However, things sold on the black market are often more than double the price.

Industrial vouchers are only the qualification to buy bicycles, and you have to pay for bicycles.

As for the price, it is more than one hundred and two hundred, depending on what brand and model.

Like 28 manganese steel bikes and semi-manganese steel bikes, these bikes are in short supply these days.

Like permanent 13, 17, phoenix 18, etc., they are all large chain sleeves, electroplated single brackets, electroplated rear frames, and turn bells, the so-called original "high configuration".

Comparing with these cars is the large chain set of flying pigeons, but the bracket is the kind of black paint to support the rear wheel, and the bell is not a bell.

These bikes are the most advanced and trendy bikes of this era, and they are well-known all over the country.

This is also now, and two years ago, bicycles were even harder to buy.

At that time, industrial vouchers were not issued, and if you want to buy a bicycle, you must have a specific model of bicycle ticket.

It's going to be a lot harder to get this ticket.

It's much harder than getting industrial coupons.

This ticket is a rarity.

The whole mechanic branch can get less than a few pieces a year.

With memory, Nan Yi came to a place where the suburbs and urban areas meet.

This is the latest black market.

The so-called black market.

This is a transaction that is negotiated privately between buyers and sellers without the approval of the relevant authorities.

Generally, they are commodities that are not allowed to be traded.

Of course, in the black market of this era, most things can be bought.

Although the price is high, it still attracts a lot of people to come to trade.

Because no ticket is required.

These days, you need a ticket to buy anything.

Everyone's food and meat are also rationed.

The grain ration for each urban resident is about 30 catties.

Specifically depends on the type of work.

For example, Nan Yi is a cook, rationing 30 pounds per month.

Another example is a fitter, which consumes more physical strength, with a monthly quota of 34 pounds.

As for meat, it is about 5 taels per person per month.

Tickets are harder to come by than money.

No amount of money is useless without tickets.

This is how the black market came into being.

Transactions are in full swing.

Since ancient times, the black market can be said to be ubiquitous.

As long as there is business, there will be a black market.

Of course, the black market is shady and shady.

is illegal and not permitted by law.


It will destabilize the market.

For example, a pound of eggs is now five cents at farmers' markets and grocery stores.

In the black market, it is often a dollar.

Chapter [*] I went to the black market and spent more than half of my savings (please collect flowers and ask for evaluation tickets)

If you have tickets and time to line up, go to the farmers market to buy them.

If you go to the black market, you can easily earn [*] cents per pound.

This profit is [*]%.

The same goes for other commodities.

Basically more than [*]% profit.

It's called speculating.

destabilize the market.

It is expressly stipulated that you will be arrested.

However, it is generally just to disperse.

If unlucky to be caught, it is only on-the-spot education.

They should also be sent back to the original unit for education and a review.

A little bit more unlucky, the goods sold will be seized.

A little bit more unlucky, it will be beaten.

Not really going to jail.

After all, in this day and age, some people can't get enough to eat.

Where there is demand, there is a market, and existence is reasonable.

It's also hard to ban.

As long as it doesn't go too big, such as trading a sheep and a pig or something.

Basically no problem.

If you dare to make it big, then you will be arrested and criticized and put in jail.

At this point, it is working hours, and there are not many people in the black market.

Some people are walking back and forth, while others are squatting.

The look of walking back and forth is very relaxed and leisurely.

They usually come to buy things.

The squatting one was a little nervous, very vigilant, and kept looking around.

Needless to say, these people are all selling stuff.

In front of them lay a small cloth with the goods they sold on it.

Only place a little of each.

There are also big bags of baskets behind them.

When someone comes to buy it, they take it from the inside.

This is done for convenience only.

Once you see the situation is not good, immediately roll up the goods and run away.

Of course, those are the times when the gates are lax.

If it is strict, the seller will not dare to put the product out.

Instead, they go back and forth in the black market like buyers.

Buyers have to ask what they want to buy.

After a leisurely stroll for a while, Nan Yi spent [*] cents on half a catty of pork belly, and another [*] cents on two potatoes and a pound of vegetables.

at this time.

Fatty meat is the most expensive, and the black market costs two yuan and thirty cents a pound.

Followed by pork belly, a piece of nine cents and twenty-one pounds.

Lean meat is the cheapest, only [*] cents a pound.

Stir-fried shredded potatoes and stir-fried green vegetables are the most culinary tests.

He wanted to know how much cooking skills he could inherit from his original body.

In the end he also bought a hen and a rooster for eight dollars.

After thinking about it, he spent another dollar to buy a few catties of corn as chicken food.

He wanted to buy some chickens and ducks, but also some fish fry.

But in this era, private farming is not allowed, and those things are not sold at all.

Not even the black market.

Want to buy only to the seed station.

But that requires a ticket, and also requires a certificate issued by the unit or commune.

Now he can only hope that the rooster and the hen will lay eggs and hatch chicks.

As for the fry, he plans to find an opportunity to talk to the factory manager and buy and breed them in the name of the machine repair branch.

At that time, I will make a small fish pond and pretend to be.

In fact, the fry are placed in space ponds and creeks for breeding.

When it grows up, put it in the fish pond.

Of course, the premise is that the fish fry can grow rapidly if they are cultivated in the space.

However, in this case, the fish is even a machine repair branch.

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