Chapter 0409: Nothing but the Three Treasures Hall

“Aren’t you cooperating with Ludong TV Station, Hu Ge’s popular Langya list this year is your Ludong Film and Television Group participated in the filming and distribution, look for their relationship.” Li Xiuyan said.

“Really?” Wang Tao was a little surprised. He didn’t expect Langya Ranking to be related to Lu Dong.

“You really should pay more attention to things in the circle.” Li Xiuyan shook her head and said.

“In that case, I won’t go back to Meicheng and go directly to Shuicheng.” Wang Tao said with a smile as if he hadn’t heard the words behind Li Xiuyan.

After spending a day at home, Wang Tao went to Shuicheng by car.

He didn’t go to Ludong TV station directly, but first invited Director Liu to have a meal with him.

“Thanks to Director Liu, who helped me find the hospital, I was able to recover.” Wang Tao said to Director Liu gratefully.

“What is Mr. Wang said, this is what we should do.” Liu Taichang said with a smile.

“How is the show doing now? I said that I watched it live, but I have never had a chance.” Wang Tao asked.

“It’s pretty good. Although it hasn’t been broadcast on TV, the colleagues in the station feel it is good after watching the film. The audience also responded very well. We are planning to broadcast the first episode on the 5th next month. “Taiwan Chang nodded and said.

“That’s good.” Wang Tao’s expression when listening to him didn’t seem to be perfunctory. He knew that he was doing a good job, so he nodded and said.

“How is the preparation for the TV series on Mr. Wang?” Director Liu asked.

“It’s no secret that Director Liu came to Shuicheng this time for this. The actors have only initially determined a few. It’s just that the director has never been suitable. I don’t know if Director Liu has a good recommendation.” Wang Tao asked with a smile. .

“Director, I don’t know much.” Director Liu said with a smile.

“I heard that the director of Langyabang has cooperated with us. I wonder if we can invite him to direct?” Wang Tao asked.

“This is the film and television group in our province who is cooperating with Langyabang. They and we are directly under a leader, and they have some business ties with each other. But after all, they are not a family, I can recommend it for you.” Liu Taichang saw that Wang Tao already has The candidate said.

“That’s so thankful to Director Liu.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

“There is nothing to thank, this is also our cooperation project. But President Wang also has to be prepared, they must have their own demands.” Director Liu reminded.

“Of course, filming and TV series are not like before. One company can do it. Now it’s all cooperation.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

The next day, Director Liu gave news to Wang Tao, saying that the two parties had already agreed. At 9:30 in the morning, Wang Tao and Director Liu went to Ludong Film and Television Group in a car.

“Director Liu, welcome to come and give guidance.” Mr. Zhao, the general manager of Ludong Film and Television Group, was outside the office, waiting for them, and smiled at the sight of Director Liu.

“Mr. Zhao is burying me, right?” Tai Chang Liu said with a smile.

“Where is it? This is Mr. Wang. I have heard of the name.” Mr. Zhao smiled and shook hands with Wang Tao.

“Hello, Mr. Zhao.”

“Please come in.” Mr. Zhao smiled and invited them into the office.

“Originally, Dong Qian was supposed to entertain you, but he is now in the United States, so I let me entertain the two of you. I hope you don’t mind.” Mr. Zhao said with a smile.

“What did Mr. Zhao say?” Tai Chang Liu smiled.

As Director Liu said, Lu Ying and the TV station are two organizations under the leadership of one supervisor.

It’s just that the two days are not the same. In recent years, Lu Ying’s excellent works have been frequently harvested by word of mouth and ratings, and they have been recognized by the audience.

There is also a saying that Lu Ying’s products must be exquisite.

The idea of ​​Ludong TV is very earthy. It is full of anti-Japanese dramas and old dramas many years ago. As for advertising, it is also earthy. TV shopping, pesticides and fertilizers, health and drug sales, variety shows are also extreme challenges.

You must know that Ludong is a major economic province in the country, and all indicators are basically the top five. But in terms of TV stations, it is estimated to be among the bottom ten, only slightly better than some provinces in the west.

Many people find it strange that Lu Ying is so powerful, why doesn’t he take care of his brother.

This is to say the old saying, brothers clearly settle accounts. You have no money, and brothers are not easy to use.

“I don’t know if Mr. Liu and Mr. Wang come to our company, what’s the matter?” Mr. Zhao asked with a smile.

“We are also doing everything in the Three Treasures Palace. Our two are planning to shoot a TV series together, but we couldn’t find a good director for a while. It’s not just for you to come to Mr. Zhao.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

“Zichuan?” Mr. Zhao immediately asked Wang Tao.

“It seems that Mr. Zhao also knows.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

“This is natural. Since the establishment of President Wang’s Phantom Group, we have been constantly moving, and we have naturally heard about it.” Zhao said with a smile.

He was telling the truth. At the beginning, it was circulated in the circle that Wang Tao, Liu Bi, and Changan Film and Television co-founded a film and television company, and few people were optimistic about it.

An anti-Japanese film and television company, a brokerage company, and an animation company that has only been established a few months ago. What can they do if they cooperate?

But when the company was really established, everyone discovered that the giant ball was standing behind it. But everyone didn’t think it was too great. Qiuqiu Films has been established for a year. At first, it said what it was like, but then there was still nothing happening.

The Phantom said to make a movie, and many people also held a joke attitude.

But with the release of the Phantom of the Ancient City, coupled with the broadcast of Heroes’ Blade. Some thought it seemed a little bit interesting. The TV series’s cleanup rate is not low, and there is no problem with the plot or anything. The special effects that have been criticized by the audience have always been criticized by the audience. This TV series is also doing very well.

Not to mention the anime, the quality is high, it can be called the best quality one in these years, and there is also the fan of the original, Amway, which is not hot.

During this period of time, the second anime was released, the quality is still improving, and the reputation is still very good.

This makes many people have vague expectations for Wang Tao’s movie, after all, the star lineup is not bad at all.

A large part of Honghuang’s special effects are special effects, but the special effects of Phantom are not bad. Although there is no team like Hollywood, it still makes people look forward to.

As for Zichuan, it also spread within the circle.

Shanying was wondering if there was a chance to cooperate, but Wang Tao came to the door by himself.

“I don’t have any experience here. It’s like a child’s house. It’s still incomparable with a big group like Lu Ying.” Wang Tao said with a smile.

“President Wang is too modest. There are many excellent directors in our group. I don’t know who you want to work with?” Mr. Zhao asked with a smile.

“Director Kong Zheng.” Wang Tao directly said the name of the director.

“Then Mr. Wang was in the wrong place. Director Kong was from Lu Ying before, but then he flew solo. Now Wuyang Film and Television.” Mr. Zhao said with a smile.

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