Chapter 0289: Flickering

“I have always advocated professional people to do professional things. From a small company of two people to the present, we have always adhered to this attitude.”

“You should all know that in the past few years, the ball has been successful in many aspects, and of course it has also failed in many aspects. With Qiandu, our personnel are still a little weak.”

“From the beginning of their entrepreneurial development to the present, how many developments and research they have gone through during the period, they will not be able to catch up overnight.”

“Mr. Wang knows, when did I start to see IP, or the power of fans?” Xiao Ma asked suddenly while chatting about his business experience.

“I think it was the failure of Weibo.” Wang Tao replied directly without thinking about it.

Brother Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment. He originally asked this question, only to continue to bring up the next topic. After all, although Wang Tao is talented in many things, he is only a twenty-five-year-old young man after all.

Seeing Xiao Ma’s somewhat stunned expression, Wang Tao smiled and explained: “Although I am not an Internet entrepreneur, I used to do Internet marketing and added some related forums.”

“To be honest, I had the same idea as many people before, and felt that the ball grew by plagiarism.”

Hearing this, Xiao Ma’s face was calm, but Lin Zong and the female assistant were a little embarrassed, and Liu Mi was the same. You are cursing the bald donkey in front of the monk.

“Until I read an article, the title is probably “How did the ball beat the opponent step by step in those years”, I don’t know if this is your company’s soft article, if it is, it is a very successful soft article.”

“From the earliest ICQ, to Lianzhong, and then to Shanda, Qiqiu has seen plagiarism on the surface, but in fact it is based on user experience as the most fundamental focus. This is also what many Internet companies have.”

“Especially in some companies, if the developer is the boss, he always thinks about how to make his product tall, how cool, but forget the most basic user experience.”

“The so-called plagiarism itself is a very boring topic. Your model is very good. I can learn from it. By definition, I did not completely copy your code as plagiarism. The gameplay itself is not recognized as a patent. As for the industry, That’s not even the case.”

“Otherwise, there would be only one garment factory, one shoe factory, and one automobile company in the world.” Wang Tao also talked freely.

Xiao Ma smiled and said: “I originally wanted to learn from the old horse and talk about my secrets of success, and then talk about the business, but now I find that I can’t learn this trick, let’s just talk about the subject.”

Having said this, his face became a little serious: “I am very interested in the three film and television companies. We want to buy shares. I don’t know what the three have in mind?”

“Mr. Ma’s question caught me off guard. I was a little puzzled. Since Qiuqiu already has Qiqiu film and television, why are I still interested in investing in a company that doesn’t have a single character?” Wang Tao smiled and asked back.

“Of course it’s because of you. I have communicated with people from our film and television company. We don’t lack money for a few elements needed to make a movie. What we lack is talent. These talents are not the directors and actors that everyone generally thinks. It’s not a problem.”

“The biggest problem is that we don’t have good screenwriters. I used to think that relying on our platform, how could we lack good works.”

“Later, I discovered that not to mention changing the novel into a movie, even if it is changed into a TV series, it is very troublesome. This is something that ordinary web writers can’t do, and they still have to rely on professional screenwriters.”

“Later I saw the script of President Wang. Whether it was President Lin or President Song, we were full of praise. After they showed it to me, I also thought it was very good…”

“If Mr. Wang didn’t start his own company, in fact, what I want more is to dig you into our film and television company to be a gold medal screenwriter. Of course, it doesn’t work now, so I want to cooperate with you.” Xiao Ma said.

“I have a question for President Lin.” Wang Tao turned to look at President Lin and said.

“Excuse me, Mr. Wang, I know everything.” Mr. Lin didn’t understand why Wang Tao asked her suddenly, but he said with a smile.

“Is there really a shortage of screenwriters in the film and television industry?” Wang Tao asked.

“How should I say, if it is a TV series, there is no shortage. Although our TV series can’t be compared with the American TV series, after all, we can’t invest as much as the American TV series. But for some mature themes, there are still some good screenwriters. ”

“If it’s about the film industry, it’s really lacking. Last year, only one of the top ten movies in the mainland box office was a special effects film. The others were comedies and road films. Several of them were youth films, including Young youth starring Ms. Liu Mi.”

“It seems that our box office last year was nearly 30 billion, which is an extremely huge market. However, half of this market was taken away by Hollywood. For the remaining 15 billion, the top ten movies took the other half. The 28 principle is The film circle is vividly reflected.”

“Just the year before last, the mainland box office champion was Journey to the West, with a box office of 1.2 billion. Last year, a Transformers took 1.9 billion. This year, the box office on the first day of the release of Speed ​​and Machine 7 reached 400 million, and now it has surpassed 2 billion. Sub-analysts believe that this may not be the peak of this year.”

“Mission Impossible, Avengers, Jurassic, and domestic well-known 囧 series will be released in the second half of the year. It is estimated that the box office of the market will reach 36 billion yuan or more. Just five years ago, in 2009, The annual gross box office was only 6.3 billion. Ten years ago, the total box office was only 2 billion, which is a speed and 7.”

“The most profitable in the past two years has been youth films. The biggest investment is the actor’s remuneration, and the filming is not difficult. But this will not become the norm. It can be foreseen that Hollywood-style blockbusters are the real gold-sucking behemoths.”

“What we lack now is this kind of screenwriter. Looking at the special effects films of the past few years, there is a big problem. Although the special effects have gone up, the ability to tell stories is gone. That’s why, our domestic special effects films The reason why it can’t beat Hollywood.”

“According to the analysis of our analysts, in three years, the total box office may reach more than 50 billion. If at that time, we still rely on comedies and nonsensical comedies to make money, sooner or later will become the world of Hollywood. Even if there are various systems. There is no way to protect it.” Mr. Lin started from the movie box office and analyzed the situation for Wang Tao.

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