Chapter 642 is very embarrassing

However, even if it is such a very angry thing, I don't feel much when I think about it now.

In the whole senior year of high school Ye Yi encountered a lot of unfortunate things.

Ye Yi remembered that there were a lot of very ~ annoying things in a certain period of time before he passed through.

But many things, when I think about it again, are no longer angry.

In order for Ye Yi to really make the anger bar on his head reach the full mark, he must remind himself of those particularly irritating things, things that make Ye Yi fill his chest with anger now.

And in the third year of high school, I really encountered one.

In fact, this is a very unfair thing to say.

Before Ye Yi crossed over, when he was a sophomore in high school, Ye Yi was the subject representative of the chemistry teacher in the class.

Then this chemistry teacher is also Ye Yi's class teacher.

The teacher got along very, very well with all the students at that time.

Then one day Ye Yi happened to meet his old head teacher in the corridor.

Of course, I was very, very happy to see this old head teacher Ye Yi.

He walked up to him and said hello very warmly.

Although not to the point of tears.

But this is his old teacher after all, Ye Yi is also very happy.

As his subject representative before, he has indeed received a lot of favors from this teacher.

For example, if Ye Yi has any questions that he does not understand, the teacher will answer Ye Yi patiently.

He even taught Ye Yi some very difficult questions in his free time.

Although this teacher is equal.

But Ye Yi didn't think such a favor was cheap.

Ye Yi definitely doesn't look at the problem this way.

For example, there is a good old man who is very nice to everyone.

Then when you meet someone, you will give a person 1,000 yuan.

And if Ye Yi met such a person and accepted his favor.

Then Ye Yi wouldn't think the 1,000 yuan was cheap.

Ye Yi wouldn't think that since everyone has it, you should give it to me.

Or a little bit of gratitude.

Ye Yi will only look at this issue unilaterally.

Ye Yi just thinks, you and I don't know each other and you can give me so much money, so I thank you very much.

...for flowers...

Ye Yi is one person who sees the problem this way.

So for that teacher, Ye Yi is of course full of gratitude.

Although Ye Yi has traveled for a long time now.

But I still remember the teacher's voice and smile.

That day, Ye Yi went up to greet the teacher enthusiastically when he met the teacher in the corridor.

However, when Ye Yi was chatting with the teacher, he happened to meet his new head teacher.

Ye Yi really didn't pay attention at the time.

And after the new head teacher walked over, Ye Yi realized that he was walking past him.

This also made Ye Yi very embarrassed.

I wanted to turn back and call the head teacher.

But then again, what is this called.

And at that time, the old teacher was concerned about his own learning.

Do you want to abandon this old teacher immediately?

Then go back and chase your new head teacher?

What Ye Yi thought, something was wrong at this time.

So Ye Yi's expression didn't change, he just kept listening to the concern of the old teacher.

After returning to the class, Ye Yi found that the new head teacher's attitude towards him had completely changed.

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