Chapter 455: What’s so special, how dare you come?

Pedro’s brows were slightly tightened, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he turned around abruptly and walked to another room.

Acting as a bait to lure the people of Yan country, they naturally dare to come, and they will definitely try their best. It is estimated that they are already thinking of ruining together.

This group of lunatics, it is most appropriate to greet them with bullets and grenades, no need to talk nonsense!

As Pedro walked into the stronger room, there was another loud bang outside.

The flames soared into the sky, and it was particularly dazzling in the dark.

Accompanied by the explosion, the gate collapsed.


Before the gun smoke had completely dissipated, Shao Bin and others hiding nearby rushed out like cheetahs, rushing into the gun smoke at the fastest speed.


The penetration sound of bullets hitting the ground.

Sniper bullets!

The snipers lurking at the commanding heights spotted Shao Bin and others rushing in. However, under the smoke of gunpowder, the line of sight was blurred and the opponent was moving fast, unable to accurately lock, and could only attack by feeling.

“Damn it!”

The sniper’s eyes were cold, and under the continuous shooting, none of the targets were hit.

“This bunch of bastards must be calculated! Attack, use the explosion of gunpowder as a cover!”

“Come in, I will pull you out one by one!”

The sniper was right, Chen Yuan had planned this way before.

The entire battle process was in Chen Yuan’s calculations.

After Shao Bin and others rushed in, they quickly dispersed, each looking for a hidden spot.

Chi Chi…

The smoke dan in everyone’s hands was thrown out everywhere, and the next moment, a cloud of white smoke spread everywhere, covering all the surroundings.

Under the shroud of smoke, Shao Bin and others spread out again and moved to the sides, completely disappearing into the darkness.

After about thirty seconds, the gunpowder gradually dissipated, and there was not a single figure on the ground.

“Damn it! Why didn’t you kill any of them?”

Pedro, who had been paying attention to the fighting situation, tightened his brows and his eyes were full of surprise.

According to the plan, in this wave of attacks, at least two or more opponents will be killed, and now there are none.

You must know that two snipers are arranged on the periphery to cross-sniper. No matter which direction the opponent breaks from, they will be exposed to the sight of a sniper. It is impossible to miss both sides at the same time.

“It doesn’t make sense! They are all top snipers, and there is no possibility of a miss.”

Pedro clenched his fists and suddenly felt that the situation was a little bit off his mind.

“Could it be?”

Pedro’s face instantly turned cold, and there was only one possibility that the first sniper team was killed by the opponent!

Otherwise, according to the strength of the sniper, it is impossible for the opponent to break in so easily.

“Trash! I have reminded you not to underestimate the Yan people, otherwise you don’t know how to die.”

In Pedro’s view, it must be the sniper’s carelessness, thinking that the Yan Guoren would not come to die before relaxing his vigilance, letting the other party take advantage of the loopholes, otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to approach them silently in their lurking position.

He stared at the place where the figure disappeared, and snorted coldly: “I still underestimated you, but what is it? You can’t get out any of you, you have to die here!”

As soon as the gunshot sounded, the position of the person who rushed in was exposed, and they stepped into the trap he carefully arranged, waiting for them to be called by the god of death.

“You really dare to come, and you launched a strong attack. I thought you would sneak in. It was a bit beyond my expectation. Let me see how tough you are.”

Pedro’s face turned hideous, as if he had seen countless bullets flying in the air, turning the group into a hornet’s nest.

Sure enough, more than ten seconds later, gunshots broke out in the manor, and the CIA agents arranged in the dark opened fire.

In an instant, bullets roared from all directions, like a torrent of steel shrouded in the sky.

They just want to use the power of a large number of people to carry out an overwhelming attack and escort the opponent to fight.


The dense bullets flew around, hitting the ground, bursting bullet holes, and when hitting the stone, numerous sparks spattered…

The criss-crossing bullets formed a line of life and death.

However, they couldn’t accurately pinpoint the location of Shao Bin and others, they could only pinpoint the approximate direction, and then fire wildly indiscriminately.

This is their site, and they have been carefully calibrated, and they have enough firepower at every shooting point. Simply put, they don’t lack bullets now. No matter they can’t see people, they just feel where the opponent is, and fire immediately. That’s it.

Shao Bin lurked behind a big rock and roared: “Five o’clock direction, rocket attack!”


An agent on the right of Shao Bin quickly removed the rocket launcher from his back, set it on his shoulder, aimed at the 5 o’clock direction, and did it in one go. Without hesitation in the middle, he suddenly pulled the trigger when he locked it.

call out!

In an instant, the rocket dan with its flame tail pierced the night sky and whizzed in the direction of five o’clock.

“Provide down, Rocket Dan, get down!”

“Damn it!”



Accompanied by a loud explosion, a building was in the explosion, violently shaking, and the exploded rocks were flying around, almost crashing the building.

Two or three CIA agents were in place and were just shrouded by the explosion, and they were directly burned into roast pigs by the flames.

The surrounding smoke was everywhere, completely covering the surroundings.

With this explosion, the dense rain of bullets instantly sucked a lot.

This is the trump card of Chen Yuan and others.

This is the CIA site. They cannot use rockets such as dan and other powerful weapons, because there are a lot of top-secret information stored here and cannot be destroyed.

But Chen Yuan and the others dare!

Anyway, it was bombed so badly, it doesn’t matter if all the bombs are flattened, and they don’t need to pay for it.

Because of this, the enemy didn’t use big weapons when attacking frantically.

“These bastards! Don’t let us catch, otherwise, chop them into mashed meat!”

“Attention, let them rush over, get close and fight again, don’t let them launch rocket dan again!”


The CIA agents were frustrated one by one. They also had big weapons, and they were even more powerful, but they didn’t dare to use them. Otherwise, if the bombardment went down, all the people of Yan Guo would be ruined.

It’s all right now, that group of people from Yan country intends to demolish this place!

“Rush over!”

Shao Bin gave an order, and the whole person rushed out first.

With the opportunity of gunpowder and sparse bullets, he led the agents to continue the assault.

Their task is to make a big noise, create a big mess, and attract the enemy’s firepower as much as possible, so that the strongest Chen Yuan can sneak in and catch the big fish!

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