With the sound of an explosion, the militant felt that his eyes were darkened, and the whole person lost consciousness.

The appearance of the cursed tyrant made the elders in the rear frightened, and hurriedly agreed to Caprondo's request.As long as Caprondo helps them bring down the oligarchs, they'll give him a place to base here.

Humans block murderers, but God blocks and kills God’s cursed tyrants that cannot be resisted at all.As long as the main shell of the light tank does not hit the head, it can be resisted by the tyrant.

This situation made the armed fighters desperate, and their best equipment was infantry fighting vehicles and captured light tanks.

These most powerful weapons have no effect at all, and the most powerful weapons cannot defeat the monsters in front of them. Is there any hope for them?

Eddie took his three wives to watch a play in a high-rise building. "Using the Plaka parasite to combine with the tyrant is a really good idea, but it's a pity that it's just like that."

Svetlana stroked her dignified short gilt hair, "Not every scientist is as smart as you and can step out of this type of reformed tyrant. Those oligarchs are not useless."

At this time, a hunter had begun to sneak into the wealthy area, assassinated the soldiers guarding the gate, and then used sharp claws to cut open the iron gate.

A taller tracker carried a rocket launcher and slammed the gate open, sending the soldiers who came to the sky with a cannon shot.

Looking at the movement below, Svetlana frowned, "These are also arranged by you?"

Snapped!Svetlana was patted, making her a little embarrassed, "What are you doing!"

Eddie snorted, "I wouldn't arrange for biological weapons to kill people."

"It seems that you don't know your husband yet. After this time, it is necessary to give you an unforgettable education!" King Ada gloated.

Education is education, but this education is likely to make Svetlana pregnant with a second child.As long as it's high enough, the queen is pregnant with a second child.

Svetlana suddenly turned around, facing the air with a hand knife, the air was squeezed into a sharp blade, directly splitting the invisible hunter in half.

"Do you want to compete?" Eddie took out the Desert Eagle and fired a shot at the air below.

The bullet flew past, accurately spattering a trail of blood.The seriously injured person who has been invisible appeared in the air, and his head was blown up!

"I won't compare with you, hum, don't try to trick me." Svetlana is not that stupid, she won't be fooled, and she doesn't want to be pregnant with a second child.

These biological and chemical weapons were sent by Kaplando to attack the oligarchs, killing the people here, and the management of East Slavia was almost paralyzed.

What he didn't expect was that the enemy Eddie was actually here!

With Eddie here, no matter how many biochemical weapons come, it's just food delivery.The speed advantage of the hunter is as slow as an ant in front of Eddie, and it is completely useless.

In the wealthy area, Eddie took King Ada and others on a hunt, using hunters and lickers that ordinary people feared as toys, and they would kill them only after playing enough.

On the frontal battlefield, an equally improved black tyrant appeared. It was an advanced version of the death tyrant developed by the Western Federation. It was created by using the principle that Plaka parasites can enhance the flesh and mutate.

As soon as the research and development was completed, it was sent out for experimental testing.

This black tyrant has reached a height of five meters, a real giant who can almost look down on this so-called cursed tyrant, the white little brother, the younger brother is online!

Bang!A punch from the Tyrant of Death was enough to knock a heavy tank into the air.The cursed tyrant was kicked out unexpectedly, knocking down a building before flying to the street.

The seven-story building without its pillars collapsed, drowning the cursed tyrant.

This appearance made the armed fighters here silent, this is obviously a monster.Relying on monsters to win the war, this is Pandora's Box!

There was no cheering, only fear and contemplation.

Caprondo's eyes were extremely excited, but after receiving a message, his excitement suddenly disappeared and became extremely gloomy.

I saw a picture of my wife appearing on my mobile phone, "Waste Kaplando, get out of East Slavia!"

This was from Caprondo's wife, Britney, and it was the last dissuasion that he should leave East Slavia and not die.

Although Britney has no feelings for Caprondo, she needs a nominal tool person for her second child.

PS: You can read the old book "Marvel DC's Bastard Hero", an old book with [-] million words, no guarantee of character!

Chapter 569: The Tracker is the Middle Brother

The surrounding subordinates are calm on the surface, and secretly happy in their hearts. If this kind of person is not wearing a cuckold, who will be wearing it?Wear it well, wear it in seconds!

The cursed tyrant buried in the ruins of the building, after determining the damage, took the initiative to remove the restraint suit, and the T virus multiplied quickly and quickly.The physique has become large, and the hands have become huge palms, still maintaining the human shape.

Boom!The two tyrants collided with each other again. This time, the power of the cursed tyrant can compete with the tyrant of the god of death. The two types of tyrants are fighting each other as you come and go.

The elders of the armed fighters left to direct the lickers to attack the regular army, and a large number of lickers burst into the trenches.

The screams kept coming, but only lasted for a short time.

A licker that was torn in half was thrown out, and smashed a charging guerrilla to the ground. His upper body of more than [-] pounds broke his bones and fell to the ground screaming.

Boom!There was another loud noise, and a car was knocked into the air, flew to an altitude of more than [-] meters, and then fell directly.

Even the lickers were thrown out. These lickers are already dead and can't die anymore.

Occasionally, a licker struggled to get up, but was stepped on by a big foot and was directly trampled to death!

This is a cursed tyrant who has lifted the function restrictions!The oligarchy sent a total of five such tyrants, two to support the front lines and three to settle the unrest in the wealthy districts.

The hunters were not afraid, but continued to launch suicidal charges under the control of the computer.

Among them were the venomous Sweepers, whose claws only scratched a white mark under the skin of the Cursed Tyrant.

Even if it hangs in the flesh, the T virus can quickly swallow the poison and use it to recover its losses.

Bang!The guerrillas bombarded with [-]mm infantry fighting vehicle main cannons, the cannonballs were caught by the cursed tyrant, and the whole person was pushed back one meter under the bombardment of the cannonballs.

The cursed tyrant who raised his head still seemed to be expressionless, but he could see a sneer, as if he had his own mind.

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