Chapter 686 Keep it for yourself

And this magic weapon is only one per person at most.

And at that time, some people really went to grab the magic weapon of other professions.

The reason is simple, or the guy doesn't understand that this thing can't trade.

Otherwise, you are deliberately disgusting others.

If that's the case, that's really disgusting.

But in the game Ye Yi played back then, that piece of equipment was directly assigned to that person's backpack by the system.

This person can completely keep it by himself.

He has no subjective malice.

There is no conspiracy in it.

Since someone wants it, it is not unacceptable to charge 5 yuan.

In fact, if Ye Yi encountered this kind of thing, then Ye Yi wouldn't say anything.

First of all, if Ye Yi got this equipment, 020 would definitely be given to others for free.

And if Ye Yi encountered someone asking him about 5 yuan, then Ye Yi would make money happily.

Ye Yi will at most ponder: this is really a good thing.

It's just like this.

This is not to say that Ye Yi has a (bccf) submissive personality.

Again, Ye Yi was born with two sets of standards.

A set is for its own standards.

very harsh.

The other set is based on other people's standards and is more relaxed.

It is impossible for Ye Yi to fan the flames on the exchange platform.

It just can't be that guy's accomplice either.

To fan a bunch of people to utterly abuse and curse this man and his family.

Ye Yi is definitely not like this.

So Ye Yi was very angry at that time.

At the same time, Ye Yi was also very suspicious of life.

Never thought that a place that I thought was a pure land would actually look like this.

I said before that Ye Yi didn't dare to define what the Pure Land was.

Ye Yi didn't even dare to define what the Internet was.

Ye Yi just started from himself.

It's a totally personal thing.

Ye Yi felt that the place he had entrusted with, the retirement paradise he was looking forward to, was still not as good as he thought.

These people are indeed very human, and there is no problem with that.

But at that time Ye Yi realized that maybe some of them were not really human.

These things are just superficial and very formal.

It's like the makeup applied to the face, it just washes off with water.

It's like a multicolored sticker pasted on a broken house.

As soon as the wind blows, it is gone.

Among them, there are a small number of people, the so-called human touch is nothing more than a kind of self-intoxication and self-motivation.

These things have no real root in their hearts.

That's why there is the kind of person who flaunts how kind he is and how humane he is, and then curses and insults others at the same time.

In fact, Ye Yi knew that more than 99% of the time, the party, the person who asked for 5 yuan, didn't even know about it.

In other words, when people know about this, they just laugh it off.

People didn't care at all.

But this made Ye Yi half-dead.

This thing is so simple, it is really difficult to explain.

But if you talk about it in detail, people like Ye Yi will really be very angry.

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