Sky War God

Chapter 1079: Breath suppression

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Feng Lanjiang's icy gaze couldn't help but swept over Ye Feng, watching the several battles that Ye Feng participated in, Feng Lanjiang was also slightly surprised.

Before, he did not pay much attention to Ye Feng, but now it seems that Ye Feng is much stronger than you imagined.

However, even so, Feng Lanjiang only paid attention to it slightly. After all, Ye Feng only had the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm, which was not worth his attention.

There was a lot of discussion among the surrounding people, and many people claimed that Ye Feng might be another top talent who can compare with his Fenglanjiang in the future.

These words fell in Feng Lanjiang's ears, making Feng Lanjiang feel cold in his heart. No one in the wind and haze realm can compare with him, nor can Ye Feng.

After the battle between Ye Feng and Bai Qi was over, all the eight people present took a round, and everyone participated in at least one battle.

Among them, Bai Qi had one win and two losses, and Shui Tianxiong lost all three games. The Golden Dragon was eliminated by Ye Feng and was unable to continue participating in the next competition.

Han Tiankui had an arm cut off because of being beheaded. Also unable to continue the battle, after giving Ye Feng a victory, Han Tiankui also automatically withdrew from the next competition.

The remaining four are Feng Lanjiang, Wuhua and Zidong, and Ye Feng advances to the next round with a record of victory.

Among them, Ye Feng topped the list with a record of winning all three games. It can be said to be a hit.

Wuhua, Zidonglai, and Fenglanjiang all only participated in one battle and won.

Next, the next round of battle will begin immediately, and they will continue to fight in the order in which the six people stood.

The first one was still Shui Tianxiong. Shui Tianxiong's eyes flashed, and he flew onto the battlefield. In the first round of the competition, he lost all three battles, but in this round. The most miserable person is completely ashamed.

Therefore, he desperately needed a victory to save his face, his eyes swept across the six people, and he was thinking about who should be chosen as his opponent.

In the previous round of competitions, he had fought Feng Lanjiang, Zi Donglai, and Bai Qi respectively, and they all lost.

In other words, in this round of competition, he only had two people to choose from, they were Ye Feng and Sun Moon Sword Sect's top Tianjiao Wuhua.

Shui Tianxiong's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his face was a little dignified. His eyes finally fixed on Ye Feng's body. In the contrast between Ye Feng and Wuhua, Shui Tianxiong could easily distinguish who is strong and who is weak. .

Even though Ye Feng had shown good strength before, it still seemed to be worse than Wuhua.

"You and I will fight!"

Shui Tianxiong said to Ye Feng, feeling a little nervous. Before his first battle, he had chosen Ye Feng, but was interrupted by the Golden Dragon, and he chose Bai Qi as his opponent again.

In that battle, people once guessed the outcome of the final battle, and many people believed that Shui Tianxiong would win in such a battle.

Only Ye Feng put forward an objection, believing that Bai Qi could win this battle. Under the disagreement between the two sides, Shui Tianxiong's strong forces once spoken harshly to Ye Feng, and Shui Tianxiong spoke to Ye Feng. At that time, it also showed that contempt.

It can be said that although there is no direct conflict between him and Ye Feng, the atmosphere between the two is no longer right.

Facing the challenge of Shui Tianxiong, Ye Feng naturally did not hesitate, and flew directly onto the battle platform. His body was light and elegant. He wore a white robe and danced with the wind, looking so chic.

Shui Tianxiong's gaze fell on Ye Feng, and said faintly: "I think you only have the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm. Now I can give you a chance. If you are willing to give up, I will not care about you. What do you think ?"

Up to this moment, Shui Tianxiong seemed to be still holding on to show his arrogance, and his words were extremely arrogant.

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the crowd flickered, watching quietly what was happening on the battle platform, no one spoke.

After listening to Shui Tianxiong's words, Ye Feng's mouth was sneered, his eyes fell on Shui Tianxiong, and he said: "You want to give me a chance?"

Although it was just a simple sentence, there was a strong sense of ridicule. Shui Tianxiong couldn't even fight Bai Qi, and now he dares to claim to give him a chance. It sounds so ridiculous.

"Yes, don't you want to cherish it?"

Shui Tianxiong nodded and spoke. Although he looked arrogant on the surface, he was nervous in his heart. He was undoubtedly filling his head by doing this. If he wanted to use this method to scare Ye Feng back, even he himself felt a little stupid. .

"Really stupid enough!"

Ye Feng didn't talk nonsense with Shui Tianxiong. After a sarcasm, he stepped out, and his body instantly transformed into the afterimage of the stars. The speed is unspeakable, less than a thousandth of a second. Has come before Shui Tianxiong!

A terrifying fist burst out, and terrible destructive power flows above the fist, as if to crush the sky!

Seeing Ye Feng's shot at him without hesitation, Shui Tianxiong's expression turned ugly. Facing Ye Feng's blow, the water attribute power on his body exploded crazily. Behind him, there seemed to be a huge ocean emerging. Out.

The giant wave rolled frantically, constantly scrolling, and with his punch, the terrifying giant wave was like a wild beast that swallowed everything, madly pressing towards Ye Feng's body.

However, Ye Feng's fist was like the mighty power that existed in the front, and directly shattered the swallowed water attribute power, and the terrifying fist directly collided with the opponent's fist.


A terrifying concussion sound penetrated the world, and the power of destruction spread in the void, and Ye Feng's fist was fused with a powerful physical force of more than 4 million catties.

At the time of the collision, all those strengths poured out on Shui Tianxiong's fist without any barriers, causing Shui Tianxiong's body to vibrate wildly. Under this fist, he only felt that the bones in his body were misaligned, sending out occasionally The sound of clicking sound.

Shui Tianxiong snorted, his feet were shaken back and forth, and the blood inside his body rolled over, as if a mouthful of blood was about to be spit out, and he swallowed it back.

However, Ye Feng didn't give him any chance. He stepped forward again, the battle platform shook wildly, and another extremely terrifying punch came out. This punch seemed to be more powerful than the previous one. It became even more terrifying, and the entire space trembled.

Shui Tianxiong's expression was shocked. Facing Ye Feng's thunderous fist, it was too late for him to dodge, so he could only raise his hand to resist.

The attacks of the two collided again. Under this fist, Shui Tianxiong's body was shaken back again, and the water attribute power lingering around his body shattered every inch, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He vomited with blood. After coming out, his face became pale.

When many people saw all this, their hearts trembled violently. Ye Feng's attack power was too abnormal. Even though Shui Tianxiong had the cultivation base of King Wu's Quadruple Realm, he was still strongly suppressed by Ye Feng's terrifying attack power. .

"You are not very strong? Why not attack me?"

Ye Feng looked at the extremely embarrassed Shui Tianxiong at this moment, and said ironically, his steps stepped forward again, and a very powerful force was released from his body, which evolved into a very terrifying mountain in the void, heading madly. Shui Tianxiong's body was under pressure.

Shui Tianxiong only felt his body heaviness for a while. Under the suppression of the terrifying aura, he only felt the bones of his body dislocated for a while, his body was completely bent at this moment, and his forehead was full of sweat.

The breath seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, making Shui Tianxiong no longer able to bear it. The water attribute power lingering on his body completely collapsed and dissipated. The whole person was prostrate on the battle platform, oppressed like a dead dog. Generally, can't breathe!

"So powerful!"

Seeing Ye Feng disdain to attack Shui Tianxiong, instead using his breath to suppress the opponent, many people's hearts trembled violently. It was the first time they saw a person in the Divine Martial Realm release their breath so terrifying, Ye Feng He is simply a perverted lunatic.

"Your Excellency, spare my life!"

Under the suppression of that tyrannical aura, Shui Tianxiong only felt that his body was about to be crushed and collapsed. If he took a moment, he would most likely be crushed to pieces.

Under the choice between life and death, how dare Shui Tianxiong hold his own shelf and directly plead with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at Shui Tianxiong, who was trembling constantly under the battle platform, with a light of contempt on his other party had begged for mercy, so he took his breath back. Before, this Shui Tianxiong had spoken rudely to him, but Ye Feng disdainful of such people.

After taking the breath back, Ye Feng didn't stay on the battle platform, and flew down directly, the whole person looked so chic.

The eyes of the crowd fell on Ye Feng's body. The speed of this battle was so fast that it was over in less than five breaths.

Under Ye Feng's powerful offensive power, Shui Tianxiong didn't even have the chance to fight back, and was completely suppressed. It can be said that his combat effectiveness with Ye Feng is not at the same level.

"This Ye Feng's strength seems to be even more abnormal than I thought. It is really too powerful to crush a top arrogant like Narcissus Bear, and he is too lazy to even make a move. It is really too powerful to suppress the opponent directly with his breath!"

A strong man's eyes fell on Ye Feng, with an expression of admiration in his eyes, slowly speaking.

Many people present nodded their heads. If they hadn't come to participate in this landing meeting, they couldn't even believe that there would be such a terrifying and martial person in this world.

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