Yang Jianguo smiled, "I am the head chef of the hotel."

You Fengxia couldn't help widening her eyes, "What did you say? Are you the head chef of the hotel?"

"Which big hotel?"

Now there are not many big hotels in Sijiucheng, just a few, You Fengxia knows all of them.

"Old Mo," Yang Jianguo said indifferently.

You Fengxia's head was buzzing with shock.

"God, are you the head chef of Lao Mo?"

"Lao Mo is one of the best hotels in the Four Nine Cities."

"I've been to that hotel, and there are twenty or thirty chefs in it. So, you are their leader?"

Yang Jianguo smiled a little embarrassedly, "You can say that, but I'm just a name, and I haven't been to work yet."

"I will report after a year."

When he first knew that the place he was going to work was Lao Mo, Yang Jianguo himself was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, the job that Uncle Ye arranged for him was to be the head chef of such a big hotel.

From the perspective of this era, Lao Mo is definitely the top hotel in the country.

All the hardware and software inside, as well as personnel support, are top-notch in the country.

It seems that Uncle Ye really trusts his cooking skills.

After You Fengxia determined that Yang Jianguo was Lao Mo's head chef, she admired Yang Jianguo even more.

But thinking about it, You Fengxia also thinks this is normal.

Lao Mo is at the high end, and there are people cooking and eating.

Yang Jianguo's cooking skills and knife skills are definitely the top of the human race.

If such a person can't go to Lao Mo, who can go?

The point is, to be a head chef in a high-end restaurant like Lao Mo must be very high.

You Fengxia had heard some rumors before, saying that Yang Jianguo was just a scoundrel with no serious job, and she was worried that her parents would not agree to their marriage.

Now it seems that it is completely superfluous. When the job of Chef Lao Mo is revealed, parents and mothers may be shocked.

With the concerted efforts of Yang Jianguo and You Fengxia, a sumptuous lunch was quickly prepared.

Because when Yang Jianguo went to buy a bicycle yesterday, he bought some ingredients by the way.

So today's meal is very rich.

There are fish and meat, meat and vegetarian food, and it is made by Yang Jianguo himself, and the taste is even more beautiful.

Xiao Nannan looked at the sumptuous meals on a table, and felt that her eyes were not enough.

Today, Yang Jianguo not only cooks delicious food.

He also ingeniously made all the dishes one by one.

You can't even tell what the original ingredients were.

Xiao Nannan pointed at a very delicate tofu Guanyin with wide eyes and asked, "Dad, what is this?"

Yang Jianguo smiled, "That is the jade Guanyin carved from tofu."

Wang Chunmei had never seen such good-looking food. She pointed to a dish that looked like a blooming chrysanthemum and asked, "Jian Guo, what is this flower made of?"

"It's made of onions, it's called Chunlan Qiuju."

Wang Chunmei said cheerfully: "You, you just know how to do tricks."

"You made the food so beautiful, we are reluctant to eat it, hahaha."

Yang Jianguo moved his chopsticks first, picked up a piece of boneless chicken, and put it into Xiao Nannan's bowl.

Then he said, "Everyone, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

The family ate happily.

The food Yang Jianguo cooked today was so delicious that everyone couldn't wait to have more mouths.

Xiao Nan Nan was very excited as she ate her mouth full of oil.

Children of this age were naughty and mischievous when they were supposed to be eating, and were chased and fed by people.

However, Xiao Nan Nan only regretted that her stomach was too small, and she was full after eating for a while.

Seeing that Mr. Yang Jianguo and Mr. Deng were still feasting, Xiao Nan Nan felt envious.

"Dad, I really want to grow up quickly." Xiao Nannan pouted aggrievedly.

Yang Jianguo asked curiously, "What are you doing when you grow up?"

"When I grow up, I can eat more meals made by my father"

Hearing Xiao Nannan's words, the whole family burst into laughter.

A meal was eaten for almost an hour, and finally ended in a very cheerful atmosphere.

Yang Jianguo began to clean up the tableware.

Seeing this, You Fengxia got up quickly and said, "Brother Yang, let me come."

"It's your job to cook, and it's a woman's job to clean up the table."

You Fengxia's thinking is still relatively conservative. She feels that things like cleaning up the house should be done by women.

If Yang Jianguo did it, it would appear that the women in the family were too lazy.

Yang Jianguo did not have so many thoughts.

His thoughts have not been twisted like the people in this world for a while.

"It's okay, what a man or a woman."

"Let's clean up together."

Yang Jianguo said, reaching out and putting away the last bowl.

You Fengxia was shocked when she saw it in her eyes.

In this era, there are very few men who are willing to help women with housework, and there are almost no men in the entire four-nine cities.

There are even some men who are afraid of their wives and rely on women for everything else, but they are reluctant to do housework.

And Yang Jianguo, such an excellent man, can even do housework.

If you can marry such a man, all the women in the village will be jealous after marriage.

Seeing Yang Jianguo go to the kitchen with the bowl, You Fengxia quickly picked up a rag and began to wipe the table.

Wang Chunmei's eyes were full of smiles when she saw that the two were rushing to do housework.

She is now retired and has little hope.

I just hope that Yang Jianguo can get married soon, and the family can live with Meimei.

Wait until Yang Jianguo and You Fengxia are done.

Wang Chunmei took You Fengxia's hand and said, "Xiaoxia, I think you are a good child."

"Competent, honest, and a good woman."

"Otherwise, you can pick a date and get married early."

If Yang Jianguo can get married, Wang Chunmei will get her wish, which is the only thing she can't let go of now.

When You Fengxia heard the words, her face blushed on the spot.

"Aunt Wang, it's up to Brother Yang to call the shots."

Wang Chunmei laughed when she saw You Fengxia's shy look.

"Hehe, Xiaoxia, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"After we pass the door, we will be a family."

Then, Wang Chunmei turned to Yang Jianguo again.

"Jian Guo, when are you planning to get married?"

"It's a big New Year's Eve, things between you and Xiaoxia won't settle down again. In the future, someone will go to Xiaoxia's house to propose marriage."

Yang Jianguo smiled slightly, this matter, of course, the sooner the better.

"I don't think I might as well go to Fengxia's house to propose marriage tomorrow."

Yang Jianguo is a person who is more resolute in his work, and it is simply said that wind is rain.

Seeing that Yang Jianguo was so impulsive, Wang Chunmei hesitated.

"Tomorrow, I don't know how tomorrow will be."

The older generation always likes to watch the day when they do things.

If the day is not right, they usually choose another auspicious day.

"I think tomorrow will be a good day. The weather is very good today, and it should be a sunny day tomorrow."

Hearing this, Wang Chunmei and You Fengxia both burst out laughing.

You Fengxia hammered Yang Jianguo lightly, "Brother Yang, it's not the weather that Auntie writes about."

Wang Chunmei also said: "Hehe, Jianguo, you will be making a fool of yourself now."

"I remember that there is a yellow calendar in the house of the third master."

"Why don't I borrow it and take a look. If tomorrow's day is good, then we'll go to Xiaoxia's house to propose a marriage tomorrow, and we'll save a lot of nights and dreams."

Yang Jianguo got up quickly, "Mom, you can just rest at home, I'll go."

As he said that, without waiting for Wang Chunmei to reply, he strode out the door.

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