The voice of the Holy King was sent out with divine force, and it instantly echoed in the whole Holy Kingdom!

Not long afterwards, on the other side of the Spirit Beast army, there was an old echo: “It’s not a year or two for you humans to hunt Spirit Beast. Do you need a reason to besiege you?”


“even more how, you were so bold this time that you killed Kunpeng, the overlord of the Ancient God Forest! If you don’t get rid of you, Spirit Beast, I am afraid there will be no peace!”

Listen At this point, Ye Qin and the kings were surprised.

Especially Ye Qin, he almost killed Kunpeng!

How could Kunpeng die!

The Holy King also knows the fact that Ye Qin almost killed Kunpeng, he didn’t ask, and continued to replied: “We didn’t kill Kunpeng, maybe it was killed by his clansman’s hands, maybe it’s not necessarily!”

“You Spirit Beast, obviously want to fabricate a reason to stir up trouble!”

“Then I tell you, it is not necessary!” The Holy King said with great authority.” If you want to attack the Holy Nation, then come!”

“hmph, don’t you humans rely on the protection of the nation left by the Holy Emperor!” The voice responded coldly, “Wait for us to break through This formation is the end of your human race!”

“Then I want to see if you have the strength to break the Formation!” The Saint King replied without fear.

The voice fell, and there was no response from Spirit Beast.

After that, all Spirit Beast rushed forward!

At a glance, various lions, Dragon-Tiger, leopards and bears.

These Spirit Beasts are extremely tall and mighty on each end, and the smallest ones are probably a hundred meters long.

The leader is a kilometer-long giant tiger, which is like a small moving mountain, located at the forefront of the Spirit Beast army.

It is burning with raging fire all over, and its eyes gleam like


Two teeth bend out from the corners of the mouth, like a cast of steel, flashing cold glow in the scorching sun!

“It’s Ancient Divine Beast, the overlord of Flame Profound Mountain, Jian Chi Qiongqi!” Ming Wang was slightly shocked.

Jian Chi Qiongqi is a kind of Qiongqi, the real Top Rank Spirit Beast bloodline!

In front of you, the strength is definitely not empty!


I saw that Jian Chiqiong opened a roar, and in a moment a river of flames gushed from its mouth, moved towards the holy country. Fang came raging!

On the way that the river of flames came, the color of the sky also changed, becoming a kind of red!

Not only that, as if lava erupted, some of them reached ten meters in diameter. Red rocks formed quickly in the sky, and then they were like meteorites, moving towards the Holy Land!

The sky was dyed red, and the earth burned with hot flames.

This scene, as if the end is coming, is extremely terrifying.

At this time, Ye Qin’s pupils were already burning with anger, and he was ready to shoot at any time.

However, the Saint King seemed very calm. He smiled and said to Ye Qin: “King Ye can rest assured, with this level of attack, it is completely impossible to break through the National Guardian formation!”

As soon as the voice of the holy king fell, the long river of flames with the swords and the peculiar indignation had already burned over!

However, next moment!

I saw, in front of everyone, a pale blue rays of light lit up!

Immediately afterwards, Extreme powerful energy radiated from it, smashing the long river of flames and the Heavenly Fire rock to pieces, not to mention, that powerful energy immediately moved towards Jian Chi Qiongqi surging out!

Jian Chi Qiongqi was slightly startled, and immediately activated the divine force to form a thick shield around him!

However, the moment that energy hits the shield, it is like a knife cutting tofu, like iron broken glass, it can easily be crushed!

Seeing this, Jian Chiqiongqi had to retreat backwards very quickly!

At the same time, countless Spirit Beasts have used their divine force to condense into a giant net and stand in front of Jian Chiqiongqi!

Finally, the energy emitted by the array is perish together with the giant net!


“Is this the holy nation’s protection of the country!”

“The holy emperor stayed, didn’t expect strong To this point!”

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Holy Kingdom, the guards all cheered for joy!

It was just a trick that made Jian Chiqiongqi, a generation of Overlord level, so devastated!

Ye Qin was also shocked.

The power of this array far exceeds his imagination.

“If I could create such a Formation in the mainland of Douluo, then I would have no worries.” Ye Qin secretly said in one’s heart.

Of course, Ye Qin is thinking more about how to take the opportunity to kill Qiongqi.

This Qiongqi must be the God King Level Peak powerhouse. If he can kill him, the Emperor Realm entourage will get it.

On the other hand, look at Spirit Beast!

They all looked at the air wall in front of them in horror, all feeling like an enemy!

“Jian Chi Qiongqi, it seems you can’t do it!” The Holy King took the opportunity to move towards Jian Chi Qiongqi taunted.

Jian Chiqiongqi’s eyes were filled with fire.

It didn’t expect the emperor to stay with the array, it turned out to be terrifying to such a point.


At this time, bursts of fierce roars sounded from the other three sides.

I saw that above the three mountains and the sky, countless Spirit Beasts aggressively rushed here!

The three giant beasts headed by them are a Horned Dragon, a black lion and a reddish-brown centipede.

“Is the overlord of the ancient ice land, the Crystal Dragon King!”

“The Ruler of ten thousand li Huangsha, the king of all feet!”

” The ruler of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the black dragon and lion king, he is still alive!”

Seeing these three giant beasts that look like mountains, the people of the Holy Kingdom all felt their breathing speed up.

The rulers of the three ancient Spirit Beast land are gathered here!

Can the Holy Kingdom really survive it!

“You are too late!”

Jian Chi Qiongqi moved towards the three big beast kings faintly said.

“The sea of ​​your beast king is near the holy kingdom, and we are so far apart” said Wanzu King.

“The command of the Emperor Beast Venerable at this time is too sudden!” The Black Demon Dragon Lion King added.

They talk very loudly, and they seem to intend to make the people of the Holy Land feel scared!

And hearing these words, not only the guards of the holy kingdom, but also Ye Qin and the three kings of the holy kingdom were slightly surprised!

They didn’t expect, this time it was the mysterious and powerful Spirit Beast Lord, Immortal King, who had to deal with the Holy Kingdom!

“Stupid humans!”

Jian Chi Qiongqi took the opportunity to move towards the holy king counter taunted, “You all heard it! This time, but the Lord Emperor Beast Lord personally issued the order !”

“You humans, there is no chance!”

“Emperor Beast Venerable, so what!” Saint King replied, “Let him come, I want to see , Can you Spirit Beast destroy the Holy Kingdom!”

Ye Qin knows that the Holy King’s heart is actually a little frightened.

But as Lord of a Country, you must never lose in an imposing manner!

“hahaha!” At this time, a new voice sounded, “For you, why do you need the emperor beast to take action, we are enough!”

I saw, an old man’s silhouette dropping from the sky.

The old man has six eyes.

Ye Qin once met him, it was the Divine Beast mirage who rescued Kunpeng!

Seeing the appearance of the mirage, Ye Qin suddenly understood something.

Because the spirit power fluctuation of the mirage within the body at this moment is not weaker than the other four beast kings!

At the beginning, in the forest of the ancient gods, the mirage was very weak!

Ye Qin has a vague feeling that Kunpeng is mostly the mirage in front of him!

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