Shuttle of the city

Chapter 308 Nuclear Warhead

Several times the previous munitions, but only increased the space by 2,000 meters.

This makes Ye Zichuan somewhat unacceptable.

More than 10,000 meters, the opening of space seems to become difficult.

These ordinary munitions are no longer effective.

"It seems that I need to get some very lethal weapons."

Ye Zichuan didn't dare to think about the nuclear bomb.

He felt that the current space was still unable to withstand the power of a nuclear bomb.

The explosive power of the two nuclear bombs used during the war was equivalent to 30,000 tons of TNT.

But after so many years of development, the world's most powerful nuclear bomb has far exceeded this number.

It is said that the nuclear warhead, nicknamed Satan, has an explosive equivalent of 50 million tons of TNT, which is much stronger than the fat man and the little boy.

The explosives of TNT are quite powerful.

Now they are all used to measure various explosions, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc., can be measured by how many tons of TNT.

In addition, the well-known C4 explosive is stronger than TNT and can be shaped, so it has replaced TNT.

"Where can I get C4 explosives?"

This explosive Jarvis can be produced, but after all he only has a laboratory and no military factory, so mass production is simply impossible.

The output is too small to meet his needs, so he can only collect C4 from the outside world.

"It's time to go to America."

Ye Zichuan's eyes flickered.

After making the decision, he stopped hesitating and set off immediately.

Between Asia and America, there is a Pacific Ocean.

The plane takes more than ten hours, but it is only a small problem for Ye Zichuan.

For a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers, he arrived in just over a minute.

There are many world-famous military bases here, such as the most mysterious Area 51. Some people say that aliens are held here, and some people say that there are things they brought back from the moon and Mars.

It's just a pity that no one knows exactly where Area 51 is.

There is no doubt that there are many secrets hidden at the bottom of this land.

As the most technologically advanced country in the world, they are at the leading level in many aspects.

Such as artificial genetic engineering, they can already create mutants.

But other countries can't. Maybe they are all going in secret, but the only thing that blatantly comes out is the creation of heaven.

Jarvis hacked into the satellite system and quickly determined the locations of several important bases.

Ye Zichuan rushed over immediately.

From the nearest base, Yi Zichuan stood above and looked down. There are densely packed troops, as well as huge transport planes, fighter jets, and helicopters. The scale is several times larger than that in the Middle East.

In the arsenal, he really found a lot of munitions.

These are not the most important. In an arsenal two hundred meters underground, Ye Zichuan found various missiles.

Short-range, medium-range, long-range, and even intercontinental missiles.

Ye Zichuan's breathing began to rush. With these missiles, he didn't believe that space would not expand.

With a thought, he directly collected these things into the space.

As soon as the missile disappeared, the alarm sounded here, and the entire base fell into unprecedented tension.

Ye Zichuan was just about to leave, but suddenly seemed to have discovered something and stopped abruptly.

"Nuclear Bomb..."

Ye Zichuan did not expect that there was a nuclear bomb in this base.

These things should all be hidden in secret military bases. They are the most confidential information, and no one can know it outside.

But now, he discovered the existence of a nuclear bomb in this conventional base.

And there are two in total!

Ye Zichuan's heart was pounding.

"Do you want to take it?"

The disappearance of the nuclear bomb will definitely cause turmoil in the world.

If anyone detonates where, or commits any terrorist attack, the whole world will tremble and fear.

Ye Zichuan began to struggle, but soon he made a decision.

After gritting his teeth, he thought about it and took away the nuclear bomb, then turned and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a harsher siren sounded here.

The entire base has entered a first-level combat readiness state, and the air is filled with the smell of gunpowder.

But they watched for a long time and searched for a long time, but they couldn't find where the enemy was.

After Ye Zichuan left this place, he went to the next base...

This day, this land set off violent turmoil.

Several military bases were stolen and the munitions inside disappeared.

These are only secondary. The most important thing is the disappearance of the five nuclear bombs, which has alerted the entire country.

I don't know how many troops were dispatched and started looking for the instigator.

But unfortunately, they searched for a long time and didn't find it.

Based on this, they speculated that it might be a mutant who did it, otherwise it would never have been so silent.

Subsequently, the heaven of creation was mobilized.

Ye Zichuan discovered these people, among them there were mutants of True God level, so he stopped and then left here.

However, he has left a space mark here, and he will be able to sweep around here next time.

With the disappearance of the nuclear bomb, the high-level staff here became completely nervous.

The World Federation even called an emergency meeting.

If these five nuclear bombs explode, it is likely to be the fuse of the war.

Therefore, they must track down the location of these nuclear bombs and find out the first time.

Ye Zichuan didn't care about the flood behind him.

He is in space right now and is starting to detonate these weapons.

In this munitions, there is very little conventional firepower, most of which are missiles. There are also many military C4 and military TNT explosives.


Inside the space, I remembered the roar of the world.

The flames are overwhelming, the energy is violent, and the space is gradually expanding with explosions.

Ye Zichuan can feel the obvious change, which is much more useful than before.

After a few hours, the place finally calmed down.

Ye Zichuan closed his eyes and felt silently.

Then, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, revealing a pleasant smile.

Twenty thousand meters!

This is the scope of the current space, which has increased by 8,000 meters.

It is worthy of the power of intercontinental missiles, much stronger than conventional firepower.

After the space reached 20,000 meters, the godhead fragments changed again.

Part of the space gems were fused, and the shards merged a little again, and the shards became a little bigger.

In addition, the worlds he opened have also been upgraded again.

A power gushing out of the fragments of the godhead began to transform Ye Zichuan's body.

This is the feedback of Godhead, transforming his genes, improving his life level, and allowing him to evolve again.

There is no doubt that his strength has skyrocketed again.

Facing Kailuo now, he will definitely not be as strenuous as last time. He can defeat him by the power of space alone.

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