Chapter 684 is very harsh

Ye Yi doesn't even need to ask Ye Yi from that person, Ye Yi will trade this equipment directly to that guy.

But Ye Yi's philosophy has always been: you have to control yourself, and what happens to others is someone else's business.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is a general principle of Ye Yi as a person.

That is to say: Ye Yi tries his best to be perfect in everything.

Ye Yi has its own standard, which is completely aimed at itself.

In addition to this, Ye Yi also has a standard for treating others.

That is, Ye Yi lives in this world with more than one set of standards.

Ye Yi has a set of standards that are completely specific to him.

This set of standards is actually very demanding for a person.

Ye Yi really dared to say that.

But Ye Yi would never use this standard to ask others.

When Ye Yi asks others, the set of standards he follows is just some very basic things.

So that's how it is.

In other words, if it were Ye Yi himself, he would definitely trade this equipment to that person.

This is Ye Yi's standard for himself.

In fact, that person didn't trade the equipment to the person who needed it for free, and that's okay.

Because it didn't cross Ye Yi's standard for others.

Ye Yi felt that things were that simple.

But I didn't expect that after I came back from the dungeon, the communication platform exploded directly.

But Ye Yi didn't feel anything special at that time.

After all, some people are like that.

As I said before, the atmosphere of this game is very, very good.

70% of people are very human.

So if this is the case, many people may be blind to this matter.

These people may have only one set of standards for being a human being.

It's not a particularly pristine thing either.

Ye Yi understood it very well.

In addition, there must be some people who are just empty inside and unable to advertise.

That's why it's so powerful.

Ye Yi knows that there are very few people in this world who are like this.

Because first of all, people generally have a desire to express themselves.

Or maybe you want to flaunt something in your heart.

Something very pure and noble.

But some people actually lack such a thing inside.

Some people may be relatively barren at heart.

That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with such a person.

It can only be said that in most cases in this world, the more people lack something, the easier it is to advertise something.

It may be that very few people see an opportunity and rush to show it.

Go flaunt yourself, let yourself be sublimated and intoxicated with something 020.

After all, such opportunities are rare.

Ye Yi didn't feel anything particularly wrong either.

But Ye Yi looked at it and found that this matter is not as simple as he thought.

At that time, Ye Yi also became more and more angry.

Because at the very beginning, the general speech is to criticize why this person is impersonal.

Others spoke up and said what would happen if they were replaced by themselves.

But by then it had completely gotten out of hand.

There are many, many netizens who directly started greeting the family of the toll collector.

It was really all kinds of vicious curses, all thrown at him.

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