Chapter 382: The Hunter’s Family

A day later, at the entrance of a small mountain village in Leicheng.

Chen Yuan, dressed in casual clothes, stopped and looked at an old woman who was walking towards him, and asked kindly: “Mother, is Chen Yuehua’s home in this village?”

Chen Yuehua is the name of the hunter’s mother.

When the hunter left the address, he also told Chen Yuan his mother’s name.

If he says that there is someone who is sorry in his life, he is his mother.

The old lady was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Yuan.

This young man is sunny and handsome, with bright eyes, not like a bad person.

She asked suspiciously: “Why are you looking for her for?”

Chen Yuan smiled and said: “Her old man helped me before, but didn’t leave an address. I finally found Li and came to visit her specially.”

He randomly made up a reason, the hunter’s identity is rather special, it is not easy to say clearly.

The old lady did not doubt Chen Yuan’s words, nodded, and said: “Chen Yuehua, she is indeed a very kind person. She has helped many people without asking for anything in return. It is difficult to find a good person like her in this world. ”

“It’s just pitiful. She has been a good person all her life. I didn’t expect to have such a daughter-in-law. The family is unfortunate. We all feel unfair for her. God is so unfair.”

The old lady shook her head helplessly and sighed again and again.

Chen Yuan deliberately wondered: “What’s wrong with her?”

“Hey, I shouldn’t talk too much about this, but my wife really can’t help it. Aunt Chen’s son killed someone, but we all know that her son is right, that woman and that man should be killed.”

“The eyes of our people are sharp, not blind, they can see clearly.” The old lady said heavily.

Chen Yuan felt relieved. He was a little surprised. He didn’t expect the people in the village to blame the hunter. Instead, he sympathized with him and understood him.

If the hunter knew, he didn’t know how happy he was.

“Chen Rongxiang, I watched him grow up, the poor child. After killing someone, he knelt in front of his parents for more than three hours, covered in blood, until the police came. I was watching him at the time. Go, just kneel down and cry.” ”

“That day, he was wearing a military uniform, with dazzling medals on his chest. People said that he had made countless contributions to defend his home and the country, otherwise it would be impossible to have so many medals on him.”

“Poor, such a good baby was ruined in the hands of that dog man and that shameless woman. Even if I were a woman, if this matter fell on me, I would do it like Xiangzi!”

“Those two gods killed even a beast, how can a child so young bear the heart to succeed.”

After saying these words, the old lady’s tears kept falling and her eyes were red.

Chen Yuan listened quietly beside him. When he heard the hunter talk about this, he was very angry in his heart. If he changed to himself, he would do the same, even more ruthlessly than the hunter!

“Poor boy, I watched him grow up. I’ve been sensible since he was a child. It’s just a shame to know that he will definitely be a promising child when he grows up.”

“The most painful thing is his mother. The granddaughter is gone, and the son is gone. A good house, just like this, collapsed.”

“You are a deliberate young man. You came late. She passed away from illness three years ago. When she was dying, she still missed her son. She must have wanted to see him.”

“Her son has been taken away by the police for many years, and there has been no news. He must be unable to return.”

The old lady couldn’t tell the helplessness.

“Aunt Chen passed away?” Chen Yuan was startled.

The old lady nodded and said: “After her son was taken away, she became ill and very sick. If she didn’t hold her breath and wanted to see her son, I’m afraid she would go earlier.”

“Poorly, she still couldn’t wait for her son to come. Everyone knows that this is a thought. How could she be able to come back after the kid killed someone, hey.”

The old lady sighed with regret.

“Poor Xiangzi, what a wonderful child, he used to be so filial.”

An inexplicable feeling of heartache rose in Chen Yuan’s heart.

He knew the name of the hunter for the first time, and he couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart.

The hunter protected the country and the people.

But the eyes of the people are sharp, and they all have a knife of the ages in their hearts, and they may not be able to help the hunter, but they are all thinking of him in a certain sense, and no one has forgotten him.

A soldier like Hunter, when he made a choice, was destined to be unknown, without a code name.

Even, some agents are undercover, for the trust of the enemies in the area, in order not to be suspected, and to complete difficult tasks, many times, they must not constantly lose contact with their family members and force themselves to do things that violate their conscience. In the end, people pointed at the spine and scolded them, and after retiring, they were scolded for waste, just like happily, they have been working alongside drug lords.

She and the hunter are the same kind of people, and they are the greatest group of people.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath and asked, “I want to ask, where is her tomb, I want to worship.”

The aunt turned around, pointed to the west, and said, “Her tomb is behind the bamboo forest, and Xiangzi’s home is also nearby. You, the doll, is very interested. Go and worship. We usually go to worship on our own during festivals. She, Xiangzi, he is a soldier, and his family is worthy of our worship.”

A warm current surged in Chen Yuan’s heart and said, “I will do it for him, thank you.”

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