Chapter 153: Looking For You A Real Home

“Miss, come and have some soup.”

Linglong Xing casually brought out a bowl of hot and fragrant Bazhen Chicken Soup from the food box: “This is Sister Cheng made it for you. It has been boiling for several hours, so you can drink more!”

Xi Yue smiled, scooped out two bowls, put a bowl in front of Linglong.

The two sat opposite each other, holding a bowl of soup in silence.

“How long is the contract between Cheng Sister-in-law and us? Find a suitable time, give her more money, and settle it.” Xi Yue took a couple of sips and wiped her mouth with a kerchief: “And the concierge Uncle Qian… ..”


Linglong lowered her head, tears, big drops falling into the bowl: “I’m just…your drag?”

“No!” Xi Yue took her hand: “You are my family!”

“Have you never heard of it? When the war comes, I must first transfer my family-I am not that great, and I can’t let my own family live and die with me… I just want to give priority to keeping my family, and then talk about other things. .”

Linglong closed her eyes, tears running like beads: “I…I always thought that my wish in this life is peace and safety…find a suitable family to marry…have two or three. Children…raising them…watching them marrying wives and having children…”

“The most ordinary happiness… there is nothing more than this… but now…”

She shook her head slowly: “I just found out… what I have always been most reluctant to bear is… Miss… The happiest thing is… this time with Miss. ……”

“Even Ling’er’s petty bag…”

She cried and smiled: “When she left, I was also very reluctant to bear it!”

“Miss…” Linglong held Xi Yue’s hand tightly: “If I am here, it will only make you feel uneasy and worried… I… leave first! I’m going to find a place for Miss… a home that can truly accommodate you and shelter you!”

Xi Yue hugged her, two lines of tears flowed down.

In troubled times, there is no pure land.

The so-called “home” is nothing but three caves of the cunning rabbit, which is expediently avoided. Xi Yue didn’t dare to bet on human nature, so she could only prepare for the worst. Linglong lifted her up, took her veil and pressed her red eyes:

“Miss, I have heard what you and Guangzuo said…Fei Liandie and Yao Yizhi can’t stay either! One of them is pregnant, the other is weak, and staying here will hinder Miss. ? It’s gone with me, and there is still a way out.”

“Miss, don’t look back and forth: these years, they can come to your villa alive, and I don’t know how many hardships they have experienced along the way. If they are a little weaker, where are they now?”

“Don’t talk about the first pregnancy and weak physique… Even if the leg is broken, the bone is broken, and the effort is to escape, you can ask them, whether to go or not to go?”

Xi Yue hesitated: “Ask them first…”

“It’s Wang Chunrou, Miss should keep her.”

Linglong calmly analyzed: “Mr. Gong and Guangzuo’s martial arts are no matter how high they are, they are also men; Miss moves and takes them everywhere inconvenience. Wang Chunrou is the best choice to follow Miss.”

Xi Yue held up her face: “I wanted to let Guangzuo guard you go together, but Guangzuo refused to live and die… There is no way, Wang Chunrou is the next best candidate. Linglong, she is my offer Your guard, you must not refuse this one!”

“Otherwise, I’d rather keep you by my side, and you have to take it with you when you drag your legs—”

Linglong’s nose sore, she grabbed her hand and pressed it against her face.

“When you leave, you only bring soft ones; you have everything at home, and you have all of them. I also have a part of it. I will bring it to you later. You…please pack your luggage when you come back.”

Xi Yue hardened her heart to plan.

It’s easy to say a word, but it’s difficult to actually make a trip.

Set an approximate date, Guangzuo still has to run around, go to Li’s house to report, switch the customs clearance document. Without the necessary procedures, Linglong and the others will be regarded as refugees by the local government wherever they go.

The fate of the refugees is self-evident; don’t talk about buying a house and buying land, living and working in peace and contentment.

Fortunately, during this time, they just packed up and can contact the right caravan on the road, which is safer.

The intense and tedious preparations, and the nostalgia for parting soon, dilutes Xi Yue’s previous sadness. Helping Linglong ran in and out to count things, and took over the accounts one by one.

She was still considering whether to sell the manor, but the movement was too loud, and one of the tenants also tried to grow potato sprouts——

This day I was entangled in discussing this matter with Linglong, and Guangzuo hurried back from the outside in a sinking manner.

“Miss! Lu Yin got it, today, let Girl Linglong and the others set off overnight!”

Xi Yue stood up, facing his ugly face, with an ominous sign in her heart: “So anxious? Is it my Dage…what has changed?”

Guangzuo handed a bunch of formalities and directions to Linglong, who was nervous and restless, before looking at her:

“Miss, while I was waiting for the road sign at Li’s house, I saw the grandson sending an envoy to negotiate with Li’s family. I sneaked and listened…”

“The messenger relayed what the Grand Lord said: Miss Xi’s second family has been living in the Li state, and I hope that the Li family will send troops to escort you back to Chicheng. The two can form an alliance.”

“The reply of the head of the Li family needs to be considered. At present, the messenger is being treated by the Li family at a banquet. I took the guide and hurried back to report the letter!”

“Miss! The Li family has been at odds with the Xiao family for many years, and it is unlikely that you will bow your head to the Xiao family. The old man is Wen Wen and righteous, and he has a new hand in Chicheng, with a reputation. The Li family is very likely to be inclined to the proposal of the old man. You… ..”

“If you don’t plan to go back to Chicheng to give the leader like this, you have to step back and withdraw quickly!”

Xi Yue’s legs were soft for a while, and she sat back on the chair, her heart twisted like a knife: “Dage…he would rather pass an outsider and extradite back to me than to come and ask me again! Sure enough… In his mind, I am his enemy of killing fathers and mothers!”

Tears came to his eyes, forced to hold back, and turned to Linglong: “Tonight, you will set off! Guangzuo will send you a ride–”

“Before this, all the long-term and day-to-day jobs in Zhuangzi should be cleared out. Other people, who are willing to stay, will go with you; those who are not willing to stay, will be refunded the deed of sale and travel expenses, and let them leave…including The three of Fei Liandie!”

After speaking, without looking at everyone’s expressions, he left his seat and walked inside. Faced with the Four Treasures of the Study placed on the table, tears burst into tears.

In the past two days, she also wrote a few long letters, intending to entrust someone to bring them to Dage Shiwen. The letters were piled up in the drawer and could not be sent out, but unexpectedly, there was no chance to send them out again.

Shivin made her existence public, and through official channels, which obviously means:

In his mind, her status as Little Sister was gone.

From then on, he no longer put himself in thinking about her.

He was merciful to her only subordinate, but he didn’t clearly declare her as a fugitive, right?

But what’s the point of that!

The Li family is not stupid. Chi Cheng has undergone a shocking change. She is now afraid that she has long been famous in the world…notorious.

She grabbed a thick stack of letter paper from the drawer, tore it to pieces, and threw it into the waste basket.

“Dage…you are such a fool!”

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