Sky War God

Chapter 3431: Unleash the power of hell

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Chapter 3431 Unleash the Power of Hell

With that small world, Ye Feng could easily capture any elder.

In the small world, Ye Feng's combat effectiveness has also reached its limit.

And those elders in front of Ye Feng in a complete state, even if they have a certain resistance, can't completely resist.

It even said that Ye Feng could release a more powerful offensive in the constant battle to punish the elders one by one.

The second elder who was captured by Ye Feng, after feeling the terrifying aura released from Ye Feng, he directly released his most powerful moves.

"Ye Feng, do you think you can defeat all of us with such a means?

You are too naive. Today I will let you see how powerful a truly strong person is. "

This elder didn't hesitate at all, directly mobilized all the strength in his body, and rushed towards Ye Feng fiercely.

The power of ice and snow in the sky condensed into a huge palm print at this moment, carrying an extremely terrifying destructive power, descending towards Ye Feng in a very short time.

Such power may be terrifying to others, but Ye Feng at the moment doesn't care about it.

The power of the soul is running to the extreme, and the power of blood in his body is constantly surging, and Ye Feng directly poured all his power into the ice gun.

Especially the power of myriad transformations in the seal of endless surging like a tide, making the power contained in the ice gun even more terrifying.

An extremely terrifying coercion continued to surround him, and the power of destruction was also gathering in Ye Feng's palm.

In the end, these forces were completely concentrated on the tip of the ice gun, making the power released by it even more terrifying.

The speed of the destruction of the palm print that Ye Feng faced was also extremely fast. Before it reached Ye Feng's body in a very short time, he had to destroy Ye Feng directly.

Now Bingtian Temple and Ye Feng have also reached an endless state of death, and their elders have been ordered to die by the Lord of the Ice Palace.

For them, the command of the Lord of the Ice Palace is simply too big, so there is no guts to keep their hands.

Therefore, the attack he released was also terrifying beyond imagination, and there would be no hold on.

This destruction palmprint contained a terrifying force beyond imagination, and the entire space violently oscillated wherever he went, and in a very short time, it collided with Ye Feng's ice gun.

In the next moment, in the small world, only the rumbling sound of horrible concussion was heard throughout the world, and the extremely terrifying destructive power continued to sweep out.

And that elder also released a more powerful force, hiding in an unknown place, and attacking Ye Feng.

This second attack also contained incomparably terrifying power. No matter how powerful Ye Feng was, he could not resist the power of terror and insidiousness.

Feeling the powerful force released by Ye Feng, a cold smile appeared on the face of the elder, thinking that his move could directly kill Ye Feng.

However, this elder still overestimated his own strength. The moment the two attacks collided, his expression had changed.

The face of this elder was extremely ugly. In Ye Feng's attack, he only felt that his own strength was starting to weaken crazily, and his body was constantly shaking.

The whole person's body couldn't hold on anymore, and was directly penetrated by that attack.

In the body, there is a powerful icy power and swallowing power blooming, constantly weakening every inch of his power.

As for the attack he unleashed in the dark, before he got close to Ye Feng, he was extinguished by an invisible force.

It seems that Ye Feng is just a random spear light, without even releasing a bit of power, he directly shook the body of the elder of the Ice Heaven Temple.

The power of terror continued to spread in the body of the elder.

"What kind of ghost power is this?"

The elder's face was also very ugly, and the power in his body was surging crazily.

Relying on the will of the ice spear and the holy magic spear, the attack that Ye Feng can release is indeed extremely powerful, but it is limited to this.

No matter how difficult the power of the attribute is, it won't work when facing the power of absolute terror.

This elder directly exploded all the power in the body, and the power of destruction formed was even more powerful than imagined.

That terrifying power directly destroyed the power released by Ye Feng and instantly made his breath begin to recover.

Not all the power possessed by the previous elder was used in combat attributes, it seemed that he was also a strong man who was not very good at combat.

In the face of Ye Feng's terrifying attack, the elder's power was completely unable to be used, and he was easily defeated by Ye Feng.

But now it is different. The strength of this elder is indeed terrifying beyond Ye Feng's imagination, and the power he can release is also extremely powerful.

In order to defeat this elder, the power that Ye Feng needs to consume is even greater.

At this moment, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly released the power in his body.

All the forces that can be mobilized have been integrated into Ye Feng's palm, and a terrifying force that is beyond imagination has erupted, as if to completely destroy everything in the space.

Ye Feng also knew that the only thing in his hand that could threaten these elders was the ice gun made by Ji Bing.

So he poured all his power into this ice gun, exuding a more terrifying aura of destruction.

Feeling the powerful power contained in the ice gun, the elder's face also changed a little.

"Asshole, I didn't expect that the treasure of the ancient ice in my ice palace was really under your control.

How can you control such a precious treasure? Give it to me. "

After the elder finished speaking, the power in his body also exploded fiercely, transforming all the powers he controlled into the power of the magic formula, and continuously released it towards Ye Feng.

That terrifying power almost crushed Ye Feng's body.

For the ancient Jibing's control, the Bingtian Temple is the most powerful.

In any case, it is the root treasure of the Bingtian Divine Palace, even if it is mastered by others, it can be snatched back in a very short time.

When the other elders were fighting Ye Feng, the reaction time was too short, and there was no time to know what the ice spear Ye Feng used was.

What's more, Ye Feng also used the power of Wanhua magical power and holy magic spear, which changed the aura of the ancient Jibing.

But this elder had seen the ancient ice with his own eyes, and had been in control for a period of time, and he also had a deeper understanding of this treasure.

Feeling the power contained in the ice gun, the elder's expression instantly changed.

At the same time of anger, there was a frenetic joy that could not be concealed.

Eternal ice, but the most precious treasure of the Bingtian Divine Palace, without sufficient strength and contribution, it is impossible to control such a treasure.

At this moment, in Ye Feng's hands, the elder saw a large piece of ancient polar ice, which was also a huge temptation for him.

Once you control this piece of ancient ice, even if you are chased by the Bingtian Divine Palace, then this elder is worth it.

In the next instant, the elder directly started to operate the spells passed down in the Ice Heaven Temple.

The power of countless tactics was released and smashed directly towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng can clearly sense this power, constantly impacting his body, and at the same time vying for the control of the ancient Jibing.

For this original strange thing, Ye Feng's control is not very strong.

After all, it is also the original strange thing that has been transformed seven times, and the time that Ye Feng has obtained is only a few days, how can it be completely refined?

The Wanhua supernatural powers continue to operate at this moment, and the power formed is exploding crazily, wanting to completely control this thing.

And that elder was also secretly competing with Ye Feng, and the power of the magic arts released became even more sharp.

The power of horror was completely released at this moment, and two different powers fought fiercely around the ancient ice.

At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel that a powerful force was constantly impacting his body, as if to completely destroy him.

In the power of this magic formula, Ye Feng felt the very familiar coercive power, just like the feeling of being stared at by the world law after entering this world.

In an instant, Ye Feng also understood that the more original strange things he controlled, the easier it was to be discovered by the original power of the world law.

Once these forces are too strong, Ye Feng will also be backlashed.

Unless this power is completely mastered, the pressure on Ye Feng will become stronger and stronger, and will eventually be swallowed by the laws of the entire world.

Knowing this, Ye Feng's actions became more cautious, and the magical powers in his body were constantly running.

That elder is also a strong person who has been practicing for a long time, and he naturally has a certain understanding of what Ye Feng is showing.

After noticing this change, his face became more rampant, and the aura released from his body became extremely ferocious.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you are really an outsider, and you dare to use such methods to capture the original wonders of our world.

Now it feels uncomfortable to be backlashed by the origin of the world law, you are too tender if you want to take the ancient ice.

Perceiving the changes today, the elder didn't even keep any hands, and tried his best to release his own breath, wanting to completely suppress Ye Feng.

In the face of this coercive force, Ye Feng's face became more and more difficult to look. This was not just the elder's method, but also the suppression of Ye Feng by the world law.

If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, Ye Feng is likely to be completely swallowed up by the world law, and there is no room for resistance.

At this moment, the power of divine mind was operating to the extreme, and Ye Feng was also trying his best to think about the law of breaking the game, and the power in his body was running wildly.

That is, in a short period of time, most of the energy inside Ye Feng's body has been consumed, and this world's suppression of Ye Feng is really terrifying.

"Bring me here."

Suddenly the elder used his most powerful force, and in a very short period of time, he had come to Ye Feng's side, and he stretched out his palm to grab the ice spear.

In the next moment, the expressions of Ye Feng and the elder became extremely shocked.

A devouring force beyond imagination burst out from the ice gun and swallowed fiercely. The power in that elder's body.

If the ice gun only contains the power of the ancient ice, then Ye Feng has definitely lost at this moment.

The ice spear also contained the power of the holy magic spear, and the devouring power it possessed was even more terrifying than imagined.

No matter how strong the strength of this elder is, he can't resist the unique devouring power in the holy magic spear.

At this moment, the body of the elder was like a flood that opened the gate, constantly losing its own energy.

Even if you want to escape, you can't do it anymore. The power in your body is passing by at an unimaginable speed.

"no no!"

The elder screamed loudly, but could not give out any resistance. He could only watch his own energy being swallowed bit by bit.

The feeling that his power was constantly being depleted, it almost made his heart collapse incomparably, and his mental power began to disappear quickly.

When Ye Feng faced such a change, although he was shocked, he recognized the change in a very short time.

The energy possessed by the Holy Magic Spear is indeed terrifying beyond imagination, even Ye Feng can't control it completely.

It can be imagined that for a long time in the future, Ye Feng will still consume his own energy to refine the holy magic spear.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt a surge of pressure, and it continued to fall, to be precise, on Ye Feng's soul.

Long-term use of power beyond his own level is a huge pressure on the body and soul of a person, not to mention the power of the soul at the moment, Ye Feng can't bear his powerful body.

Under the oppression of these two forces, even if Ye Feng cultivated a powerful technique like Wanling Shenju, he could not fully withstand such a terrifying pressure.

Such a strong pressure, acting on Ye Feng's soul, made his breathing extremely difficult.

Regarding the current situation, Ye Feng naturally did not dare to be negligent, and directly burst out the strongest power of the Holy Magic Spear.

At the same time, the power of myriad transformations stored in the Seal of Endlessness also broke out completely at this moment.

Under the constant charge of these two forces, the body of the elder could not resist at all, and was directly suppressed by Ye Feng just like that.

"Destroy it!"

Ye Feng sighed, and the power in his body burst out again, directly destroying the elder's body completely.

Although the power in his body is still very powerful, if used, the energy in Ye Feng's body can become even stronger.

But at this moment Ye Feng's power of the soul could no longer resist. Facing these powers, Ye Feng could only give up.

If Ye Feng can strengthen his soul again, there may be room for relaxation, but at this moment, Ye Feng absolutely does not have such strength.

After the elder was killed, Ye Feng did not leave at the first time. Instead, he was seriously thinking about **** the elders outside.

It was also extremely difficult for Ye Feng's strength to kill two elders who had been transformed six times.

Although the energy in his body has not been consumed too much, his spirit is on the verge of collapse.

If Ye Feng stared inwardly at this moment, he would find that the original two crystal clear thoughts had already been cracked at this moment.

If this continues, Ye Feng's divine power will be unable to sustain it first.

In the end, it will completely collapse in a very short time, making Ye Feng's soul completely annihilated.

And without enough power of divine mind, the power Ye Feng can display has its limit.

The more powerful the means, the more demanding the soul.

Not to mention that the Seal of Endlessness would swallow the stronger power of Wanhua, even if it didn't, Ye Feng could not resist the impact of the power of Wanhua.

During the period of Ye Feng's contemplation, tremendous changes had taken place in the outside world.

After the elders felt the threat from Ye Feng, they did not hesitate to release their strongest power directly, but the power of the law contained became more and more concentrated.

When everyone is doing their best to run their own energy, the energy provided to the polar ice stream empty array becomes more powerful.

These forces are completely released, and the surrounding environment is also a huge change, making the snow and ice in the sky more fierce.

The large array of gods originally arranged by Ye Feng enveloped the entire extreme peak and valley in order to resist the wind and snow from the outside and gather the life force between heaven and earth.

And now the ice-cold power gathered by the Extreme Ice Flowing Sky Array has exceeded the limit of the formation, causing the Divine Rune Array here to begin to experience slight turbulence.

If it continues to be impacted by the violent energy like this, even Ye Feng's attainments with an extremely powerful **** pattern large formation can no longer change anything.

The terrifying energy trembled crazily, causing the divine pattern array laid by Ye Feng to begin to turbulent, and there might be a risk of being shattered at any time.

Feeling this power, Luo Chenguang, who has been hiding in the valley, his face became extremely ugly.

Of course he was able to perceive the changes in external energy, and he also understood how powerful the enemy Ye Feng was facing at the moment.

But the enemy Ye Feng faced at this moment was too fierce, and the energy he possessed was far from reaching the limit.

Even if he used the strongest talent and supernatural powers, he had only transformed the power level five times, and could not help Ye Feng at all.

He even said that because his appearance would make those enemies more brutal and ferocious, he wanted to capture them as well.

At that time, the trouble Ye Feng will encounter will definitely be even greater, and even real life threatening.

But at this moment, Luo Chenguang couldn't just wait like this, watching stupidly and doing nothing.

The power of Guiyuan began to run frantically, causing the life force between the heaven and the earth to rush towards him, as if to completely return the entire heaven and earth to the initial state.

As one of the most rooted laws in this world, the strength that Gui Yuan's power can mobilize is far beyond the limit that Ye Feng can control.

Especially at this moment, Luo Chenguang already has a desperate mind, and the power he can release is beyond imagination.

The elders of the Ice Heaven Temple also felt the terrifying energy released from the valley, which shocked their hearts even more.

They also knew something about these powerful forces, and didn't dare to let them go easily.

The extreme cold power required by the Extreme Ice Flowing Sky Array is extremely large, but by now, these elders naturally won't have any hands.

The terrifying ice-cold power is constantly released, as if to completely freeze the entire world, countless complex **** patterns are constantly changing in the sky.

Such a powerful force made the ice-cold power between heaven and earth, even if it had found a destination, gathered outside the extreme peaks and valleys like crazy.

That terrifying ice cold power beyond imagination, the power that can be released at this moment, almost enveloped the entire world.

After that, the power of ice and cold in the sky and the power of returning to the origin released by Luo Chenguang had already collided together.

The two powers were stubborn, and the life force released was surging crazily.

Feeling the power of returning to the origin, the special attributes that can return the world and everything into pure energy, the expressions of those elders are also quite shocked.

This kind of strange energy can naturally make them think of the power of the root of the world, and even make their hearts become extremely fanatical.

Even the ancient Jibing of the Bingtian Divine Palace does not have such a terrifying allure.

That is a powerful force that connects directly to the origin of the world and can make people cultivate into the ninth transformation.

Without any hesitation, these elders tried their best to release their own strength, and at the same time they tried all means to compete in secret.

Any strong person who can obtain the power of returning to the origin is likely to surpass the Bingtian Temple and become the master of a new generation of holy land.

Even if Ye Feng was offended for this, or even Bingtian Divine Palace was offended, the price was not unbearable.

The terrifying force of coercion was continuously released, and the resulting wave of destruction rushed towards the extreme peaks and valleys crazily.

The large array of gods that Ye Feng worked hard to set up became extremely weak under the terrifying impact of the outside world.

If this continues, it will not take long before the extreme peaks and valleys will be completely broken, and there will be no resistance.

But those elders didn't care anymore, all they wanted was Luo Chenguang's return to origin power.

Just when the great formation of the gods in the extreme peak valley was in danger, Ye Feng finally broke away from the small world.

But at this moment, no one of those elders cares about him anymore, and everyone's attention has been shifted to Luo Chenguang.

Such a change also made Ye Feng quite surprised, unable to understand what happened.

The next moment, Ye Feng directly used a special method to hide his figure and investigate what happened here.

Soon Ye Feng understood, what exactly these elders were arguing about, and his expression also became extremely ugly.

For Ye Feng, Luo Chenguang was not a simple heaven and earth elf, but the first life in this world to recognize him.

That got Ye Feng's approval, this person is Ye Feng's friend, how could it be possible for people to capture him so easily.

In the eyes of these elders, Luo Chenguang is not an independent life, but just an extremely precious treasure, even a material for them to cultivate to a higher level.

As a result, Ye Feng's heart was even more bizarre, and the power in his body was released without hesitation.

"You people, you don't have a good thing.

Since you are so obsessed, then I will send you to hell. "

The power in the body was running as hard as possible, and at the same time, a gap opened in Ye Feng's heart.

In the next moment, a ferocious eye emerged from Ye Feng's forehead.

There was a bright red blood in the pupils, and there were very mysterious patterns blooming in them.

The natal magical power from the ancestor of Tianshuang, the magic pupil of the ice prison, reappeared on Ye Feng at this moment.

It seemed that he had gone crazy, Ye Feng directly released all the power in his body, and the destructive power formed was even more terrifying than imagined.

With the support of such a terrifying force, the Demon Eyes of Ice Prison that Ye Feng can release surpassed the limit of its own energy.

At the same time, Ye Feng circulated the Hell Heart Sutra in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Since the other party had used means beyond imagination, Ye Feng would naturally not hesitate.

The power possessed by the Heart Sutra of Hell is far beyond the limit that this world can bear. That terrifying power has already been paid attention to by the law of this world at the first moment it descends on this world.

At the moment when the Demon Eyes of the Ice Prison opened, Ye Feng had already felt the tremendous pressure.

Ye Feng would be swallowed up by this force if he was not careful, and he could no longer escape.

Originally, the elders were still fighting for Luo Chenguang as much as they could, but suddenly felt such a terrifying power, which made their consciousness instantly sober.

"This, what is this?"

"What is this power? Why do I feel that my body has declined?"

"Asshole, what did you use, it is so evil."

Listening to the exclaims of the elders, Ye Feng's expression did not change, and even a grim smile appeared.

"You guys, wasn't it rampant just now? Treat everything in this world as your random plunder of the spoils.

So in the same way, your soul life and even your own existence are also the nourishment I need.

That being the case, then you all hand it over obediently. "

While speaking, Ye Feng has not suppressed the will of the magic way inside the body at all, and the whole person is like a demon from hell, looking so hideous and terrifying.

These elders of the Bingtian Temple had never seen such a terrifying battle before, and every move and style that Ye Feng displayed contained evil effects beyond their imagination.

Such a terrifying force, even a little carelessness, can make people's souls completely collapse, which is not something they can resist.

The power of the law between heaven and earth is constantly being released, and wanting to completely suppress Ye Feng seems to be extremely angry at his performance at this moment.

And the power contained in Ye Feng's body is too powerful, even the laws of the world cannot be completely suppressed at this moment.

The power of **** lurking in the depths of Ye Feng's body has been completely condensed at this moment, and the terrifying **** is slowly recovering at this moment.

The emergence of Infinite Hell is a huge oppression for the entire world, and the extremely powerful **** power is like a heavy burden, smashing on the world.

Feeling the coming of the power of hell, the aura on Ye Feng's body became more and more terrifying.

Even those strong people hiding in the extreme peaks and valleys feel it difficult to breathe at this moment, and even their own souls are constantly turbulent.

Only after the old monkey felt the power of hell, he vaguely understood something and had a deeper understanding of his own life.

As early as the very beginning, after the old monkey made a mistake, Ye Feng had already used means to punish him. At that time, his soul was bound to the power of hell.

Now that the Hell is coming, the old monkey immediately feels the destination of his soul, and has an extremely powerful understanding of the terrifying power that Ye Feng possesses.

How powerful and terrifying is the existence that can direct the souls of sentient beings. Such strength absolutely exceeds everyone in the entire world.

The more he understands the strength of Ye Feng, the more the old monkey decides that only Ye Feng can make the tribe of wild monkeys break away from the constraints of this world.

At the moment when such power was released, the suppression of Ye Feng by the power of the world had reached a point where it was extremely strong, and any carelessness would completely collapse Ye Feng's body.

The elders were even more unbearable. The life force in their bodies was quickly swallowed by the Hell that Ye Feng released at this moment.

"We can't let him go anymore and release our formation completely."

Another elder felt the powerful power released by Ye Feng, and the abilities in his body began to quickly collapse, which made his face extremely ugly.

Without any hesitation, the elder roared coldly, madly driving the arranged extremely ice current empty array.

Countless mysterious **** patterns erupted crazily at this moment, and the formed power was even more powerful than imagined, directly covering Ye Feng's body.

That extremely powerful ice-cold power directly impacted Ye Feng's body at this moment, seeming to freeze him completely.

However, the power of **** that Ye Feng possesses is simply beyond imagination, and the terrifying withering breath is directly Even those extreme cold powers are greatly affected when they approach Ye Feng. The powerful restraint cannot cause any harm to Ye Feng at all.

Even with the help of the ice and cold power, the characteristics of the power of **** become more terrifying, and it is possible to completely suppress theirs at any time.

Without any hesitation, the elders tacitly released the power in the body directly and transformed the power of the formation into another change.

The power of the endless space began to vibrate wildly at this moment, constantly shrouding Ye Feng in it.

Ye Feng is also very keen on the control of space power, but at this moment all his actions are too late.

The powerful spatial force directly enveloped Ye Feng's body and locked him firmly.

In the next instant, the extremely terrifying space power exploded, impacting Ye Feng's body in a very short time, making him unable to resist at all.

The space was shattered in an instant, and Ye Feng's body disappeared in this space.

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