Mime private 786

“Qian’er, what happened?”

After Lin Qian put down the phone, Fu Yang and others asked immediately.


Lin Qian first let out a sigh of relief, and after calming down his mixed feelings, he slowly said: “Four members of our Lin Charity Foundation and 15 volunteers from the World Health Organization An unknown independent force has been kidnapped!”


“Even the people of the International Aid Charity Organization are tied up. Are these people crazy?”

“Crazy, damn it!”

“Don’t worry, there are always United Nations peacekeeping forces stationed in Africa. This involves the World Health Organization, a subsidiary of the United Nations, and the United Nations peacekeeping forces will definitely accept and take action as soon as possible.”

When Fu Yang and others heard Lin Qian’s answer, their expressions immediately changed, and then they all condemned or comforted.

“Our director of the Lin Charitable Foundation, after learning about this, has already sent a rescue request to the Chinese government and the United Nations peacekeeping force as soon as possible. However, Africa is so big and the Congo region is so chaotic. We want to find the killer in a short time, and It is still not easy to rescue our people without incident.”

Lin Qian sighed, he responded softly.

“Qian’er, our family has a mine in the Congo region. There are some eyes and ears there. I will call that side now and ask them to send someone to help you detect the news.”

Xu Tian is always a fool, but every time it is critical, Xu Tian is a very reliable person, and he is righteous, and he never shirks basically what he can.

Although Lin Qian and Xu Tian are always willing to quarrel with each other on weekdays, the relationship is indeed very sincere, so when something happened to Lin Qian, he immediately stood up and expressed his opinion.

“Qian’er, our trade business includes Africa, and there are also contacts in Africa. I will help you contact you now. Don’t get angry, things will turn for the better.”

After Xu Tian expressed his opinion, Huo Zhengxin patted Lin Qian on the shoulder, followed by his reply.

After that, Tan Fen, Fu Yang and others also expressed their opinions one after another. They will send their opinions on this matter to see if they can help Lin Qian.

Although Gaia was there, Lin Qian didn’t need the help of others to find that group of independent forces, but for everyone’s kindness, Lin Qian still had a lot of warmth in his heart.

“Thank you all, when this matter is finished, I personally banquet everyone to show my gratitude!”

Lin Qian arched his hands at the crowd and said in a very sincere tone.

“My brothers don’t want to talk about the two families. Now that life is at stake, everyone will show their magical powers by crossing the sea. If there is news, we will inform each other in time.”

Fu Yang was the oldest among the crowd, so he responded to Sheng Lin Qian’s gratitude on behalf of everyone.


Everyone agreed, and then left the stadium one after another.

“Don’t worry…”

“This matter will definitely be surprising.”

In the back row of Bentley Mulsanne, Liu Ning looked at Lin Qian with a worried expression. She stretched out her hands to gently hold Lin Qian’s big hand, and she softly comforted Lin Qian.

“Relax, I’m fine, let me be quiet.”

Lin Qian patted Liu Ning with his other hand, barely showing a slight smile on his face, and responded softly to Lin Qian.


Liu Ning knew that this incident involved nearly 20 lives. Lin Qian must be in a state of confusion now. As a woman, she couldn’t get involved in this kind of thing. All she could do was to give Lin Qian a silent company.

After hearing Liu Ning’s reply, Lin Qian didn’t say anything. He leaned against a comfortable seat and closed his eyes.

In the next second, Lin Qian’s consciousness directly entered Gaia’s data space.

“Gaia, immediately notify Ares to take people to the Congo!”

“Now using all the satellites we control, I want to lock the position of this group of independent forces in the shortest time possible and detect our situation!”

As soon as Lin Qian entered Gaia’s data space, he successively issued two instructions to Gaia.

Gaia standing next to Lin Qian, after receiving two instructions from Lin Qian, she stayed for 1 second, and then responded to Lin Qian: “Master, Ares has already notified her. She will Arrived in the Congo region within an hour.”

“As for the position of this group of independent forces, I tracked and locked it ten minutes ago, and the position has been determined.”

When Gaia said this, she waved her hand gently, and saw a huge world map appeared in front of Lin Qian’s eyes, and then a fine coordinate appeared in front of Lin Qian’s eyes, and then started to zoom in rapidly with this fine coordinate as the center. Finally, an armed base standing on the desert land appeared in front of Lin Qian.

The small khaki-colored buildings are scattered all over the place. A famous armed man with an AK is constantly patrolling the armed base. Under the high-resolution observation of satellites, this independent force seems to be quite large.

There are hundreds of armed personnel that Lin Qian can see at the moment. If we count the unknown armed personnel in the khaki-colored building, Lin Qian estimates that there must be at least a thousand armed personnel in this armed base.

There is a three-hour time difference between the Congo region and Rio de Janeiro. The sky here in Rio de Janeiro has already darkened, while the sky in the Congo region has just begun to darken.

“Gaia, where are our people?”

After Lin Qian had a preliminary idea about the strength of this independent force, he immediately asked Gaia, after all, the safety of the 19 people was what Lin Qian cared about and paid the most attention to.

“Master, the 19 people are temporarily safe. After they were brought back by this group, they were all held in this small building. As of now, no one has ever entered or left this small building except for the guard at the door.”

Gaia stretched out his hand to slightly magnify a certain part of the picture in front of him, and at the same time responded to Lin Qian’s inquiry.


“As far as I know, among these 19 people, there are 5 girls. They haven’t encountered any bad things, right?”

Lin Qian asked immediately.

“I took the whole process from the beginning and the end of the matter, and found no signs of them being violated, so they are safe for the time being.”

Gaia spoke very directly, without Lin Qian’s euphemism, and truthfully responded to Lin Qian.


“That’s good.”

After Lin Qian heard Gaia’s reply, the heart that had always been hanging suddenly let go.

“Gaia, from now on, before Ares and the others are in place, you will keep your eyes on the small building where our people are held. If you find that the other party has something unfavorable to us, I will allow you to invade a certain country remotely. Missile pit, under the premise of ensuring the safety of our people…”

“Blam me his mother!”

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