Chapter 4 Fooling Around! Can you suture the carotid artery?

On the operating table,

Dr. Xiao Jing took over the nurse to press, and her fingers moved two centimeters at the back of the wound, exposing the wound’s field of vision.


Qin Feng glanced at her with a smile and nodded.

Xiao Jing was born in Jinling Medical University, and after entering the city’s No. 1 hospital, she also voluntarily asked to come to the emergency room.

Later, Director Zhou took a fancy to, and stayed by his side all the time.

It took only half a year to observe the position of Yizhu, and now he is considered to be an attending doctor with considerable experience in emergency care.

Xiao Jing didn’t speak, but stared at Qin Feng blankly.

I don’t know why, from the emergence of the rescue room, to now on the operating table.

Every word he said could not be refuted by himself!

Qin Feng, who was originally handsome and approachable, pushed Zhao Tiantian away in the rescue room and personally performed venous access puncture.

She hasn’t understood the technique until now, it’s as easy and accurate as inserting a straw in her usual life!

You know, although Qin Feng chose the two thickest veins on his neck and thighs.

But even if she has been in the emergency department for several years and has rich experience, she often encounters situations where venous access needs to be opened for puncture, and she thinks she can’t be so casual.

Before the operating table,

Qin Feng concentrated on it and quickly cleaned up the wound with iodophor, and the neat wound appeared in his sight.

After disinfection, he used surgical forceps to find the location of the severed artery.

Deputy Director Chen was also there when he was injured, and a fruit knife floated across her neck in his mind.

So I have a rough estimate of the injury in my heart.

With so much bleeding, the artery must have been injured, but other arteries or veins must have been severed.

There are many arteries in the upper neck of a person, including more than a dozen arteries such as the common carotid artery and the superior thyroid artery.

Among them, the common carotid artery and the superior thyroid artery are the two thickest arteries on the neck.

Open the wound and probe.

“Huh~ Sure enough, it’s a blessing!”

Qin Feng let out a sigh of relief, showing a satisfied look, his judgment was correct.

Broken carotid artery!

The superior thyroid artery is ruptured!

Checking down along the wound, except for the torn muscle, the other arteries were lucky.

This is also fortunate that the knife that the man hurriedly made did not hurt too much.

Otherwise, Chen Yuanfang might not even be able to stand up to the time to go on the operating table.

Now Qin Feng is more confident, as long as the two arteries are sutured and the blood supply is restored, there should be no danger.

“Report data.”

“BP has returned to normal, and CVP is still somewhat low.”

Hearing Qin Feng’s voice, the nurse quickly reported the information on the instrument.

“The blood volume has almost recovered. You can reduce the infusion and control the speed.

10mg heparin and 30mg papaverine are injected intravenously. I am about to start the operation. ”

Qin Feng nodded when he heard the words, and looked at the itinerant nurse.

“Yes,” the itinerant nurse replied.

“Qin Feng, do you really want to do it? This is illegal!”

Just as he was about to pick up the attractor, the second assistant Wang Xiaohui hurriedly pulled him, eyes full of tension and worry.

“You are an intern, and Director Chen’s condition has at least reached the third-level surgery standard.

Even in our city’s first hospital, there are only a few directors who can do it. In case there is some accident, we all have to leave!

This is too dangerous. Don’t do it anymore. Now Director Chen is stable, and you have done well enough.

Let’s wait for the directors of other departments to come over for the operation! ”

“Sister, don’t you think it’s too late to say this?”

Qin Feng shook his head and smiled reluctantly when he heard her spitting nervous advice.

“Moreover, Deputy Director Chen’s situation is not optimistic, the more a minute delay, the more dangerous it will be.”

“In this way, if you are really worried, let’s start doing it first, and wait until the other directors arrive before changing them to continue. Is it okay?”

Both Dr. Wang and Dr. Xiao both had the same expression, and he still persuaded him a few words euphemistically.

Seeing that they no longer objected, Wang Xiaohui nodded and let go of her hand.

Qin Feng picked up the attractor and resumed his serious gaze.


The suction device quickly absorbs the blood accumulated under the skin, exposing a clear surgical field of vision.

“Vascular clip.”


Seeing him stretch out his hand, Wang Xiaohui hurriedly passed the equipment into his hand.

Qin Feng first blocked both ends of the broken carotid artery with a large vascular clip, and then completely blocked both ends of the superior thyroid artery.





4 seconds!

Everything is done, very fast!

After confirming that the blocking was completed, he gave a helper a look.

At this time, Xiao Jing slowly loosened the hands that were holding on to the blood vessels, and couldn’t help but feel a little nervous in her eyes.


Finally, when he completely removed his hands, there was no drop of blood oozing out of the two arteries.

Perfect blocking!

For a while, everyone looked at Qin Feng in surprise.

Especially Xiao Jing and Wang Xiaohui on both sides were shocked in their hearts!

This technique and speed are as fast and accurate as a textbook.

The two of them have been on stage with the director, and have seen many times that the aorta ruptures due to various accidents and needs to be blocked.

And Qin Feng’s hand speed is simply faster than those directors who have experienced many battles!

Is he really an intern?

Isn’t it a hidden boss?

“1% lidocaine, 50ml to flush blood vessels.”

Qin Feng still said intently.

The nurse next to him was quick to prepare and handed it over.

Because it was cut by a sharp blade, the two ends of the broken blood vessel are still very flat.

He simply removed 1mm, smoothed it, and softened it with warm salt water and hot compress.

Prepare to connect to blood vessels.

“5-0 no damage line.”

Qin Feng took a deep breath and stretched out his hand.

Yisuke Xiao Jing handed the threaded blood vessel needle into his hand, and everyone became nervous.

Next is the most important link, connecting the blood vessels.

Qin Feng didn’t hesitate anymore. The moment he got the needle, he felt as if he had undergone countless operations, and he didn’t feel nervous at all.

full of confidence!

Time is waiting for no one, we must hurry up.

Immediately the needle passed through the blood vessel and started to suture quickly.


At this time, outside the operating room,

“How is Deputy Director Chen? How about her?”

A doctor in a white coat, about 50 or 60 years old, and another person behind him hurried over.

Looking solemnly at the door, Zhao Tiantian and Liu Juan, who was still sluggish at the door, asked in a deep voice.

“Director Zhang, Director Cao, Deputy Director Chen, she is already undergoing surgery.”

When the head nurse Liu Juan saw the visitor, she said quickly.

These two are the directors and deputy directors of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases, and rushed here when they received the news.

The carotid artery was severed. This is a fatal injury!

However, because the inpatient department of their cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is some distance away from the emergency building, and now there are more family members in the hospital.

It took two or three minutes for the elevator alone, and it was nearly ten minutes by the time they arrived.

But they were relieved to hear that Chen Yuanfang was already undergoing an operation.

“That’s good, that’s good, it scares us to death.”

The deputy director Cao, who was about forty or so wearing gold glasses, patted his chest, feeling relieved.

“I heard that Deputy Director Chen was scratched by the patient’s family. Is it under control?”

Director Zhang nodded, frowning.

“The person has been taken away by the Security Department, and the police will come in a while.”

Liu Juan briefly explained, and both of them were extremely angry.

What kind of patient’s family can do this to a doctor?

It’s crazy!

“Such people must be severely punished! Otherwise, what will our doctor do in the future?”

Deputy Director Cao couldn’t help cursing.

“Okay, since Director Zhou is undergoing an operation, then we will go back.”

Director Zhang sighed, waved to several people, raised his leg and prepared to leave.

“It’s not Director Zhou who performed the operation.”

At this moment, Zhao Tianyi, who was standing by, suddenly whispered.



Director Chen and Deputy Director Cao stopped immediately and looked at him suspiciously.

“Who is that?”

“It’s Qin Feng, Xiao Jing, and Wang Xiaohui, the interns who have just been assigned to our emergency department.”

Zhao Tiantian looked at the two with a wry smile, his eyes flushed.


Hearing what he said, Director Chen and Deputy Director Cao were struck by lightning!

After a long period of stunned reaction, the two of them looked at each other in disbelief.


Director Chen’s expression changed drastically, shouting angrily, pointing at a few people, full of anger,

“Can you perform such a big operation of carotid artery suture?

It’s lawless!

Let me tell you, if Deputy Director Chen has a little accident, you and the others inside will undress me and fuck off!

The first hospital in the city cannot afford doctors who are irresponsible to patients like you! ”

After speaking, the two rushed into the door of the operating room, washing and disinfecting their hands at lightning speed.

Put on sterile clothes, put on masks and gloves, and walk outside the sterile room.

Through the glass, the two saw a young man in the same costume standing in the center of the operating table, with the forceps in his hand being raised and lowered continuously, performing sutures.

Next to them were Xiao Jing, Wang Xiaohui and other nurses, all standing motionless.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the anger in each other’s eyes.

Carotid artery suturing is a delicate task. How can it be possible to have such a fast suturing speed?

When to sew a quilt at home?

If they come a little later, it is estimated that Director Chen Yuanfang will not survive.


Director Chen stepped on the isolation door of the operating room, and the two rushed in quickly, shouting loudly.

“Stop it!”

“What are you doing?!”

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