Chapter 307 Life is like a peng, and finally like a whale! (Four thousand words)

“Take you to see the sea.”

Chen Anhe took Han Qingning into the cabin of the deep-sea submersible. The space inside was not large, but it was more than enough to accommodate a few people.

Han Qingning looked around blankly.

Nervously said:

“Are we going to the deep sea?”

“Yeah.” Chen Anhe nodded, stretched out his hands, as if embracing the sea, and slowly said: “Let’s go to Java Island to see a grand ending!”

Han Qingning nodded blankly.

She doesn’t know how to use words to describe it anymore.

Look at the sea.

Sitting on a deep-sea submersible to see the sea.

Going thousands of meters under the sea, seeing the vastness of the sea, and seeing the mystery of the sea is an unbelievable experience.


The cabin door is closed.

The deep-sea submersible sank slowly.

Through the window, I could see fish swimming around in a faint sense, but it seemed that I was disturbed and quickly ran away. There were many fish around and many kinds of fish.

The deep-sea submersible has been sinking.

When it sank to three or four hundred meters, Han Qingning felt abruptly that the surroundings had become extremely quiet, and could not hear any sound, as if the soul was washed at this moment.

Wan Lai is dead!

The whole person is extremely ethereal.

There is a pleasure of washing away the dust and cleansing the body and mind.

she knows.

This is just an unconventional feeling.

It’s too quiet all around.

The noise of the city was far away, there was no sound around, only the sound of cooing water, but through the heavy protection, it was very unreal.

In an instant.

People seem to be drawn away from the world.

This experience is very unique.

Han Qingning was even a little intoxicated.

The same goes for Chen Anhe.


Chen Anhe quickly woke up from this state. This kind of listening to the sound of the sea is indeed very relaxing, and also very relieved.


This is in the sea.

He looked around, opened a small wooden board in the cabin, then took out a bottle of precious red wine prepared earlier, and opened it with a screwdriver.

Two cups were poured cooingly.

Then I sat relaxed in the cabin, admiring the scenery of the deep sea, taking a sip from time to time, and of course I would take a look at Han Qingning from time to time.

She was still in that ethereal state.

This is a rare time to relax the whole body, he didn’t go to wake her up, so he left her alone for a while.

The sea is vast.

When the submersible reached three to four hundred meters, there was no light around it, and it was pitch black. Only the submersible emitted a little light.

But it’s really weak.

Can barely see the scene outside the cabin.

Further down.

There are some fishes that glow from time to time in the sea. These are deep-sea fish.

The characteristics of these fish are obvious.

The mouth is big, the eyes are big, and one or several parts of the body have a light-emitting device, and it emits not only white light, but also various colors, which is very beautiful.

A middle-aged man in the cabin also walked over after the stable submersible fell steadily, and took the initiative to act as a’tour guide’ and introduced Chen Anhe.

“The fish in Oceania are basically bony fishes.”

“These fish are very adaptable to this extremely cold and dark living environment, and the deep sea has a large area. The competition between these fish is not fierce, so many fish are still primitive groups.”

“The characteristics of these fish are obvious. They have big mouths and eyes. Certain parts of their bodies emit light. It is not easy to hunt in the deep sea. So those light-emitting devices are used to trap prey and to lure their mates.””These fish have high nutritional value.”

“The possibility of deep-sea fish being contaminated is very low, and the body is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals. It has many benefits to the human body. It can effectively prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol, lower blood lipids, and help development. And improve immunity, but also reduce the harm of cigarettes.”

“Deep-sea fish is a low-fat and high-protein fish.”

“But because it’s not easy to catch in the deep sea.”

“Like the Antarctic orange sea bream and Antarctic red shrimp under the Pacific Scallop Sea, they are hard to find on the basic table. The output is small, and they are very expensive. They are basically priceless.”


The navigator is obviously familiar with the seabed.

When you see a school of fish floating by the window, you will carefully point out the characteristics of these fishes.

When descending to more than one thousand meters, the navigator returned to the cockpit.

Han Qingning woke up a long time ago.

Just as mesmerizingly admiring the deep-sea scenery, this is a wonderful scene that only existed in documentaries in the past, but now it can be seen from up.

The sea is deep and restrained.

But it also contains infinite vitality.

“so beautiful.”

Han Qingning blurted out subconsciously.

Chen Anhe smiled and said:

“Like it?”

“Yeah.” Han Qingning nodded vigorously.

It was the first time that she came to the deep sea, and she dived more than a thousand meters under the sea. Looking at the colorful world in the sea, looking at this area that has not been touched by many humans, she seemed to have entered a new world.

Full of curiosity and longing for everything.

Chen Anhe is actually the same.

However, the more I understand the world, the more I lament the unpredictability of life, and the more I am in awe of nature.

“How many meters are we going to dive?” Suddenly, Han Qingning thought of this question and asked directly.

Chen Anhe Tanshou.

Shaking his head:

“I do not know either.”

“I decided to come to the deep sea temporarily. The specific length and depth of the dive are not determined by me, but they are all determined by them.”

“We are just tourists!”

Chen Anhe pointed to several pilots in the cockpit.

Han Qingning nodded thoughtfully.

Then whispered:

“This kind of deep-sea submersible should not be open to the outside world? A tourist submersible like this one can’t dive as deep as possible. I remember that if it is allowed at home and abroad, you can dive for tens of meters. How did you rent it? ”

Han Qingning looked curious.

She really didn’t want to understand that this submersible is already the top technology in the current world. It is not possible to get the qualification to go to sea if you have money. Moreover, the diving of a submersible to the sea requires a lot of procedures, and it is not a way to go.

How did Chen Anhe move?

She was puzzled.

Chen Anhe narrowed his eyes.

He did not have this ability before, and he could not do it. This kind of submersible that can dive for thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters is basically the core technology of sea exploration in various countries. It is not allowed to be opened or displayed to the outside world, but He acquired the AddArmor conversion plant.

The West is a capital country.

Only by giving money, everything can be settled.

With the help of AddArmor to transform the factory, he succeeded in getting a line of beautiful country, and then smashed tens of millions of dollars to make this trip to the sea abruptly.


This time going to sea is destined, they are just an accident.

An accident made with money.

Chen Anhe said:

“Do you know what they are going to do this time in the sea?”

“I don’t know.” Han Qingning shook his head, “This type of deep-sea submersible is generally used for underwater surveys, seabed exploration, or seabed development and salvage.”

“What are they going to do this time?”

“They…” At the moment Chen Anhe spoke, the light from the deep-sea fish was faintly outside the window, but it was completely dark at this time.

I can’t see my fingers.

Han Qingning subconsciously leaned against Chen Anhe, with a look on her face.

It is possible to survive an accident in the sky or on the land, but absolutely not on the seabed. Once an accident occurs, the people inside will definitely die.

This is more than a thousand meters deep in the sea.

The pressure in the depths of the ocean is very high, enough to crush a very thick steel plate in an instant. Once the cabin has a problem, the pressure cannot be maintained, and people will burst open. People are not deep-sea fish, and their body structure adapts to the deep sea.

Once an accident occurs in the deep sea, people will die forever!


The lights of the submersible turned on.

There was nothing wrong with the submersible, but a black shadow was suddenly blocked in front of them.

The submersible continued to descend.

But the speed was much slower than before, as if it was deliberately reaching the same speed as the black shadow in front of him, and the space seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Chen Anhe and Han Qingning also looked out.

The submersible slipped a little bit.


Fell below the shadows.

The light suddenly turned on, illuminating the black shadow in front of him.

The deep-water fish that had not been seen appeared in large areas, and seemed to be disturbed. They swam around quickly, revealing the big black block in front of them.

This is a big fish!

Han Qingning’s lips opened slightly, her hands covered her mouth unconsciously, her eyes were full of shock and inconceivability, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

What did I see?

A whale! ! !

“You did it?”

Chen Anhe’s face turned black.

Is he like that kind of killer?

Chen Anhe said:


“I haven’t been so frantic.”

“This blue whale died of old age naturally. It has been dead for a while, but the weight of the blue whale is very large, and the size is also very large, and the fall is very slow.”

“I happened to get this information some time ago, so I prepared for this trip.”

“Oh.” Han Qingning’s cheeks were slightly red.

She also felt that there was something wrong with her previous words, but Chen Anhe really couldn’t treat it according to common sense.

“This is……”

“Whale Fall, WhaleFall!”

A few people in the cockpit came over and watched the scene quietly through the glass window, with shock and admiration in their eyes. This is the law of nature.

When a whale falls, everything comes to life!

It was the first time they saw the whale fall with their own eyes.

The sea is too big.

Wanting to meet a whale falling is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

When I really saw the whale fall, I couldn’t help being shocked by the magical scene in front of me.

Countless animals are attached to the surface of the whale as if they were one. If you don’t look closely, you can’t see how this whale has changed from the usual.

But as long as there is a little movement.

The black shadow in front will instantly change, revealing the remains of the wrecked body.

The death of a whale can feed many species.

From the moment the whale died, the whale began to fall, from a few hundred meters of the sea area, until it fell to the bottom of the sea, the whole process would last for several months.

This is the feeding back of life!

In the process, thousands of species will parasitize on this remnant body, absorbing nutrients, and at the same time pregnant with new life.

There is no end to life and death.

It’s like a reincarnation, constant repetition.

Now this blue whale has been dead for almost a month, most of the flesh on it has been eaten away, but the nutrients buried deep in the bone marrow still exist, and many deep-sea creatures are attached to it to make a living.

Far away.

Chen Anhe looked at the scene in front of him.

Tens of thousands of lives are conceived on a behemoth of tens of meters. This picture is extremely shocking and intuitive.

It’s hard to calm down for a long time.

Everyone stood quietly in the cabin and turned off the lights.The outside returned to darkness.

But the pitch black is only temporary. After a while, the deep-sea creatures attached to the blue whale corpse will unanimously release bursts of brilliance, embellishing the blue whale into a crystal color.

This is the funeral of nature.

“When a whale falls, everything is born.”

“I didn’t have any intuitive feelings about this sentence before. I saw this scene before I realized that life is so brilliant and so great.”

“This is a profound meaning beyond time and space.”

Chen Anhe whispered.

Han Qingning nodded and murmured:

“This life of whales.”

“Life is as splendid as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves.”

“This is a natural gift!”

The middle-aged navigator smiled and said:

“Whales are spiritual animals. They can predict their own death. When they are old or sick and can no longer surface, they will take the initiative to choose a sea area and wait quietly for the end of life.”


“Naturally fall into the deep sea of ​​several kilometers.”

Chen Anhe sighed:

“Born in the sea, buried in the sea.”

“This may be a whale, give the sea the last tenderness.”

A middle-aged man who was in his fifties and whose sideburns were already pale nodded and said:

“Whales contain a lot of nutrients. After they fall into the blue ocean, they will feed the creatures in the sea for dozens or even hundreds of years, bringing nutrients and hope to many lives.”

“This long process is the whale fall.”

The whale falls.

With a bit of poignancy, but also with a bit of romance of life.

Facing the poetic and warmth scene in front of them, several scientific researchers in the cabin couldn’t help but burst into tears, tears welling in their eyes.

Reason and romance.

The home of science and life.

In this moment, a wonderful stagger occurred on a whale.

Chen Anhe raised his head.

Looking at the fish and shellfish attached to the whale, as well as the many mollusks and bacteria that are not detected by the outside world, this is the continuation of life.

The death of a whale means the hope of life.

After sighing with emotion, the old scientific researcher smiled and said:

“Thousands of whales die every year in the world, and whale falls actually happen all over the world, but we are not aware of it.”


“When a whale falls to the bottom of the sea, after hundreds of years, after being completely dissolved by the creatures on the bottom, it will turn into sea sand. Before his bones are completely dissolved, they will be colonized by other creatures.”

“The land where the whale falls will form a new oasis of life, forming a complete ecological system in the dark ocean.”

“Everything is arranged by the Creator.”

“Subtle and great.”

“All things are spiritual and beautiful. All things are born out of love, and even death carries the mission of nourishing all things in the world. Even if it erodes into sand, it must achieve surprises and reincarnations of life.”

“This is the whale, give the sea the last tenderness!”

Chen Anhe nodded.

With emotion:

“The leaves fall back to their roots, and the whale falls to the bottom of the sea.”

“Born like a peng, and finally like a whale falling.”

“Perhaps those whales who have predicted that they are going to die can never imagine that their own death can be so romantic and so magnificent.”

“This is the greatness of nature.”

After watching the whale fall for a while, everyone returned to the cockpit.

Chen Anhe and Han Qingning are here to travel, but they are not, they are here for underwater operations.

The emotion is over.

Time to do business.

Chen Anhe smiled at Han Qingning, who was already crying, pulled her into his arms, and whispered: “Do you like this surprise?”

“I like it.” Han Qingning nodded steadily.

“There is something you like more.” Chen Anhe raised his head and watched the whale falling slowly coming downstairs. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

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