Chapter 0264: Reversal of Things

On the second day, people from the Writers Association of Ludong Province went to work. The first thing they did was to open the subscription to the People’s Daily. I opened the literature and art section at the back and saw an article.

“Internet Novels, the Medium of Cultural Output in the New Era”

Cultural export is something that many people want to do. From the earliest Jianzhen Dongdu to the international fire of Peking Opera, they are all outstanding representatives.

Over the years, the country has also been looking for channels for cultural output. Never thought of planting flowers with the intention of not blooming, and unintentionally planting willows and willows.

Yesterday, the author saw a Weibo, the work of the network writer Nongfu Shanquan Diantian, and the number of views on the English international site of exceeded 30 million.

The author has never liked to read online novels, but I can’t help but read this novel.

This novel fictionalizes a world, from ancient times to the present, it has incorporated many celebrities into it, giving them some new abilities.

In the novel, the author ingeniously introduces the lives of these people, and there is no sense of disobedience when reading it.

Xiang Yu who pulls out the mountains, Jiang Ziya who fishes in the Weishui River, and Li Bai who is both poetic and swordsman, is Zhuge Liang who has no ideas. Every historical figure has become a hero with special abilities in his hands.

I asked myself if my English was good enough, and I looked at the English version again, and found that the farmer’s English writing and writing was very smooth, not inferior to the native writers in the English-speaking area.

In the extra part, the farmer also translated the Chinese dynasty songs, divided the regions and introduced a lot of scenic spots and historical sites, which I can see with good intentions.

In the comments, many foreigners also expressed a keen interest in this, and perhaps online novels will become a new cultural export channel.

Although the Writers Association is an organizational group, it is also politically minded. After reading this article, he vaguely felt that it was not very good.

This kind of public opinion-oriented article cannot be published by everyone, especially the People’s Daily, which is the mouthpiece of the country.

He suddenly felt that what he had done before seemed a bit reckless, should he consider how to remedy it?

Sighing, he called his old classmate, a writer surnamed Liu in Jiang Nan province.

“Old Liu, I was cheated by you this time.”

“What do you mean by this?” Old Liu asked puzzledly.

“Look at the People’s Daily, the commentator’s article in the literature and art section.” After speaking, he hung up the phone.

This is already the case, so be it, and let him join the Writers Association next year.

This daily newspaper article affirming online novels soon appeared on the Internet. Of course, the writers surnamed Liu and Ludong Writers Association were satirized again.

Then someone posted an interesting foreign story. A young man named David posted an article on his Twitter.

He said that he was originally addicted to drugs. Later, he saw Wang Tao’s novels and was addicted to it. He actually resisted the drug addiction. Since then, he has started to read online novels and he has successfully given up.

As soon as this article came out, of course, many people thought it was a joke made up by netizens, and it said it had a nose and a face. Of course, some netizens believe that this is the result of cultural output.

In any case, it is always right to ridicule the Ludong Writers Association and the writer surnamed Liu.

People from the Writers Association also couldn’t sit still, and finally Ludong Writers Association posted a Weibo.

“As a member of the association, the review is determined by the review committee. In the past two days, we have seen the doubts of netizens. We have also found that the original review standards are a bit outdated in the new era. We will actively change the review standards and adjust the online scores of online writers. Be included in the review and attract more online writers to join our family of Writers Association.”

This painless statement was ridiculed by netizens.

The writer surnamed Liu originally wanted to criticize this rumor, but he received a call from the Jiang Nan Writers Association.

“Old Liu, you are all this old, why are you still having trouble with a young man? Almost forget it, you should know that our Provincial Writers Association also has a few online writers. From now on, you don’t have to look up and you don’t need to kill all of them with a stick. People, don’t you say it.”

The writer surnamed Liu knows that his boss must have also read the report, and his attitude is obviously to keep things quiet.

The writer surnamed Liu had to utter one sentence, saying that there was no hero who made Zhuzi famous, so he stopped posting on Weibo.

After Wang Tao went to the company to have a meeting, he received a call from Qian Lao.

“Just now the Provincial Writers Association called me and made me apologize to you, and said that the Provincial Writers Association will improve the review standards. You can directly apply for the Provincial Writers Association member next year.” Qian Lao said with a smile.

“Okay, Mr. Qian, I see, thank you for me.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

He knew that if it were the article in this morning’s daily newspaper, there would be no subsequent reversal. Of course, at this time, it would be best to go downhill.

Even if you don’t join the Writers Association in the future, there is no need to have a stalemate with these people. It doesn’t make much sense.

Besides, quarreling with these people will not do me any good. On the contrary, it will increase the popularity and exposure of those people, and it will not do him any good.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Tao began to check some resumes sent to him by Zhang Hui. Zhang Hui has been engaged in recruitment these days.

Wang Tao has been very popular recently, so many people have submitted resumes, especially yesterday, when there were hundreds of resumes.

Wang Taoguang looked at his resume all morning, and finally selected a few people with work experience, and then sent the list to Zhang Hui, asking her to invite these people for an interview.

After reading these hundreds of resumes, Wang Tao found a problem.

That is, most of the resumes are ordinary animation personnel, and those who have brought projects or have more experience have no investment experience.

This is also the embarrassment of Ludong Talent Network. There are hardly many high-end talents.

It seems that I can only hire a headhunting company. After thinking about it, Wang Tao has only this one way.

He asked Zhang Hui to find several headhunting companies from the Internet, compare them and send them to him in a form. In the end, Wang Tao chose two companies with good reputation among several headhunting companies, signed contracts with them, and then commissioned them to recruit talents.

In fact, there is no shortage of animation talents. After all, the country has been supporting the animation industry in the past few years. It is estimated that many people are like Zhu Mingshen, giving up the animation industry and doing other things.

In addition to animation talents, special effects in film and television also need to be recruited. After all, the Phantom of the Ancient City has already begun to shoot, and many related work in the later period must also be started.

Especially in Chang’an, there is also a need for someone to communicate with the crew, so doing a good job requires an experienced person to take charge of this.

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