Chapter 0404: Li Shi Guohao

The next morning, Zhang Yunwen, Wang Fengyun, and Wang Tao’s mother came to the hospital again.

They kindly bought Wang Yanli breakfast.

“There is nothing to do at night, right?” Wang Tao’s mother asked.

“It’s okay. Two doctors came from the capital just now, and they are inspecting Tao Tao.” Wang Yanli said with a smile.

“The doctor from Beijing?” Zhang Yunwen and Wang Fengyun were both stunned when they heard this.

Whoever found this person, Zhang Yunwen immediately contacted Liu Mi to ask if it was the person she found. Liu Mi said that she had no acquaintances in the hospital, and Li Xiuyan didn’t know who the two doctors from Beijing were.

In the intensive care unit at this time, Wang Tao was talking with people from Beijing.

Yes, they were talking. Although Wang Tao couldn’t talk, the people who came could have a way to talk to him.

Wang Tao is also laughing at these things now.

He knew one of these two, Li Rui, and another middle-aged man who seemed to be in his forties, but he had never seen him.

However, this person has a special temperament, which makes people feel very kind, and when he doesn’t speak, his face seems to be smiling.

This is certainly not an ordinary person, but Li Rui’s leader, Li Guohao.

He did not use words to talk to Wang Tao, but directly talked with spirit.

“Don’t be afraid. Although I can talk to you in this way, I can’t detect your memory.” Li Guohao said to Wang Tao.

“It’s the same as transmitting the sound into the secret?” Wang Tao asked.

“If you think so, it is indeed somewhat similar. This time, I mainly want to see you, I hope you don’t mind.” Li Guohao smiled.

“Of course I don’t mind.” Wang Tao said in his mouth, there is no way to mind, you are all here.

“The last time Li Rui called you, he didn’t directly indicate his identity. This is our principle. I hope you can understand.” Li Guohao said again.

“I can understand, but I didn’t think about it before that this kind of organization really exists.” Wang Tao said.

“The world is so great. In fact, thousands of years ago, there were supernatural beings. The gods in many national myths are the earliest supernatural beings. Some people have created countries, but the supernatural beings are only a little better than ordinary people. , Life expectancy will not be much longer, and more importantly, there is no way to inherit it.”

“Our organization can be traced back more than 2,000 years ago. The cause was that Xu Fu could find the elixir of life by deceiving the First Emperor, and many people were killed by the First Emperor.”

“Since then, everyone has formed a loose alliance. Later, someone occasionally claimed the emperor by their ability, such as Liu Xiu, but there is no guarantee that the dynasty will be tens of thousands of generations.”

“In modern times, our country and foreign exchanges have become more frequent, and many foreign talents have gone to the country to make troubles. This loose alliance united again, and later simply cooperated with the authorities.”

“Of course many people don’t know that there is such an organization. Some people use their ability to make trouble and get arrested. More people like to make a fortune in silence. For example, we don’t care much about you.” Li Guohao Begin to introduce the history of the organization.

“Then why did you find me?” Wang Tao asked.

“Because your abilities are very special, most of the previous people have single abilities, and very few people with two abilities will appear, but your abilities are too strange.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean to spy. It’s just that such a capable person is very valuable to our organization. More importantly, as your popularity gets higher and higher, you may be targeted by others, so we Will take the initiative to contact you.”

“You also know that our country has been misunderstood and hostile by foreign countries for a long time. They are always guarding our strength. Once they find a powerful person like you, they may kill you. Or use yours. Relatives and friends are threatening and want you to work for them. We are to prevent this from happening.” Li Guohao explained that Wang Tao was afraid of misunderstanding.

“Thank you.” Wang Tao said.

“You’re welcome, you just need to believe that the organization is not malicious to you, and that the organization is very powerful. By the way, you were on a desert island before, and the organization helped contact the military. I said this is not to show off, but to tell you the truth. “Li Guohao said with a smile.

Said it was not showing off, Wang Tao had a smile on his face, but he felt funny in his heart.

“Your injury is not very serious, so I didn’t bring a doctor. During this time, it would be nice for you to take a good rest.” Li Guohao said again.

“Doctor?” Wang Tao was a little strange.

“The doctor I’m talking about is a doctor in our organization, and his ability is to help others repair physical wounds.” Li Guohao explained.

“Then can he treat my girlfriend?” Wang Tao asked.

Although he didn’t say anything about the illness, Wang Tao believed that they would definitely know it with their abilities.

“Sorry, this can’t be done, his ability is only to treat physical trauma, whether it is internal or external injury, but there is no way at the genetic level.” Li Guohao shook his head and said.

“Can I see him then?” Wang Tao asked again.

“This is my negligence. I will let him come in the afternoon.” Li Guohao immediately understood Wang Tao’s meaning. This guy can replicate the abilities of others. With the ability of a doctor, he can use it at critical moments.

Seeing Li Guohao understood what he meant, Wang Tao said thank you.

“You don’t have to be too anxious, at least wait for the blood clot to disappear, and then recover for two more days.” Li Guohao thought for a moment and said.

“I understand that I will never let others see the flaws.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

“Well, this is my business card. You can contact me if you have anything. Regardless of whether it is business or private, as long as it can help, I will not refuse.” Li Guohao took out his business card and said to Wang Tao.

“Thank you then.” Wang Tao said, taking the business card.

Looking at the title on the business card, Wang Tao was a little uncomfortable. It said that it was the president of the Local History Association.

“Hehe, this is a deserted department, it is not easy to attract the attention of others.” Li Guohao said with a smile.

“I understand.” Wang Tao nodded.

“Then come here first today, you take a good cure.” After that, Li Guohao and Li Rui walked out.

“Doctor, how is he?” Wang Tao’s mother walked over and asked.

“Don’t worry, the patient is emotionally stable and there is nothing wrong with his body. This bleeding is an accident. Just rest for a while.” Li Guohao explained with a smile.

“Thank you then.” Several people quickly thanked.

Li Guohao and Li Rui left.

“It seems that he knows your identities, but this is better. For the protection of his family and friends, start first. The cooperation between you can also continue.” Li Guohao said.

“Master Li, why don’t you invite him directly?” Li Rui asked strangely.

“The contact time is too short. When you get familiar with it slowly, it is not too late. I will work hard for you in the future.” Li Guohao said with a smile.

“This is what I should do.” Li Rui said.

“Don’t go back. I will ask the doctor to come over in the afternoon. You can also contact more in the name of a partner.” Li Guohao thought for a while and said.

“Good Master Li.” Li Rui nodded.

Putting Li Guohao in the car, Li Rui also turned and turned back to the hospital.

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