Sky War God

Chapter 3397: Breeding God in the Sea of ​​Knowledge

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Chapter 3397-Breeding God In The Sea Of Knowledge

With Ye Feng's current strength, it is not particularly easy to deal with these people.

Regardless of the power of his bloodline, or any other power, it has not reached such a strong point.

Even if Ye Feng could raise his power to a terrifying point, he couldn't break through that level of boundaries.

Only mental power has reached the late stage of the second transformation, but at this moment, it does not have much effect.

But the words have already been said, Ye Feng naturally has a way to deal with it, and there is more than one.

Controlling the power of the wild, that bizarre orb was suspended beside Ye Feng, making him walk towards the people in Luoquan Village step by step.

Feeling the terrifying aura released from Ye Feng, Xue Meng's heart was also a little frightened, but soon, he had new support.

The blood in his body kept surging, and that powerful destructive force was also released from his body.

The dark red blood that had just condensed was following this force, slowly flowing back into Xue Meng's body.

With the blessing of this force, Xue Meng's aura became even more violent and fierce.

The destructive power contained in the stone was originally extremely crazy and uncontrollable. It was a by-product of Luoquan Village's great elder imitating the Luoquan water.

Although this thing is extremely powerful, it also has great side effects. Once this power is integrated into the body, it is considered to have cut off one's future path.

But now, Xue Meng simply can't care about that much.

The threat Ye Feng brought to him was really too great. He had just been destroyed by Ye Feng with a single blow, but a powerful bone puppet with a three-time metamorphosis level, if used well, it could even slaughter the entire Luoquan Village.

But such a powerful bone puppet was destroyed by Ye Feng without even resisting it.

Therefore, Xue Meng had no other choice but to use this method.

Facing the destructive power released by Xue Meng, Ye Feng's expression did not change in any way, but his power was completely released.

The power of chaos is the most powerful force in the world that is closest to the power of the source. Even if the power of the law is different, it can still exert some effects.

Especially with the help of the great power outside, it also makes the power that Ye Feng can use become more powerful.

With the continuous release of Ye Feng's power, the great orb floating beside him became even stronger.

Just between thoughts, a spiritual crystallization flew out from the center of Ye Feng's eyebrows, and combined with the Precious Pearl.

"go to hell!"

Feeling that the aura on Ye Feng's body became more and more terrifying, Xue Meng finally couldn't bear it, and rushed towards him directly.

The extremely terrifying force of coercion fell on Ye Feng, and the destructive power released was even more frantically spreading in all directions, wishing to cover the entire Snow Wolf Valley.

With such a terrifying power, Xue Meng's heavy fist just descended on Ye Feng's side, and that extremely terrifying fist hit Ye Feng's body fiercely.

Ye Feng looked at such an attack, there was no change in his expression, even his figure did not move.

That precious orb appeared in front of Ye Feng at some point. It was light and light, and it didn't seem to contain any power.

Just after Ye Feng's spiritual crystallization was fused into the prehistoric orb, this infinitely mighty orb became ordinary without any strangeness at all.

But it was such an ordinary orb that blocked the fist that was extremely terrifying.

The entire space seemed to be stagnant, and there was no movement for a long time.

Just when those prehistoric monkeys thought that Ye Feng was about to fail, the extremely powerful shock was released from the place where the two were fighting.

The sound of horrible destruction and shock swept in all directions, forming a terrifying storm, as if to destroy the entire space.

Looking at the two people on the battlefield again, Ye Feng looked as usual, except that there was a crack in the prehistoric gem on his chest.

But Xue Meng's face became extremely pale, and his fist was constantly shaking, as if he had been electrocuted.

Then I saw that Ye Feng waved his hand casually, and that precious orb dissipated like wind and sand, and it condensed again in the blink of an eye.

Instead, Xue Meng's arm burst open suddenly, and dark red blood kept pouring out.


At this time, Xue Meng finally reacted and wailed loudly.

At that moment, the extremely powerful shock force directly entered Xue Meng's body, causing great damage to his body.

Moreover, under the influence of this force, Xue Meng's destructive force integrated into his body also suffered an extremely powerful impact, and it would be impossible to recover for a while.

"You, what kind of demon is you, can you have such a terrifying power?"

Facing the terrifying power released by Ye Feng, Xue Meng couldn't believe it at all, and he didn't want to believe it.

In this regard, Ye Feng really didn't mean to explain anything, and waved his hand again to control that precious gem.

After fusing the spiritual crystallization, Ye Feng's control of the prehistoric gem has become unprecedentedly powerful, and he can even more exert the power of this treasure.

The Primordial Orb was originally a powerful treasure formed by the power of the entire Primordial Monkey Clan under the control of Ye Feng, but its power was indeed limited.

If the power of the prehistoric orb alone can defeat a bone puppet that has been transformed three times, it is already the ultimate. Faced with Xue Meng's incomparably tyrannical attack just now, it will be shattered in an instant.

However, Ye Feng merged his own spiritual crystallization into it, which made the Primordial Orb undergo an unusual change.

Ye Feng's understanding of various attribute powers alone and his understanding of those extremely powerful treasures can be used on the Precious Orbs.

It was like just now, Ye Feng had merged the breath of the Heavenly Hunking Spirit Orb into the Precious Orb in his own memory.

This also makes the prehistoric orb indestructible, and can even more devour all the external powers.

His own attack did not work, but suffered a heavy blow. No matter how strong the body was, it couldn't support it and could only be defeated by Ye Feng.

"Only you, there is no need for me to explain so much."

For these people in Luoquan Village, Ye Feng didn't have any mood to explain to them. He controlled the Primordial Orb again and smashed them down.

"Asshole, die for me!"

Seeing Ye Feng launch an attack again, Xue Meng's heart also became extremely crazy, constantly mobilizing the destroying energy and blood in his body.

The terrifying power of destruction was released from Xue Meng's body, just like an extremely deep abyss, continuously spreading terrifying power outward.

Afterwards, I saw Xue Meng's broken arm, under the effect of destroying blood, began to reshape and became even more terrifying.

The extremely fierce destructive force rushed towards Ye Feng frantically, like a mighty Tianhe, and would drown the entire Blood Wolf Valley.

This blow had gathered all of Xue Meng's strength and completely released the destructive qi and blood in his body. The power possessed was naturally very terrifying.

In the face of such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's face changed a little, and he reached out and grabbed the Precious Orb.

The next moment, as Ye Feng's mind changed, the shape of the Precious Orb immediately changed, and a long sword grew out of Ye Feng's hand.

This long sword is filled with the mighty power of good fortune and the will of the sword, just like a replica of the divine sword of good fortune.

Holding the "Sword of Good Fortune" in his hand, the edge of Ye Feng's body became extremely terrifying, as if he was about to split the world.

In a short period of time, the terrifying, devastating river of energy and blood released by Xue Meng had already come to Ye Feng's side, and could completely swallow Ye Feng in the blink of an eye.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng swung the sword of good fortune violently, releasing a bright sword of good fortune, colliding with the force of destruction.

As soon as the two terrifying powers came into contact, an extremely terrifying power broke out, as if to destroy the entire world.

The incomparably terrifying destruction and shock power spread wildly in all directions, changing the terrain of the entire Snow Wolf Valley.

Those prehistoric monkeys who were onlookers were also under the influence of this shock, and they were almost dying.

But at this moment, Ye Feng released an extremely terrifying swallowing power, swallowing all the aftermath that spread out.

Then I saw a black dragon of the gods, emerging from Ye Feng's body, releasing a powerful devouring force, swallowing all the waves of destruction near the prehistoric monkey clan.

On the other hand, in Luoquan Village, the strength of these people is not bad, but compared with Ye Feng, there are too many defects.

In the aftermath of destruction, these people swayed one by one, and they could only use their own weak power to resist this attack.

And the corpse elder, even under this impact force, injured the internal organs and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

After a while, the power of the shock dissipated, and the Divine Fortune Sword in Ye Feng's hand once again turned back to a prehistoric gem, and Xue Meng still maintained the previous posture.

"Is it only this level?"

Looking at Xue Meng, Ye Feng's eyes were a little lonely, and the aura on his body declined a lot.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, Ye Feng also walked in that direction step by step.

Xue Meng seemed to have never seen Ye Feng's movements, and let Ye Feng approach him.

"Master village chief, what's wrong with you?"

"Kill him, he destroyed so many puppets of mine, the village chief, kill him!"

The few elders who followed Xue Meng screamed crazy when they saw this situation, wanting to kill Ye Feng completely.

However, no matter how they prompted, Xue Meng did not make any moves.

In the eyes of everyone in shock, Ye Feng raised a finger and pointed it on Xue Meng's brow.

A colorless and transparent light needle emerged from Ye Feng's hand, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The secret method of all spirits, the needle of the spirit.

After this period of practice and transformation, Ye Feng's spiritual needle has also been greatly improved, at least the surviving spiritual power of Xue Meng was plundered without any effort at all.

Subsequently, Ye Feng waved his hand casually, and directly drained all the energy in Xue Meng's body.

Even at this moment, Xue Meng didn't have any resistance, as if he was dead.

Faced with such a situation, the strong people who came out of Luoquan Village were also a little at a loss.

The power released by Ye Feng was too terrifying, but it was also incomprehensible, making their hearts more fearful.

"You, what are you, how, how..."

The corpse elder's face was very ugly, pointing at Ye Feng, his voice trembled, but he didn't dare to say more.

The incomparably terrifying coercive force descended on the powerhouses in Luoquan Village at this moment, and the terrifying pressure even made them breathless.

Ye Feng's expression was also very cold, and when he looked at everyone, he did not contain any emotion.

The Precious Orbs surround Ye Feng's side, and may burst out with extremely terrifying power at any time.

"I told your great elder at that time, don't come to provoke me again. Once you really irritate me, none of you will have good fruit.

But now it seems that your great elder didn't take what I said to heart.

Or maybe, you didn't take your life to heart. "

"You, what do you want to do?"

Headed by the corpse elders, the powerhouses of Luoquan Village also stared at Ye Feng with fear, for fear that he would release some terrifying move.

Seeing the panic of these people, Ye Feng also shook his head helplessly.

"Looking at what you look like, you probably don't know anything. Forget it, it's not worth wasting this time with you, just let it go."

After speaking, Ye Feng waved his hand casually, and in an instant, an extremely terrifying coercive force fell on everyone.

Afterwards, I saw the Primordial Orb curled up with a red light and directly hit those people.

The prehistoric gems controlled by Ye Feng possess a terrifying destructive power. Even Xue Meng, who borrowed the destructive power, could not resist it. What about these elders?

In just a moment, these elders were crushed by the terrifying power of destruction under the attack of the power of the prehistoric, and finally disappeared completely.

A gust of wind blows, and the invaders this time dissipated like wind and sand, disappearing between heaven and earth forever.

There are no more traces.

"Well, the enemy has been resolved, now it's time to settle you down."

Turning his head, Ye Feng also looked at the wild monkeys.

Originally, after suffering such a blow, the hearts of these monkeys were extremely frightened, and they had even lost themselves a little bit.

The fear of dying is indeed the easiest to drive people crazy.

But at the moment of the most crisis, Ye Feng, the divine soldier descended from the sky, and with extremely terrifying power, all the enemies between the world and the earth were killed. Even the terrifying Xue Meng failed to survive.

Under the protection of Ye Feng, the prehistoric monkey family felt unprecedented security.

And taking into account the minds of the prehistoric monkey family, what Ye Feng used was an attack based on the power of the prehistoric, which gave the monkeys a sense of participation.

"The tribe of wild monkeys is indeed possessed of extremely powerful talents, especially the gathering power of the wild, which allows you to gather the power of everyone to help your entire tribe.

Moreover, I saw the spirit of this race in your body today. This is what moved me the most. "

With that said, Ye Feng's gaze also fell on Da Zhuang.

It was this warrior who awakened the blood of the entire ethnic group at the last moment and was able to call Ye Feng back from that special state.

If not, Ye Feng still doesn't know how long it will continue to waver.

Now that Ye Feng's soul is awakened, he also knows what happened during this period of time.

Ye Feng did have an extremely deep feeling for the wild monkey family.

If it weren't for them, Ye Feng would have no choice but to gather his bloodline power in such a short time.

There is no way to completely integrate into this world in such a short period of time.

Moreover, the will of the Primordial Spirit Monkey Clan is also very strong, for Ye Feng, it also moved him a little.

Of course, there are some other problems in this race, but for Ye Feng, this is not intolerable.

Under Ye Feng's persuasion, the Primordial Spirit Monkey family gradually stabilized their mentality and improved Ye Feng's senses a lot.

At least they now know that the leader of this race is not blindly asking for something from them, but will be on their side at a critical moment.

Soon, these wild monkeys performed their duties, returned to their posts, and restored the entire Snow Wolf Valley to life.

Then Ye Feng looked at the old monkey.

"I have seen you."

Without any hesitation, the old monkey walked toward Ye Feng with a serious face, and saluted respectfully.

Ye Feng also stared at him very indifferently, without saying a word.

Feeling the breath at this moment, the look of the old monkey is also very solemn.

In this way, one person and one monkey faced each other for a long time.

"My lord, calm my anger. I did something wrong this time. I don't ask for forgiveness. I only hope that you can protect the wild monkeys."

After speaking, the old monkey bowed and bowed to Ye Feng.

It was also at this moment that Ye Feng's eyes finally changed slightly, and an invisible force field enveloped the old monkey.

Under the interference of this force, even the old monkey couldn't kneel down with all his strength, which shocked him extremely.

You know, although the old monkey's body is in a state of soul, he has long used a special ritual to completely solidify his body.

Although it was like a soul, the body of the old monkey could not be touched at all, and even the mighty spiritual power was useless.

For such a long time, only the power of returning to the origin that Luo Chenguang has mastered can break the formation ceremony of the old monkey and affect his body.

Apart from this, no one can influence his body.

In this way, Ye Feng just waved his hand gently and blocked the old monkey's kneeling posture, which shocked his heart.

Feeling the breath radiating from Ye Feng's body, the old monkey's heart was also at a loss for a moment. He couldn't figure out when Ye Feng had such strength.

Ye Feng was unwilling to explain this to the old monkey, but calmly said: "I have accepted the wild monkey clan just for your wild power to help me cultivate.

As for your affection, it doesn't count as much to me, and I won't mention such things again in the future.

As for what you did this time, I certainly won't forgive. "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, the old monkey's heart relaxed a little.

For him, as long as the entire race can continue, everything he does has meaning in the end.

Then Ye Feng waved his hand gently, and directly enveloped the old monkey's body.

This force carries an extremely profound force of death, and contains extremely powerful mental fluctuations.

It is the power of hell.

After Ye Feng's Divine Soul Power had a certain strength, he finally moved the seal in his body, revealing a trace of gap.

It is precisely because of this gap that Ye Feng can use other powers in his body.

As the Hell Heart Sutra revolves, the power of **** completely covers the old monkey's body, depriving him of his strength little by little.

At this moment, if Ye Feng is willing, he can use the power of **** to completely destroy the spirit of the old monkey.

It even said that using the power of the Wanling Divine Art, Ye Feng could directly swallow the power of the old monkey's divine soul.

It was as if the sealing power possessed by the old monkey could not affect Ye Feng at all.

But within a few breaths, Ye Feng had already completed the transformation of the power of hell, completely transforming the spirit of the old monkey into the power of hell.

It is precisely because of this that the characteristics of the old monkey have not completely disappeared, but they have added the characteristics of **** power.

At the moment, the old monkey's body has an extremely strong death force, but it has a bit of vitality, making his body more solid.

While maintaining the power of that mysterious ritual as much as possible, so that the old monkey's body no longer suffers any harm, and can survive forever with the existence of the power of the wild, it also allows him to control a part of the death power.

Now the old monkey has a certain degree of lethality, as long as he is around Ye Feng, he can mobilize part of his death power.

Of course, perhaps the power of death also has a price. Ye Feng uses his own Hell Heart Sutra as a medium to induce the spirit of the old monkey and Ye Feng's Infinite Hell, and naturally there will be other effects.

From then on, the old monkey couldn't defy Ye Feng's will at all. Once he had any thoughts on Ye Feng, he could directly swallow the old monkey's body and become his own nourishment.

This is a reward to the old monkeys for instructing the wild monkeys, and it is also a punishment for him.

This is also very obvious to tell the old monkey that he will still be the owner of the prehistoric monkey in the future, and he also can't think of any more crooked thinking about Ye Feng.

"I mean you should be very clear. If something similar happens again, then you will lose your personality forever and become a puppet under my control."

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were full of joking: "I think you don't want to see such a scene."

When hearing these last words, the illusory soul of the old monkey couldn't help shaking.

The power that Ye Feng possessed was too terrifying, even the illusory body that the old monkey existed could not resist it.

"Understood, I will calmly point out the prehistoric monkey family as a line of defense for them.

From now on, the predecessor of the wild monkey clan will definitely look forward to you, without any other thoughts. "

After getting this answer, Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction, without saying anything.

Back in the cave, Ye Feng also sorted out his feelings about this time.

As his knowledge of this world increased, Ye Feng also noticed the power of this world.

The most important thing is that the power of the law of life and death here has exceeded Ye Feng's imagination.

Although it was only the tip of the iceberg of this power, it was enough for Ye Feng to infer how powerful the law of life and death controlled by this world was.

If Ye Feng used the power of good fortune in other worlds before, he could reverse life and death, and recover the people who were severely injured. Even if he breathed in, Ye Feng could save them.

But in this world, the effect of the power of good fortune is not that powerful.

It can even be said that this kind of power can greatly suppress people, unless it is to absorb the life source power between heaven and earth, or even the strong healing power can only act on the weak.

Just like before, Ye Feng was able to use the power of good fortune to heal those wild monkeys that had suffered heavy injuries.

However, after the strength of these prehistoric monkeys was further improved, Ye Feng's treatment would be effective.

Over time, such changes will become more obvious.

Similarly, Ye Feng also noticed something more important.

That is, after comprehending the world this time, the power of the law that Ye Feng can leverage has become stronger, and his various abilities have been unblocked to a certain extent.

Just like the Huntian Spirit Orb and Hell Heart Sutra used before, Ye Feng has been able to display part of his own power, which made his methods even more mysterious.

It also made Ye Feng's mental power greatly improved, and the ten thousand spirits magic art he cultivated had a qualitative change.

Originally, after Ye Feng released the terrifying coercive power, he also violently collided with the spirit of the strong man.

Ye Feng's spirit is not bad at all, even if he falls short of the realm, he can still continue to argue with the subtlety of the Wanling Divine Art and the strength of his own spirit.

And this time, Ye Feng discovered the true meaning of this technique while cultivating Wanling Divine Art.

Originally, the power of Wan Ling Shen Jue was only cultivating spiritual power.

Even if he learned that the Wanling Divine Art could split the mind and nurture a stronger spirit, Ye Feng didn't take him to heart.

After all, splitting the mind and speeding up the recovery of spiritual power will ultimately damage one's own spiritual origin. Even if it can obtain a strong combat power, it will block the road to future promotion.

But when he really cultivated to this point, Ye Feng realized that the Wanling Divine Art was not as simple as he thought.

Before Ye Feng's soul collapsed, and his magical wandering was too vacant, it could be regarded as meeting some of the conditions for the operation of Wanling Divine Art.

The soul is broken and the spirit is scattered, but there is one last thought that has not changed.

This last thought was the core of Ye Feng's previous spiritual crystallization.

The method of slaying the gods contained in the Wanling Divine Art is actually to extract the thought in this spiritual core.

With the help of the incomparably powerful spiritual power and the source of power between the heavens and the earth, the energy contained in that thought is fully aroused, so that he can continue to grow. This is the most basic soul-refining method of the Wanling Divine Art. .

Of course, the most important point is that when his own divine consciousness is condensed, Ye Feng can use his divine consciousness to nurture a more powerful force in the sea of ​​knowledge.

That is, God!

The gods mentioned here are different from the gods cultivated by Ye Feng.

The thoughts gathered by the all-spirit divine tactics will eventually become gods, so that is, the law power corresponding to this thought.

In order for this **** to grow, in addition to gathering a large amount of spiritual power, he must also be able to perceive the power of the law between heaven and earth, otherwise he would not have the power of God.

To cultivate a god, the spiritual power needed to consume is simply shockingly vast.

After sensing these news, Ye Feng's heart was even more bitter.

The several exercises Ye Feng cultivated were extremely scary for resource consumption. Even if Emperor Wu Di Zhuangzi was brought in, he might not be able to gather the materials for Ye Feng's cultivation.

You know, that is the leader of a big power, a real god.

The net worth of the gods is simply unimaginable, and even if something leaks out of his hands, it is enough to make the ancient giants fight desperately.

However, even the gods could not provide Ye Feng for cultivation, one can imagine how terrifying the consumption of such materials is.

But Ye Feng wanted to give up now, it was too late.

Whether it is the Wanling Divine Art, the Chaos True Gang Jue, or the Pill Formula in the Giant God Cauldron, the consumption of resources is very huge.

Now these powers have been completely integrated into Ye Feng's body, even if he let him waste his work and rebuild, it would be just a waste of time.

These three powers will gradually become Ye Feng's instinctive reaction over time. With a little growth, even if Ye Feng does not need to practice, the aura contained in them will help Ye Feng break through.

Now what is more important is how Ye Feng bred the most primitive **** in the sea of ​​consciousness.

According to the method recorded in the Wanling Divine Art, Ye Feng needs to pool a lot of spiritual power to nourish his divine mind in the sea of ​​consciousness.

When the divine mind is strong enough, the real thing can be summoned from the illusory nightmare.

Compared to such a terrifying realm, Ye Feng hadn't had such strength yet to be able to practice fakes to make them real, and to make them real.

But this is the most intuitive way for Ye Feng to feel the existence of the force of life.

When the power of one's own soul has grown to a certain level, one can integrate one's own perception into this group of spiritual thoughts.

However, this kind of information that has grown to a certain degree has no effect.

Only after his own spiritual power is strong to a certain level, can his divine mind be transformed to continuously improve his own strength.

It's just that the power needed to make the divine consciousness transform is too vast. Even if Ye Feng sold all the creatures in the entire Snow Wolf Valley, he would not be able to exchange so many powerful resources.

In order to improve his mental strength, Ye Feng could only do his best to increase his mental strength.

Only when the spiritual power reaches the limit, can you evolve your various perceptions in your own sea of ​​consciousness!

And with the continuous input of these feelings, new changes will take place in that group of thoughts.

It's just that Ye Feng is also very curious about what such a change looks like.

Perhaps it is true as the Wanling Shen Jue said, as long as the spirit reaches the standard and uses all kinds of heaven and earth power to nourish.

After a period of time, Ye Feng's divine consciousness will become extremely tough and powerful, and even a terrifying attack cannot break its defense.

More importantly, once God is truly conceived, the power that Ye Feng can control will become extremely vast.

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