and he felt his head buzzing in an instant.


Yang Zhen looked at his father with eyes full of disbelief, and murmured subconsciously.


However, just when Yang Zhen was stunned, Yang Weikang followed him with another slap, and his strength was not lighter than the first slap.

After two consecutive slaps, Yang Zhen’s head was not only buzzing, but Venus began to appear in front of his eyes, bloodstained from the corners of his mouth, as if the corners of his mouth were cracked.

“Do you still have a temper?”

Yang Weikang’s low voice sounded, and those eyes calmly made Yang Zhen’s heart cold.


Yang Zhen responded subconsciously.

However, what greeted Yang Zhen’s response was another slap in the face of Yang Weikang.


At this time, Yang Zhen only felt that his eyes were black, and even his ears began to have tinnitus.

“Do you still have a temper?”

It was the same sentence, asked from Yang Weikang’s mouth.


“Really gone!”

“Dad, don’t fight!”

Yang Zhen repeatedly begged for mercy. This time he answered very simply. He was really afraid of being beaten by his father. Since childhood, although he has been beaten before, he has never been beaten so hard. At that time, he half-strengthened the girl to get pregnant, and his father just slapped him, and the slap was far less heavy than the current one.

“Get in the car!”

When Yang Weikang saw Yang Zhen begging for mercy, disappointment flashed across his eyes, then he opened the car door directly and sat in the back row.

After Yang Zhen heard Yang Weikang’s words, he quickly got into the car from the other side and got into this silver-white Bentley.

After Yang Weikang and Yang Zhen were done, the driver in front of them started the car and drove away from the detention center in Chaoyang District.

In the back row of Bentley, Yang Zhen’s face was red and swollen at the speed that was visible to the naked eye. He was covering his face at this time, and he looked at his father carefully, and he didn’t even dare to breathe more.

Just when Yang Zhen was cautious and didn’t know why his father made such a big fire, Yang Weikang, half-closed his eyes, took an iPad from his hand and threw it on Yang Zhen’s body.

“Look for yourself.”

Yang Weikang’s voice was very cold.

Yang Zhen took the iPad that Yang Weikang had thrown away. He unlocked the iPad in a daze, and clicked on the backstage. What you saw was countless news reports, and what was reported in the news was his family’s Hongyang Real Estate.

“Hongyang Real Estate Group Chairman Yang Weikang was suspected of malicious manipulation of the stock market and was taken away by the China Securities Regulatory Commission”, “Hongyang Real Estate Group’s stock has continuously dropped for many days and its market value has shrunk by tens of billions”, “The dusk of the real estate giant? Hongyang Real Estate Group’s Capital Chain Broken”, “Hongyang Real Estate Group Director Lin Mei fainted and sent to the doctor due to overwork”…

Looking at the reports in front of him, Yang Zhen was stunned, from the shock at the beginning to the trembling hands and dry throat at the end.

At this moment, he seemed to finally know why his father beat him so hard.

“Dad, this…”

After Yang Zhen browsed most of the time, he looked at his father and murmured inquiring.

“pretty shocked?”

“In fact, you shouldn’t be the least surprised, because you made all of this by yourself?”

Yang Weikang looked at Yang Zhen with both eyes, and asked repeatedly.


“Is Lin Qian?”

After Yang Zhen heard his father’s answer, Lin Qian’s face that gritted his teeth that he hated every night flashed across his mind, and then asked in disbelief.

“Yes, it is because of you that the other party directly used nearly tens of billions of funds and crushed the stocks of our Hongyang Real Estate Group into junk stocks. We used all the funds, even from your cousin’s house. I borrowed two billion, but I couldn’t stop the other party.”

“The other party’s funds are like a vast ocean to us, with no margin at all. It makes us look like a fragile baby from beginning to end, with no resistance.”

Yang Weikang remembered what had happened in the past half month, and his eyes flashed with confusion.

For dozens of years in business, he has never encountered such a mysterious opponent. The opponent is like a mist, shrouded on top of his head, making him completely unable to fight back.

“Dad, he maliciously attacked our stock price, we can report to the Securities Regulatory Commission to report him!”

Yang Zhen was dumbfounded for a moment, and suddenly said with a bit of excitement. Obviously, he still had some difficulty accepting the fact that his family was suddenly declining, and it was even more difficult to accept that Lin Qian suddenly stood in his unreachable position and looked down at him.

Yang Weikang laughed when he heard what his son said.


“What about the evidence?”

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