Chapter 882 Grand Opening

“Mr. Lin, in fact, it is not just YG Entertainment. Our LVHM Group has a good relationship with other brokerage companies in Korea. Although we are not a shareholder like YG Entertainment, our LVHM Group is currently the world’s leading luxury goods company. We LVHM Group We often cooperate with these brokerage companies. If our LVHM Group opens up, as long as it does not touch principled interests, they should not refuse.”

Audrey Arnott looked at Lin Qian’s slightly surprised expression, a hint of pride flashed across her face, and then added to Lin Qian.


“I see.”

“If necessary, I will contact the group.”

Lin Qian nodded slightly, but was not polite with Audrey Arnott.

There is no privilege, that is not Lin Qian’s style.

In South Korea, where the chaebol is most respected, Lin Qian is the largest chaebol. He plans to experience the joy of chaebol after he arrives in Korea. If he comes to a four-character idiom to describe Lin Qian’s intentions, it is: do whatever you want, do whatever you want , Do whatever you want…

Lin Qian and Audrey Arnott chatted in the coffee shop for about half an hour, and they finished talking about what they had said. The two did not stay too much in the coffee shop. After walking out of the coffee shop, they parted ways. , Each went to work on their own affairs.

In a blink of an eye, it was another nine days.

On October 17, 2016, Zhonghai Jinshan City Coast.

As China Shipping’s first 4A-level coastal sea area, Jinshan City Coast is located in Jinshan District, China Shipping City, adjacent to Pinghu and Jiashan City in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province to the west, Qingpu District and Songjiang District to the north, and close to the East China Sea. It is the center of the coastline development and construction of China Shipping. It is also the most Shanghai-style urban coastal landscape in the Yangtze River Delta.

In summer, this is one of the most popular scenic spots for Zhonghai citizens. However, in the past, Zhonghai citizens only had to play within the pre-established area of ​​the scenic spot. As for the blue and endless East China Sea outside the circle, it was all tourists. Restricted area.

Because compared to the blue and clear waters of Quanjiannei, the East China Sea outside Quanjiannei is muddy.

However, today, there are nearly 300,000 people from all over the world. They center on the coast of China Overseas Jinshan City and extend unlimitedly on both sides of the coast.

The mighty and boundless.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see the densely packed people on the coast of the China Sea as if a winding Great Wall has been cast.

Police helicopters, drone swarms, overhead live broadcast equipment, live broadcast vehicles, special explosion-proof vehicles, cruise ships, speedboats, lifeboats, lifebuoys, live broadcast big screens…

There is a lot of people here, and everyone is full of spirits.

“Hello viewers, my name is Li Fei, a reporter from CCTV News Channel. I am now located at the Jinshan City Coast of Zhonghai City. In ten minutes, the Caring Ocean Initiative initiated by the Lin Charity Foundation will be held here. This event was supported by dozens of organizations and departments including the Zhonghai Municipal Government, the United Nations Environment Program, and China Environment Foundation. Nearly 300,000 people from all over the world participated in this event. The scale is unprecedented…”

“Hello fans, friends, I am Xiaojin from the entertainment gossip know-how. My current position is the site of the initiative that has attracted the attention of both domestic and international. According to our lens, you can see that it is on the stage of the initiative. At this moment, it can be said that there are a lot of stars. We saw 42 people in the first-line entertainment alone, and the second-tier celebrities are as high as 100. As for the third-tier celebrities, they are not qualified to be on stage at all…”

When the initiative was about to start ten minutes away, either official or unofficial reporters and media began their own live broadcasts. After the opening of many live broadcast channels, many people from all over the country and even abroad passed their respective The video channel was watched live.

“A lot of people, it’s spectacular!”

“This initiative on environmental protection and public welfare is enough to go down in the annals of history!”

“Caring for the ocean is everyone’s responsibility!”

“It’s so lively, I originally signed up, but I couldn’t go on a temporary business trip. What a pity!”

“Caring for the ocean, I am helping in Yanjing!”

“Caring for the ocean, I am helping in Yangcheng!”

“Caring for the ocean, I am helping Hangzhou!”

In China, CCTV, Weibo, Penguin Video, Aiqi Video, We Media and other media are all focused on the coast of Zhonghai Jinshan City at this moment.

Ten minutes later, among the lively music, the four CCTV presenters who were in charge of hosting this initiative, dressed in formal attire, slowly walked onto the stage from both sides of the stage.

“Thousands of years ago, our ancestors were born by the sea!”

“Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors drove huge ships to chase waves!”

“The ocean gave birth to life!”

“The ocean has created civilization!”

After the four CCTV presenters took the stage, when their impassioned voices spread from the sound to the four places, many people on the coastline participating in the today’s initiative quickly became quiet.

Behind the four CCTV presenters are outstanding people from all walks of life. Among them, because the stars in the show business circle have a greater influence, nearly half are first-line stars in domestic entertainment.

Everyone stood on the stage very seriously, there was no laughter at all on their faces.

Facing the sea, they launched a solemn advocacy towards this vast expanse of sea.

Temporary headquarters.

Compared with the crowds outside, the overwhelmingly busy leader in charge of coordinating various departments, here is much calmer. Lin Qian and several old men with white temples or all-white hair are sitting on the TV. I watched the live broadcast of CCTV News Channel.

“Xiao Lin, the organization of the event is very good. The marine environmental protection public welfare initiative initiated by your Lin Charity Foundation has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life in the international community, even those foreign media who are always willing to open their eyes and tell lies. This initiative has also given quite a positive evaluation.”

Looking at the lively scene on the TV screen, the old man sitting next to Lin Qian looked at Lin Qian kindly and smiled and praised Lin Qian.

“Lao Liu, the event can be hosted so smoothly, and the support of the state is inseparable. Our Lin Charity Foundation can only be regarded as an inspiration. Without the concerted efforts of various departments and organizations in the country, such an event is not our Lin’s charity at all. The foundation can organize it by itself.”

In the face of the old man’s praise, Lin Qian didn’t dare to give it a big deal. He smiled shyly at the old man. He was very humble and polite in his words, and he sensibly gave his first credit to the country…

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