Sky War God

Chapter 1035: cruel

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Many people have a look of disappointment on their faces, and they are unable to snoop into the Dengxian Tower at any time. This also means that in the next round of the competition, people outside the Dengxian Tower will not be able to see what happened inside the Dengxian Tower. what. "" Extracurricular books% Ww*W. ┡KeWaiShu. OR?G

"All five hundred people have to climb the fairy tower, but how do they calculate the climbing speed of different groups of people?"

After the first group of ten strong men all stepped into Dengxianlou, someone directly asked questions.

"You can rest assured that Dengxianlou has already set up a set of **** patterns that can record images. Through this set of **** patterns, you can accurately analyze the strengths and weaknesses of all previous climbers, and the ranking is automatic. generate."

After hearing that person's question, the host of Dengxianlou immediately said, Dengxianlou, for their Ouyang family, is the existence of faith, and on the surface it looks majestic Dengxianlou.

In fact, there are hidden secrets inside, with many unknown secrets.

"It deserves to be one of the more mysterious buildings squeezed out of the entire wind and haze realm. This Deng Xianlou is really mysterious enough."

Hearing that, many people couldn't help showing a somewhat unexpected look on their faces. Before, most of them didn't seem to have heard of the existence of this type of **** pattern.

Even the top characters in the Wind and Lantern Realm couldn't help but take a deep look at the host of Dengxianlou, and couldn't help feeling more curious about Dengxianlou.

Ye Feng's face was also a little surprised. Even though he had learned many divine pattern formations from the Scarlet Sky Demon Emperor, and he had unique insights into the way of divine patterns, he still hadn't come into contact with this type of divine pattern formation. .

Although it was impossible to see the scene in the Dengxian Building, many people still looked at the majestic attic.

Among the crowd, there is even this figure, full of pride, and every person's pupil is filled with a confident look.

These people are naturally Yundingzong powerhouses. After the Yundingzong personally passed disciples entered the Dengxianlou, these Yundingzong powerhouses naturally looked forward to the results of the next test.

"The best performers in this group should be my direct disciple of Yunding Sect."

I saw a Yun Dingzong thinking and speaking, with strong confidence in his words.

"That's natural, don't talk about this group. Even in all the ten groups, my direct disciple of Yunding Sect will get a pretty good result."

Another Yun Dingzong powerhouse spoke slowly, and the Lao Gao, whom Yun Dingzong's direct disciple praised, was the top tianjiao figure in the entire Fenglan Realm.


However, before the voice of these people stopped, the crowd heard a strange sound above the Dengxian Tower, and the next moment, there was a burst of brilliant light in the pupils of the crowd.

Soon, the crowd saw that the second floor of Dengxian Tower was wrapped in an extremely bright luster, and this luster contained an extremely strong light attribute power.

It spreads to all directions in an instant, so that everyone present can see clearly, and this light is more like a group of signals transmitting.

The crowd's gaze was condensed, and a strong man before, with a shocked expression on his face, said loudly, "Is this a sign that someone has climbed the second floor of Dengxianlou? If it is true, this person's climbing speed seems a bit too high Horrible!"

As soon as these words were said, the eyes of the crowd at the scene couldn't help but solidify slightly. The first group of strong men entered the Dengxian Tower within half a time, before the second layer of light came on.

And the light is really as the strong man said before, does it mean that someone has successfully landed on the second floor?

"Yes, when someone first climbs to a brand-new floor, there will automatically be a burst of light on the surface of the floor to give the viewer a reminder. However, this reminder light will only light up once per floor. It was when someone first stepped on the floor."

Hearing the speculation of everyone present, the host of Dengxianlou spoke again, as the host, although his understanding of Dengxianlou is not comparable to others.

Then, after about a stick of incense, the light on the Dengxian Tower lit up three floors in succession, and the light on each layer was able to cause a sensation among everyone present.

After the two-pillar incense time, the light above the Dengxian Tower had brightened up to the seventh floor, which was indeed fast enough.

With only the last two floors left, this person can successfully climb to the top.

However, the climber seemed to be quiet a lot in the last two floors, and many people could only rely on speculation and could not really detect what happened inside the center building.

In short, for the last two levels, the climber whose speed surprised everyone on the scene before took six sticks of incense. Although it seems to be much slower than before, it is still quite good.

At this moment, at the entrance of Dengxianlou, several figures appeared one after another.

Many people's eyes were hidden with these figures and forgot to pass, and a shocked look immediately appeared on everyone's face.

These people are the first group of people who entered the Dengxian Building. At this moment, they appeared to have walked out of the Dengxian Building.

There were even two of them staggering, seemingly injured, just a few steps out of Dengxian Building, they fell to the ground and passed out.

This scene immediately shocked the hearts of the people present, and their expressions gleamed.

They all wondered in their hearts what these people experienced in the Dengxian Tower, and why they walked out of the Dengxian Tower in such embarrassment.

"You guys, what's the matter?"

Seeing the strong young man in his sect walking out of the Dengxian Building, someone immediately asked him, his face full of incomprehension.

"Too, too terrifying, it's not something that people can experience in Dengxianlou, there is hell, and ordinary people can't pass through. I really don't know what kind of existence can successfully set foot on the ninth floor."

Hearing that person’s question, the wounded strong man trembled and said, as if remembering the horrible things he had experienced in Dengxian Building before, his face turned paler when he spoke. .

"How many floors did you climb to?"

After listening to the strong climber, the complexion of the strong man who asked the question first changed instantly, and he couldn't help but ask again.

The crowd at the scene listened quietly, and they all wanted to know the climber's final result.

"The sixth floor..."

After hearing that person's question, a bit of shame immediately appeared on the face of the strong climber, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with his climbing performance, and it seemed a bit embarrassing to say it.

"On the sixth floor, I suffered this kind of injury. It seems that the inside of the Dengxian Building is really not as simple as I expected. Even if Ouyang's house set up nine floors as the level for the second round of competition, it is completely enough. ."

A strong man's eyes flickered and said, before, when the owner of Dengxianlou announced the second round of climbing the ninth floor of the Xianlou, he was also extremely disdainful.

However, at this moment, it seemed that he was thinking too much. The nine-floor wish of Climbing Xianlou was scary enough, and it was not something ordinary people could reach to really climb the ninth floor.

Next, another strong came forward and asked other climbing strong, and the answers were almost all very close.

In short, each of the nine floors in the Immortal Climbing Tower is extremely dangerous. If you want to pass, you must have a certain amount of talent.

Ordinary people enter Dengxianlou, and they will die in nine deaths.

It didn't take long for the two strong men who had just passed out, and one of them died because of his injuries, which caused a chill in the hearts of many people present.

Especially for those who are about to participate in the second round of the competition, the look on everyone's face has become a little serious.

Ye Feng naturally watched all this. For these people walking out of the Dengxian Building so embarrassed, Ye Feng did not have many surprises. Since Ouyang's family can set this place as the second round of competition, he naturally has his reason. .

After some more time, the long-awaited disciple of Yunding Sect's personal transmission appeared at the gate of Dengxianlou.

At this moment, he doesn't seem to be very good either, his whole body is exhausted, his complexion is slightly pale, and some wounds can be vaguely seen on his body.

Obviously, he had also suffered a very serious trauma before, and only because this person's strength was stronger than the strong ones in his group, he didn't waste too much.

However, this person has always been arrogant, and after walking out of Dengxianlou, he felt many people's eyes on him.

The disciple of Yun Dingzong's personal transmission immediately put away the fatigue on his face, and his body stiffened deliberately, as if he could show his strength.

After the direct disciple of the Yun Dingzong appeared, a strong Yun Dingzong immediately came forward and began to inquire.

The answers obtained are almost the same as those before. There are many dangers in the nine floors of Dengxian Building. The first three floors below are fine, but the more the climber goes up, the greater the omen and the greater the pressure. a lot of.

The only difference is that this direct disciple of the Yunding Sect has truly set foot on the Ninth Floor. After the news came out, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

In the end, after the first group was over, only two people had completely passed the test on the ninth floor of Dengxian Building.

In this way, many people present felt the same feeling for those who had just finished climbing the ninth floor of the fairy

Of the ten people, only two of them completed all the content of the test, and the other eight people were not able to complete all the cards due to lack of strength, which was a shame for them.

In the next period of time, many people entered Dengxianlou to compete.

Ye Feng stood there watching quietly, never saying a word from beginning to end, and Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin was always on Ye Feng's shoulder, as if he would not let go for a moment, and was inseparable from his human form.

In a blink of an eye, nine groups of strong players all completed their competition in Dengxianlou, and afterwards, they were waiting for a long time to practice.

Whether the strong players who have completed the nine-level competition can successfully advance to the third round of the competition depends on the performance of the latter participants.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: I recommend a book "The Strongest Mad Emperor" by my brothers. Brothers can go and read it.

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