Chapter 203

“Retaliation… Chiguoguo real revenge…”

Xi Yue gritted her teeth secretly and muttered in her heart. I couldn’t help but interjected:

“Where is Mr. Door? Can the General let us see him first?”

Zuo Yu’s tone contained clear respect: “Mr. Door has been working all night, together with the military doctors, is treating the wounded of our army, are you still busy now?”

The three again: “…”

Xi Yue felt upset, and it was inconvenient to break out in public.

I had known that she would have killed Monroe and would not push Monroe out of the disaster.

But at that time, Monroe’s high profile has already attracted Ran Jun’s attention. She didn’t do that. Who knows what the situation will develop into!

Dejected as the sergeant walked out of the main cabin, he comforted himself that he could only take one step and see one step.

Zuo Yu is not stationed in Taocheng near the dock.

The sergeant who was responsible for the placement and reception of the three people revealed that their general was only with Ran Ling, the small county lord, to patrol up to this point. I heard that water bandits have been rampant in recent years and have caused great harm to the people.

Now that you’re done, you will leave after you report to Lord Ming.

Xi Yue was even more unhappy when she heard this.

So they have to follow Zuo Yu back to their teacher after Zuo Yu’s affairs are done?

Don’t know what Monroe is thinking about now?

She escaped with all the hardships, but not to go to another restrained place, to be used by others. Besides, she still missed Linglong and was eager to find Linglong’s party.

But now you can’t abandon Monroe and run away.

Obviously, the other party’s chicken intestines and stomach are not bigger than Gong Jiu, and it is still an existence that cannot be offended. They could only bite the bullet and stay in the inner courtyard of the palace arranged by the other party, and wait until they met Monroe.

Taocheng is only a small city, far less than Yang Great Wall. There are not many wing rooms in the county office for guests. If it were not for the special request of the three, the butler would arrange them in a large room.

Rao is so, Xi Yue, who is surrounded by male neighbors, also feels inconvenient everywhere.

She couldn’t remove her disguise casually, so she had to endure it.

In addition to the inconvenience of living, the food is not satisfactory.

The waterfront city focuses on aquatic products. This embarrassed her, who had never liked seafood.

After barely eating two meals, he ran belly and got a red rash on his face. I didn’t dare to let people know, let alone see a doctor, and finally had to rely on dry food.

The resentment in her heart towards Monroe was like surging rivers.

After spending two days in the county office, he didn’t see Monroe. Xi Yue couldn’t sit still anymore, got up and went to find Guangzuo and Guangchen, planning to discuss, and leave Monroe to run away.

Guangzuo hesitated: “Miss, it’s not very moral for us to do this, right?”

After all, Monroe saved them and was kind to them. Don’t kick one foot away after taking advantage of his weird and hard-to-group temperament.

Xi Yue scratched the rash on her face, afraid that Guangzuo would see it and put down her hand, enduring the piercing itching: “Well, wait another day.”

Her modern body did not have this kind of allergic reaction, and she did not expect the ancient original owner to have it. Go back to the room, wash your face with makeup powder, and look at the disfigured face that you can’t bear to look at in the mirror. How can it be tinged with the four words Tian Zi Guo Se!

That’s it, how many people are scared to go out.

Putting down the mirror, she walked around the house like a sleepy beast.

After walking for a while, it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn’t seen a red bat in the past two days. Where did he go? Was detained just like her, and ran out for a stroll?

For a while, she was a little envious of his wings.

In the evening, the servant brought supper. After Xi Yue and the others left, without looking, they poured all the supper into the box and put it in the space bag. In addition, take out the dry food, frown and bite.

Without taking a few bites, a pair of arms suddenly stretched out behind her, and she hugged her whole body horizontally!

She was so shocked that she almost didn’t choke to death by dry food–

Looking back, it was Gong Jiu, who was in a red robe and black hair, with a pair of blood eyes shining brightly with a smile!

Xi Yue was pleasantly surprised, and the dry food fell to the ground and grabbed him with his backhand, “Gong Jiu! You, have you been able to return to your original shape?”

“The power of the deity has basically recovered!”

Gong Jiu Zhuozhuo stared at her, deep and long: “Thanks to you…my blood queen!”

Xi Yue was a little embarrassed by him, but infinitely happy, far overwhelming reservedness.

Gong Jiu lowered his head and lightly pecked her face.

Hundred words are omitted here…

Xi Yue shyly covered her face and said, “The red rash on my face…you…did you not see it?!”

How could it be uttered–she couldn’t bear to look directly at it herself.

Gong Jiu hugged her and laughed pouting. Squeeze her face with her hands: “It’s like a delicious snack, covered with red fruit, it’s so cute!”

Xi Yuebai glanced at him.

Gong Jiu glanced at the broken dry food cake on the ground, and a touch of distress passed in his eyes: “This dry thing, what is delicious! The deity will take you to eat better.”

“Where to go? This place is so remote?”

Xi Yue hesitated. And if you go out so late and be seen by Ran Jun on patrol, it’s easy to cause misunderstandings, right?

“You’ll know when you go with the deity.” Gong Jiu smiled.

The red mist rose up on itself, trapping the two of them. Xi Yue only felt a flower in front of her, that she had left the narrow wing of the guest house before, and she was on a high wall.

At the corner under the wall, the street is brightly lit, pedestrians are bustling, and it seems to be another world.

“This is where?”

She asked in a daze.

“I don’t know where it is. However, they seem to be holding a lantern festival…Go, take a look!”

He hugged her and swept down the high wall, then took her by the hand, enthusiastically, and turned to the street.

This is just a small county town, which seems to be deep inland. The war has had little impact on it. The common people are full of plain clothes and cloths, which are covered with patches, but this does not prevent them from showing festive smiles on their faces in this rare gathering.

The streets on both sides are crowded with small merchants and vendors, with lights and festoons everywhere. Food, play, and see are worthless, but they are enough for pedestrians to satisfy their temporary desire to buy.

They walked all the way, and Xi Yue bought many strange little things and fresh snacks unknowingly. Even Gong Jiu helped her get a lot.

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