Chapter 119


Guangzuo paused: “The subordinates also plan to bring Guangchen. He should go out at his age, so he has a long experience; if there is any accident, he can come back and send a letter to Miss.”

“Then you guys be careful…I will fix the book tonight and give it to you tomorrow morning.”

Xi Yue nodded: “The money is all in Linglong’s control. You can go out and discuss the withdrawal, not to return it to me.”

“Yes!” Guangzuo a cupped fist, looking at Xi Yue, his eyes moved slightly, he finally swallowed what he still wanted to say, and walked away.

Linglong sent him out and bought money by the way.

Xi Yue asked Ling’er, who was beside Youfan, to inform Guangchen and help him pack his clothes. When she was alone in the room, she moved her right palm, pulled out the bead flower that had been pierced into the flesh, and threw it bloody into the waste basket.

Spread out Four Treasures of the Study, studied ink, and wrote a home letter; I didn’t write two words, I was irritated and rubbed it, and then I wrote and rubbed it, tearing a few sheets of paper, and it was always impossible to write.

He sighed and lay weakly on the table, holding his head in both hands.


Ling’er’s voice rang, Xi Yue hurriedly sat up straight, and Ling’er was looking at her worriedly.

Xi Yue lowered her head and dipped her brush in thick ink in a concealed manner: “What’s the matter?”

Linger was silent for a moment and said, “Miss, all four tenants in our manor have come, and I want to thank Miss for not raising the rent this year. Now I am waiting outside. Will Miss see them?”

“These things…” Xi Yue smiled reluctantly: “You guys, no matter who you send, you don’t need me to come forward.”

Don’t say that she is not in the mood now, even if she does, she feels that she is now like this, it is not suitable to be too high-profile.

Linger hesitated to go.

Xi Yue cheered up, and after a long time to figure it out, she finally wrote a family letter that looked like a running account, sealed it and set it aside.

I also checked my own space bag, took out eight detoxification pills, a box of compressed biscuits, peeled off the outer packaging, and found a clean towel to wrap it. In addition, I took a pair of jade bracelets that I had signed in, packed them in a box, and prepared to bring them to the third wife.

Think about it, there is nothing left, put on a mask, and stroll out, planning to go to the newly opened martial arts field.

The martial arts field is not big, only the Houyuan Bailai square area is marked out. The craftsman hastily built three walls, leaving one side of the gate, and wanted to wait for the two bamboo buildings to be built and the garden to be repaired, and finally to level the place.

Therefore, in a relatively noisy and noisy place, this corner is deserted and deserted. But it is just right for Xi Yue to walk around here alone.

She is basically recovering from the injury now, and her strength is slowly recovering; at least she is spiky, unlike before, she stumbled and took strenuously.

Shao Shao danced the ball, sitting on the stone stool panting, Guang Chen walked in with a bow and arrow on his back and a wooden target in his hand. Both parties were a little surprised when they met each other:

“Little, Miss, are you here too?”

Xi Yue smiled and said: “I’m here to practice weapons. I haven’t touched them for a while, and my hands are all born. You have to go with you tomorrow morning, Dage, how can you still come to practice arrows?”

Guang Chen’s face flushed a little, but his expression was very happy:

“The parachutist told me that no matter what you learn, you must persevere in order to achieve something. Miss, I have now practiced: a 50-meter target, ten arrows will not miss the target! Next, I plan to practice a 100-meter target !”

“Very good——Guangchen is really good, keep on working hard!”

Xi Yue felt that the flying general should not have time to teach Guangchen much in just three days; but Guangchen’s ambition and perseverance were really commendable. With a thought in my heart, he said:

“I heard a little story about Ji Chang learning to shoot. Would you like to listen to it?”

Guangchen set up the wooden target and immediately ran to her to sit down, full of joy: “Yes! Miss, tell me!”

Xi Yue touched his head, looked at his shining eyes, and said:

“In ancient times, there was an archery master named Feiwei; one day a man named Ji Chang came and wanted to worship him as a teacher. Feiwei said to him: You should learn not to blink before you can talk about learning arrows.”

“Ji Chang went home and lay under his wife’s loom, staring at the pedals. After two years of practice, even if the awl pierced his eyes, his eyes remained unblinking. ”

“He told Feiwei about his own results. Feiwei said again: It’s not enough, you have to continue to exercise your eyesight. When do you take a very small thing very big, and a very subtle thing very much? Be clear; you will see me again when you reach this level.”

“After Ji Chang went back this time, he tied a lice with a cow’s tail hair and hung it under the south window. He kept looking at it every day. Ten days later, he saw the lice very seriously. Three years later, his eyes The lice are like wheels. No matter how big things are, they are like hills!”

“Ji Chang bent his bow and took an arrow, and one arrow hit the center of the louse, but the cow’s tail hair was not broken!”

Guangchen was surging, and Xi Yue smiled and finally added: “When he goes to see Feiwei again, Feiwei smiles happily: You have mastered the essence of archery!”

“Miss! I understand-this is: the master leads the door, and the practice is personal? As long as I don’t give up and persevere, sooner or later, I can reach the height of the parachutist and the Ji Chang and Feiwei in the story of Miss you. !Right?”


Xi Yue also wanted to encourage him to say a few more words, and Ling’er found this place: “What is it! Guangchen, I will pack your luggage for you, but you sneaked here and disturbed Miss——”

Guangchen jumped up and stuck his tongue out: “Ling’er Big sis, I will practice another hour arrow and go back. Put your luggage, and I will collect it at night——”

Ling Erbai glanced at him: “I’ve packed everything for you. It’s just that you don’t need to change the laundry. The money is left to Dage. Halfway, you can buy a few clothes.”

Xi Yue also remembered. On the way here, I threw away a lot of luggage; I just bought the manor, and there were too many things, and I didn’t care about making new ones for everyone. It’s still winter, and it’s really inconvenient to have less clothes.

La Ling’er sits down: “Tomorrow, let Guangyi take you and Linglong to buy some ready-made ones at the cloth shop. When you are free, you will find a needle and thread Master to customize it.”

Ling’er’s flat mouth: “Miss, Linglong Big sis and I don’t like the clothes here! The narrow sleeves and fat legs, the kerchief on the head, and all the belongings seem to be taken out…we don’t Urgent, find a needle and thread Master to customize it slowly.”

Xi Yue amused her, and pointed her pretty nose with her finger: “People are ethnic style, you can’t appreciate it-take all the belongings outside, you are a damaging mouth!”

“That,” she saw that Guangchen had already begun to practice arrows, fearing that it might affect him, she got up and pulled Ling’er and walked back:

“Tomorrow you will go find a needle and thread Master to customize it. Each person will make a few clothes for the winter. As for the spring and summer clothes in the future, you can take it easy.”

Ling’er noticed that she seemed to be in a much better mood, and secretly relaxed a lot, holding her kerchief and smiling:

“Send away Guangzuo Dage and Guangchen, we will go. But, Miss, you are left alone at home, is it okay?”

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