Chapter 198 Spirit Beast Little Lizard

Jiang Chen prepared for a while, and finally persuaded Su Yizhou, so he was the only one to look for Fire Spirit Grass.

Although Su Yizhou was still worried about Jiang Chen, he kept persuading Jiang Chen before Jiang Chen left, “Brother Jiang Chen, you must be careful. If you have any problems, remember to call my name loudly.”

Seeing Su Yizhou’s worried look, Jiang Chen almost laughed.

How can this be the same as life and death.

Jiang Chen told Su Yizhou not to worry about following Master Kongwu well, waiting for him to come back safely.

Master Kongwu didn’t tell Jiang Chen a lot of information, so Jiang Chen had no choice but to start searching in this mountain aimlessly.

But this is certainly not an easy task, after all, even Master Wu Wu himself has not found it.

Otherwise, why would you let Jiang Chen start?

Although this mountain looks very barren on the surface, once you walk into the hinterland of this mountain, you can see a lot of rare herbs, even Jiang Chen has never seen it.

And here Jiang Chen also saw a very strong aura, that is, because of such a strong aura, so many precious elixir can be grown.

But it’s strange to say that Jiang Chen saw so many spirit grass and spirit trees, but he didn’t see a beast.

This is a very strange place.

With so abundant spiritual power, why are there so many fairy grass elixir? Other creatures survived here.

Jiang Chen didn’t have time to think too much, so he continued to walk into the mountain.

Since there is no signal on the mountain, the mobile phone that Jiang Chen brings can only play a role in lighting.

In many places, the vegetation is too dense, directly blocking the sun, and Jiang Chen can just use a flashlight.

But Jiang Chen didn’t plan to use the flashlight all the time. After all, the power of the mobile phone was limited. Once he ran out of power, he would not have any lighting tools.

He didn’t have any thoughts yet, so he had to find something to use for lighting first.

[Host, you have a golden pupil, so you don’t need to worry about it at all. 】

Sha Xiaoqi’s chicken blood appeared at this time, and Jiang Chen seemed to have found his savior.

Yes, she also has Sha Xiaoqi, you can ask him any questions.

“Then do you know where the fire spirit grass is?”

Jiang Chen put all his hope on Sha Xiaoqi’s body, and as he walked aimlessly like this now, he didn’t know how long and what month he had to find.

[Host, the fire spirit grass is in the middle of the mountain center, which is the host, you need to walk into the center of the mountain. 】

Sha Xiaoqi’s words made Jiang Chen a little desperate. How could he get in when he walked to the middle of the mountain? Is it going to split the mountain?

Why are you kidding me?

Now he is picking an elixir and is going to split the mountain to pick the elixir?

Tucao returned to Tucao, Jiang Chen still patiently continued to find the way to Shanxin.

Finally, the effort paid off, Jiang Chen found a cave at this moment.

Since it is a cave, you might be able to walk to the center of the mountain.

Jiang Chen has always prepared himself differently.

Maybe he will become a miner at any time.

Jiang Chen stood at the entrance of the cave. He couldn’t see what was inside the entrance at a glance, there was only pitch black.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen has a golden pupil, so he can see clearly around him.

It’s just that using the golden pupil consumes Jiang Chen’s spiritual power.

Jiang Chen has not formed a golden core yet, so his spiritual power is not enough to support him to use the golden pupil all the time.

This also means that there is not much time left for Jiang Chen.While it was still dark, Jiang Chen didn’t want to stay overnight in this deserted mountain.

He must quickly find the elixir, and then go back to sleep with Qin Ran in his arms.

The thought of Jiang Chen in his heart suddenly gained momentum.

He took a deep breath and walked into the cave, who knew it.

As a result, there is a cave in the cave.

The stone walls are covered with colorful spar, and occasionally colorful fluorescent herbs appear.

But Mihate these were not the fire spirit grass that Jiang Chen wanted to find.

Jiang Chen had to continue walking down.

As he walked, Jiang Chen suddenly heard a roar.

Then the stone walls of the entire cave trembled, and Jiang Chen clearly heard that roar came from an unknown beast.

Are there any beasts in this mountain?

Jiang Chen understood why at this time, there were no other creatures in this mountain.

It is because there is already this overlord in the mountain that other creatures dare not stay in this mountain.

“What do you do now?”

Jiang Chen hesitated whether to continue walking.

What can he do if this beast is very dangerous?

[The host believes me, I have detected that there is no danger nearby, you can continue walking down. 】

The reminder of swiping the phone, Jiang Chen didn’t want to believe it.

Didn’t he hear such a loud roar?

Now let Jiang Chen continue to walk down, isn’t this to let him die?

Life is not easy, Jiang Chen sighed.

It’s so troublesome to pick herbs now.

Seeing that there was no way now, Jiang Chen had to continue walking down.

As he walked into the cave, the roar became clearer and clearer.

Jiang Chen listened carefully and felt that this beast seemed to have just woke up.

Not because he was hungry at this time, Jiang Chen walked to his site now, isn’t this just sending him rations?

After thinking that there was no way, he chose to believe in Sha Xiaoqi, maybe this beast didn’t have any attack power.

It’s just that this thought didn’t comfort Jiang Chen.

To know that the beast roared just now, and the entire rock wall of the cave was trembling.

This is certainly not simple.

The more Jiang Chen walked down, the more vigilant he became.

He still has a wife and children, but he can’t lose his life here.

Jiang Chen was thinking like this in his heart, and there was a sudden movement, and Jiang Chen was also tripped on the ground.

At this time, an unknown creature appeared in front of Jiang Chen’s eyes.

It seemed that the small one had a curly tail. Jiang Chen used the golden pupil to explore it carefully and found that it was a small lizard.

When Jiang Chen just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, the lizard moved again, and as the little lizard moved, the whole mountain trembled.

Isn’t this the beast that Jiang Chen heard before?

Jiang Chen was so scared that he wanted to escape quickly.

At this time, Sha Xiaoqi’s voice appeared in Jiang Chen’s divine consciousness again.

[Host, don’t be afraid, he can’t pose any threat to you, this is a rare spirit beast, this spirit beast has not signed a contract with anyone, can you catch it as your own personal spirit beast? 】

And this kind of operation Jiang Chen didn’t know until now.

Now that the neighbors are already rich, not only have they produced spiritual medicines, but also different kinds of animals can absorb spiritual powers.

They can also increase their cultivation base by relying on their spiritual power, but it is not possible for a human like Jiang Chen to condense their own inner alchemy.

So this also caused the spirit beast to only become an accessory for human cultivators.

“So how do I convince him now, I just ask him to let me be a father?”

Jiang Chen was joking, and Sha Xiaoqi was amused by Jiang Chen’s brain that day.

Why other people’s hosts are cold and handsome, but Jiang Chen from his family is a funny comparison.

Sha Xiaoqi thought about her boyfriend, and as expected, Jiang Chen was still suitable for Qin Ran.

[This host, you only need to beat him down, and then print your blood on her forehead, then you can reach a contract. From now on, this spirit beast will be able to send it at will. 】

This sounds very good, Jiang Chen can find a little brother of his own again.

Still the kind of personal and exclusive little brother.

“He won’t be great, how can I beat him down?”

I often think of the roar of the little lizard. Although the roar does not match her petite body, it sounds very uncomfortable as soon as it sounds.

If Jiang Chen missed him and couldn’t beat him, wouldn’t he be killed here?

And this method of death is extremely embarrassing, he can’t even beat such a petite lizard.

[Host, you worry a little too much, just rush to me and do it! 】

Sha Xiaoqi didn’t really want to talk to Jiang Chen at this time. He had to get off work as soon as possible, and then went to find his boyfriend Xiaoyao and go happy.

Where did Jiang Chen know that Sha Xiaoqi thought this way, he only felt that Sha Xiaoqi had become very ruthless now.

Is it because he rescued his boyfriend that he could treat himself like this?

The face of the woman really broke Jiang Chen’s heart.

Seeing that Sha Xiaoqi had disappeared in his bedroom, Jiang Chen continued to look for the little lizard afterwards.

Fortunately, the spirit beast did not go too far cautiously.

That little spirit beast lizard should be the little overlord in this mountain, so he is the only spirit beast in the mountain.

Since it is the only overlord in the mountain, it shows that this spirit beast still has some strength.

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, catching this beast was a tricky thing.

But who doesn’t want to have a cute and roaring little spirit beast.

Jiang Chen continued to look down and followed the shaking of the mountain, and it gradually followed the little lizard’s nest.

There are all kinds of spiritual herbs and medicines.

It seems that why this little lizard cultivates so fast is because of the use of these spiritual herbs and elixir, which has improved its cultivation.

Jiang Chen remembered the herbal book that Master Kongwu said to give him before. Maybe it contained a lot of herbal medicines that could help him and Su Yizhou in their cultivation.

When he gets this book in his hands, wouldn’t he be able to find those. Are there herbs that help practice?

At the moment, he needs to get the spirit beast first, and then find the fire spirit grass, he doesn’t need to do it himself.

Maybe just let the little lizard do it for you.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts were beautiful, but the reality slapped him in the face severely.

This Xiaoxin was extremely agile, even if Jiang Chen launched a lot of attacks on him, he could evade quickly and accurately.

Jiang Chen found that this spirit beast had little attack power, but its speed was very fast and its body was also very flexible.

This could also be used for sneak attacks. Jiang Chen had thought about his future position for the little lizard early.But now the little lizard hasn’t let Jiang Chen succeed.

“Little lizard comes to brother to play here!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen couldn’t catch the little lizard, he began to use the method of coaxing.

As a result, the little lizard didn’t want to hit Li Jiangchen, but was farther away from Jiang Chen.

Really disappointed, then he picked up an elixir and tried to lure the little lizard.

This time the little lizard was a little moved, and began to crawl in the direction of Jiang Chen.

At this time Jiang Chen felt that the little lizard was not as ferocious as before.

It looks pretty cute too.

As long as he is slightly adjusted in the future, he must be a very good pet.

It’s just that he was thinking about whether Qin Ran would be scared when he saw this little lizard.

The little lizard slowly approached Jiang Chen, and when Jiang Chen thought he could catch the little lizard, suddenly the little lizard rushed towards him.

He took a hard bite in his hand.

Is this still a sneak attack?

Jiang Chen was so angry that after he caught the spirit beast, he would teach him a lesson.

[Host, be careful, this lizard is venomous. 】

Sha Xiaoqi hadn’t left before, but suddenly came out attentively to remind Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen was bitten by that little lizard at this moment.

That also means that Jiang Chen has now been poisoned by that little lizard.

Now Jiang Chen said that he was stealing chickens and not eroding the rice, and the spirit beast had not caught him, but instead injured himself.

No, is it really going to die?

It was really like he thought before, to be killed by a little lizard.

[Host, don’t worry that there is a poison that can cure this spirit beast nearby, but the host needs to slowly test the medicine. 】

Jiang Chen realized that he was surrounded by different elixir at this time. Then as long as he finds the correct spiritual grass at this time, he will be saved.

It’s just that so many spirit grasses, how could he find it.

The only way now is for Jiang Chen to taste all these elixir all in one go.

After his poison is detoxified, it means that he has found it.

But there is also a hidden danger in it. If Jiang Chen accidentally eats poisonous herbs, wouldn’t he cool down even faster.

Jiang Chen felt that one head was two big.

After that, he took a breath and took out the herbal medicine that Master Kongwu gave him, and began to look for herbal medicine that could detoxify him.

He was a little anxious, and turned it roughly. He didn’t find it, and then he had patience and looked through it carefully.

Finally he found a herbal medicine that could cure hundreds of poisons this time, but Jiang Chen didn’t find it among the pile of herbal medicines.

This is how to do?

Since there was no herbal medicine that could cure hundreds of poisons, Jiang Chen had to go back and find a herbal medicine that could temporarily delay the toxicity.

But Jiang Chen looked a little strange, Jiang Chen didn’t think too much, and hurriedly swallowed the herbal medicine even the roots into his stomach.

This herbal medicine didn’t work immediately, but Jiang Chen felt that the wound on his hand bitten by the spirit beast was not as painful as before.

But Jiang Chen was full of pain. Although this herb had some usefulness, the taste was really hard to describe.

He has never eaten something so bitter.

He almost vomited his gall.

Right now Jiang Chen only delayed his own toxicity and didn’t quickly emit it, but once the medicinal properties of the herbal medicine failed, then Jiang Chen would also be in danger.

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