Shuttle of the city

Chapter 1799 confused

A dark abyss, the entire chaotic mist sea is divided into two, and there is no healed for a long time.

This abyss doesn't know how long it is, in the foggy sea, such as the sky, it is generally difficult to span.

This punch in Ye Zichuan is too amazing, causing this fascinating scene.

Ye Ye covered it for a long time, he didn't have to come back. He saw the strength of the top six worlds. It is better than him.

Although the saying that the heavens are already the vertices of life, this level also has a huge gap.

He still has a long way to go.

On the other hand, because Ye Chuan's shot, many gods saw it.

That is a huge abyss, even if you look far away.

This amazing scene will soon start spread, causing many people's attention.

There is no doubt that this is definitely the heavens in shooting.

But the chaos of the chaos is then there, and it is still mixing the yuan island, then who will this be caused?

When this news passed to the mixed yuan island, he thought of a person.

Ye cover!

In addition to several quarters on the mixed yuan island, only leaves of the leaves.

He actually exposed his own traces?

So Chong feels embarrassed, so he personally rushed to the incident.

Decadentated, he finally came to the place.

The abyss is still, although it has healed, but still shocking.

This is definitely a hand in the sky.

"Two breaths ..."

So will notice the two breaths here, but there is nothing to cover the sky.

"Is he played with people?"

There is a hidden feet in chaos. They all know, and they have been in person, but they are just a glimpse.

Does the leaves have encountered such a person?

"I don't know if he is injured. If it is injured, it is now a good time."

After staying here for a while, he did not find the falling of the leaves, and the other side had already left.

So, Shung gave the information of this information that he found himself.

The answered answer is also very simple, continue to pursue.

Such an answer makes the swearing, and there is some uncomfortable heart.

He is a heaven, but it is now an errand, this kind of thing must be in a group.

He couldn't help but sigh.

The strength of chaos is too weak. There is only three fences left on the mixed yuan, if the leaves can join the sky.

But look at this situation, leaf cover is not too likely, and the universal hostage is very strong.

Leave a mood, and surveased in a nearby region.

Ye Zichuan has been in silently observing his move. After a few years, he disappeared as a leaf, and revealed his trace again.

This time, So Chong is really feeling a feet.

According to his previous experience, it is definitely the leaves of the leaves!

This makes the swimming in an instant, hiding his own breath, and tracking it all the way.

His cultivation is much stronger than the leaves, and if the heart is hidden, the leaves are absolutely not found.

Along the way, Ye Zichuan is very careful, very cautious, and it is almost lost several times.

This also makes the Shu Chong Yue confident, this is definitely the leaves!

After a trip, he passed this news to the sky.

The wildfrom is confirmed again, and So Chong also determines his judgment.

So, the sky leaving the mixed yuan island, and quickly came here.

I found that Ye Zhuan, who was once in one fell swoop, finally made a breath.

The paving is so long, and this old guy is finally hooked.

These people are too vigilant, too careful, he has already disguised enough, or spends so much time to determine.

Also on this bones, he disappeared, evaporating from the induction of Shou.

Ye Zichuan has been on the way to the mixed yuan island.

He wants to kill the sky in the half road!

So Chongzheng has spent decades for decades, even if the sky is fast, it will cost it for a few years.

Leaf Chuan's avatar fog, combined with the original force, with the original power of this medium, show special transients, instantly shuttle to a far away.

The weather is on the way in full speed, and his speed is really fast.

The creation of the world is self-versatile, and he is absolutely in this regard, in the sixth world, it is inseparable from the unimaginable speed.

Just like this shuttles and space for more than two years, he suddenly stopped.

"The breath of the sky?"

Yes, he felt the place where the sky was left in the time and space in his front.

Although it is very light, it is true.

There was a flyer that came from him and disappeared in the depth of fog.

"Will it be the sky of other spaces?"

The three of the chaos is now in the mixed yuan island, no one keeps the world barrier, so even if there is a day-level sneak, they don't know.

Tianshen is going to be stationed, but the sky is called back, no one knows what his idea is.

The weather came to front, his whispered power fluctuated, the surrounding fog sea was disturbed, and the waves were turned over.

The time and space here is in fluctuating, in the changing, the past picture appears.

In the sea, there is a figure that is flying, and the speed is very fast, and it has entered the depths of chaos.

"It's a superior level." There is a variety of light in the eyes.

It looks a chaotic ace, the breath is very pure.

This unknown fancy, he has seen more than one.

For such people, his sense of view is very bad, especially now this special period.

These people only care about the avenues of their feet, and they don't care about how much life is dead. Even if they are defeated, they don't care.

"Perhaps, I should learn to learn by the woman, only powerful strength can you conquer these people."

There is a cold light in the earth.

But now I don't care about this, or it is more important.

The boy and Ye Zhou have a shallow relationship and caught him, and they can go to the Chuanchuan.

This is his plan.

If you want to deal with Ye Zhuan, you will also need more than hard steel.

The fancy figure disappears here.

I flew for a few months, and he once again pericated a heavenly atmosphere.

As the previous one, it is obviously the same person.

He suddenly thought of one thing.

Summon transmission information said that the leaves were suspected of playing with another rating, and would it be the day?

It seems that there is this possible!

If this is said, this unknown fancy is likely to know where the leaves are now.

In this way, the weather has changed the position, chasing this residual breath.

Sure enough, how long, he feels that there is a breath in the front move.

Is a superior!

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