"Roar, roar, roar!" The earth-shattering dragon roar resounded through the sea and sky! Break through the clouds! It makes the world tremble! Let the mountains and rivers shake!

However, under the barrier protection of the mysterious man in black! The sonic attack that the roaring dragon turned into didn't hurt it in the slightest! It's as if an invisible force is blocking it! Make it unbreakable!

Dvalin has finally arrived! The head of the piano is high and wields the sword of the west wind! The Eye of the Wind God shines green! The turquoise rays converge on the blade and give the final order: Defeat Dvalin with all your might! Make it immobilized!

The crowd received the order! Weapons raised! Screaming and rushing to Dvalin in mid-air! Led by Jean, Traveler, Zhang Gao, Noelle, and Eula, form a vanguard squad! Be the first to charge Dvalin in the dark firmament!

Dvalin at this time! It's still hard to deal with! But compared to the first meeting! There is already a clear gap! Due to the previous injury has not healed! The strength has not returned to its peak! But it still retains the strong strength of the seventh-level low-level! Everyone still doesn't dare to be careless!

Seeing the pioneer human race take the lead! The turquoise dragon roars! The sound waves like a rolling heat wave hit everyone again! A group of ordinary soldiers behind him were directly thrown to the ground! The Vanguard has also been temporarily halted by the sonic attack!

Don't wait for Dvalin to make the first move! Acting Leader: Jean! We've taken the lead! Surrounded by a fresh breeze! Teal light wraps around the blade! In an instant, the green light bloomed! The foot of the piano points to the ground! Leap to the sky in an instant with the power of the wind elemental! In the blink of an eye, Dvalin was here!

Didn't wait for Dvalin to react and turn his head! The blade of the sword blooms! It's like a hurricane whirlpool! Shoot towards the huge turquoise body!

"Fourth-Order Elemental Combat Technique: Wind Pressure Sword!"

In a flash! A bloody wound as thick as a bucket of water quickly appeared on the green body! Dvalin screamed in pain! Scream and wail! Wherever the Wind Pressure Sword goes! Dragon's blood spurted out! Large swaths fell in the ruins of the Wind Dragon.

Don't wait for Dvalin to fight back! The Eye of the Wind God shines green! With a unique ability to step into the air! Jean quickly retreated! Meteor step again, a gorgeous and beautiful turnover, and fall steadily to the ground!

With the end of the piano attack! Dvalin's fury reigns again! Start waving your turquoise wings desperately! The furious and majestic wind element condenses again! Turned into a series of violent and sharp wind blades! Overwhelmingly rushing towards everyone!

With the last combat experience! The crowd is visibly smart! Pull left and right quickly! Constantly dodging the swept wind blades! Just everywhere you go! The ground of flowers and plants has been scratched with the slightest crack!

Take advantage of Dvalin's attacks! Eula strikes again! Pure black heels tread the ground! Skirts flying! Meteor Stepper in the same way! Leap into the dark skies of Dvalin again!

At the same time, the green onion white jade hand clenched the ice blue jade sword! A pair of beautiful eyes are staring at Dvalin's actions! As expected! Seeing humanity leap into the air again to provoke! Dvalin was furious! Sharp dragon claws gather majestic hurricanes! Slam into Eula, who is in mid-air!

But she's already been attacked once! How could it be a second time? I saw the wind dragon claw slapping at me! Eula writhes her charming body! A weird angle jumps out of range in an instant! Dvalin's dragon claw attack misses again! All that's left is the gust of wind waving in the air!

Eula takes flight again! Come to Dvalin's blind spot! The Vision of the Ice God shines with golden light! The ice blue blade is shining with an ice vortex! It's like a waterfall that rolls under nine heavens! Slash towards another part of Dvalin's body!

"Fifth Order Elemental Skill • Ice Wave Fury!"

Eula clenches the sword! Swing a circle and slash with all your might! Combined with the fifth-level low-level physical strength! The frosty aura came out of his body and slashed at Dvalin's turquoise body on his left! Faintly visible traces of slashing, mixed with bursts of shivering frost and cold air!

Hit hard again! Another earth-shattering roar! Dvalin screamed! Heavy blows on both sides of the body! To make the injury that has not fully healed even worse!

See the injuries work! Eula retreats as well! Use the Ice Element as your pedal! Also landed steadily! No scars!

Eat two attacks in a row! Even if it's the body of a demon god! Plus the injuries that didn't heal! Even if it's the East Wind Dragon! It is impossible to go unscathed!

But it is also the same, the successive gaffes have completely ignited the strongest existence of this one of the four guardians! Everyone will face the runaway rampage again! Enraged Dvalin!

Dvalin roared again! In an instant, the sky and the earth were dark again! Countless majestic winds gather here! Everyone can only resist desperately! Prevent getting involved! The power of the winds has gathered in the jaws of Dvalin! I want to do that move again!

"This guy! Don't let it charge up!

Zhang Gao reacted immediately! Foot on the ground in an instant! The golden aura erupted! Like a jet rocket! Fly high into the sky in an instant! Stuck in the air in front of Dvalin, who is accumulating power!

Dvalin is charging! Countless violent hurricanes converge in the mouth of the blood basin! Once again, a furious green light that shone brightly golden! But at the same time! It also means that he can't do anything else! Here's your chance!

Zhang Gao exploded instantly! The golden aura instantly expanded several times! Open your palms! A steady stream of qi condenses in the palm of your hand! Once again, they converge into a golden and brilliant sword! Dash towards Dvalin, who is accumulating!

The sharp-eyed Zhang Gao immediately found out! Located at the neck of the Dongfeng Dragon, as well as on the body! All of them show deep purple crystals caused by the erosion of poisonous blood! That's the key to Dvalin's loss of mind!

Zhang Gao sees the opportunity! Instantly rushed to Dvalin's neck! While the other party is still accumulating! A brilliant golden light shone brilliantly in an instant! Re-illuminate the ruins of the Wind Dragon, shrouded in darkness!

A golden sword mark swept by! Surprisingly, there were no injuries! It's just that the poisonous blood crystals in the neck were smashed by Zhang Gao with a knife! Turn into a black and purple breath and dissipate the world!

Dvalin screamed again! The power of the wind was instantly defeated and dispersed! The brilliant green flash in the giant mouth dissipated in an instant! The charged ultimate move was forcibly interrupted! Seeing that the plan is gradually coming to an end! Everyone couldn't help but smile in triumph! Thought it would last! Plan wins!

But I don't know! The mysterious man in black far away from the cliff of the Wind Dragon Ruins! But not satisfied with the status quo! The abyss-like blue divine fire burns slowly! It means that his heart is not at peace!

"I see! Want to save Dvalin? Zhang Gao, since that's the case! Then I'll make it a little more difficult for you, it seems! You still have untapped potential. "

An instant! The black-clothed figure disappeared in an instant, and even went silent! Ordinary people can't even notice it! However! But the crisis is quietly approaching...

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