Sky War God

Chapter 377: Han Ming

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"Senior Sister, can you let the thief occupy the best position in the pool?"

The two women were suspended in the void, and the beautiful eyes of the fire-attribute girl looked at Ye Feng who had entered the state of sentiment in the middle of the pool, and said coldly, with a bit of resentment in her pupils.

"Then what can we do? This person's strength is too strong. Neither of us is an opponent of this person. We can only temporarily give him the position in the center of the pool."

The ice-attribute girl said with some dare not in her eyes.

Their two daughters are the famous assassins of the evil blood alliance "Ice and Fire". Controlling the two attributes of ice and fire, under the combined attack, the power is multiplied, and the strength is extremely powerful.

The evil blood league is the largest assassin organization in the Azure Cloud Region, and its internal turnstiles train high-level assassins.

There is a word left in the Azure Cloud Region, as long as you can put up enough chips, any difficult task will dare to accept the evil blood alliance.

Even the giants appear on the killer offer list of the evil blood alliance, among which, among the seven kingdoms of the Azure Cloud Region, the names of several kings are impressively listed.

It can be seen how powerful the evil blood alliance is in the Azure Cloud Territory! It is a dark force that many big sect forces and even the country do not want to provoke.

If you dare to offend the Shaxie League, then you will not want to live a peaceful life in the future, maybe that day will be the crazy revenge of the Shaxie League.

And these two girls named "Ice and Fire" are the gold medal killers cultivated by the evil blood alliance, and they have secretly killed many powerful people.

Among them was a prince from a certain country in the Azure Cloud Territory, which caused quite a stir in the Azure Cloud Territory.

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to anything, and felt the pure power of heaven and earth in the pool with all his heart.

Ice and Fire Shuangyan did not leave either, just watching Ye Feng from a distance.

"Sister, you see, the aura released from this person seems to contain a powerful force of heaven and earth, and it seems that he has reached the late stage of the transformation stage."

The fire-attribute girl looked at Ye Feng, her beautiful eyes flashed through the aisle, and she said to the ice-attributed girl beside her.

"How is the power of heaven and earth in the late stage of the transformation realm possible? Even a master of the divine martial arts realm like his elders, has just reached that realm in the understanding of the power of heaven and earth. How can he be a true martial four-fold youth? Can it be compared with her master?"

After hearing the words of the girl with the expired attribute, the girl with the ice attribute condensed her eyes, and said in disbelief.

In her opinion, based on Ye Feng's age and cultivation level, it is impossible to reach the height of a powerhouse in the Divine Martial Realm, and her junior sister must be mistaken.

"Senior sister, if you don't believe it, you can see for yourself."

The fire girl said. If it hadn't been for her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it was true.

Hearing the words of the fire-attribute girl, the ice-attributed girl raised her brows, releasing her divine consciousness, and the effect on her own eyes.

This can effectively improve her vision, she fixed her eyes. Just when Ye Feng's body was half immersed in the pool water, his whole body was enveloped by a halo of potential.

That kind of incomparable strength, just a glance, a very shocked look appeared on the pretty face of the ice attribute girl.

"How is it possible? How could his power of heaven and earth be so powerful?"

The ice-attribute girl opened her mouth in amazement, her expression full of disbelief.

"Senior Sister, I'm not wrong, the power of heaven and earth he comprehended has reached the level of the late stage of the transformation stage."

Seeing the ice-attribute girl was shocked, the fire-attributed girl showed a somewhat triumphant look on her face.

"No, this is not the late stage of the Transformation Realm!"

The ice-attribute girl shook her head and denied that, the look of jealousy and shock did not disappear at all, instead it became more dense.

"That said, this person's comprehension is not to retreat into the state of transformation?"

The fire attribute girl said in a puzzled manner.

"In the body state, the power of the world that this person comprehends has definitely reached the body state!"

The ice-attribute girl stared at the handsome figure in the middle of the pool water blankly, and said in surprise, her voice trembling slightly.


Hearing the words of the ice-attribute girl, the expression of the fire-attributed goddess was sluggish for an instant, and she said mechanically: "Monsters, evildoers, non-human beings, words like this, can't describe this person, less than twenty years old. The person who controls the power of the world in the body state is simply the supreme arrogant arrogant that the entire Azure Cloud Region cannot have, everything is so unreal."

After confirming that Ye Feng had realized the power of heaven and earth into the body state, the two girls seemed to have seen a monster, and their gazes towards Ye Feng were full of various complex emotions.

"No, that's not right. When the evil blood alliance took over the task, I carefully watched the information about Ye Feng. The information showed that Ye Feng's Zhenwu triple cultivation base, and the comprehension of the power of the world is exactly the entry of terror. Physical environment. From this perspective, the identity of the person in front of you is very intriguing."

The ice attribute girl suddenly thought of something, and said hurriedly.

"Sister Sister meant that this person is the Ye Feng our sisters are looking for?"

The fire attribute girl boldly guessed.

"Zhenwu's four-fold cultivation base, comprehend the power of the world into the body realm, will there be a second person in the Azure Cloud Territory besides that Ye Feng?"

The ice-attribute girl's eyes flickered. Although she couldn't believe her guess, the fact was before her eyes, and she had to believe such a guess.


At this moment, a tyrannical aura came oncoming, locking the bodies of the two women, causing their eyes to freeze slightly.


The ice-attribute girl looked around and said coldly.

"If you two didn't look for Ye Feng, you are hiding here, don't you want to complete this mission?"

As soon as the voice of the ice attribute girl fell, a voice of indifference came over, accompanied by a tyrannical meaning of coldness.

The sky was overwhelming, and wherever I went, some of them were condensed into frost, scattered snow fell in the sky, and the surface of the pool was condensed into ice!

The next moment, the two women met, and a figure in white appeared in the void not far from them.

This figure looked twenty-five or sixteen years old, and his whole body was surrounded by a strong chill, giving a feeling of coldness.

His eyes were sharp, his blue pupils released a faint light, and his skin was extremely white, as if it were not from this world.

He was originally an extremely handsome young man, but he always gave people a feeling of femininity, and he didn't even get close to him.

"Han Ming!"

Seeing this young man who appeared suddenly, the two women exclaimed at the same time, and some fear flashed in their pupils.

Han Ming, the first genius of the young generation of the evil blood alliance. Own a very high position in the evil blood alliance.

The twenty-six-year-old Han Ming is good at ice attribute power. His ice power has already understood the initial stage of entering the body realm, and his cultivation has reached the critical point of the true martial peak realm. Only one step can step into the divine martial realm. .

It was a true arrogant talent, and even in terms of strength, Han Ming was much better than the so-called four great masters of the Azure Cloud Region.

It's just that the Shah Blood League belongs to a dark organization, and it's doing shameful activities. Therefore, some of the major events such as martial arts competitions in the Azure Cloud Region will not be attended by Shah Blood League members.

And when people rank the geniuses at various stages, they will automatically exclude the geniuses of the Shah League.

Therefore, an outstanding genius like Han Ming has never been selected into the Four Great Masters, and even apart from those in the evil blood alliance, few people in the Azure Clouds know that Han Ming exists.

The evil blood league is a true dark organization, with a powerful network in the entire Azure Cloud Region, and its branches are all over every corner of the Azure Cloud Region.

There are even rumors that the Shaxie League is actually an overseas organization, its headquarters is located outside the Azure Cloud Region, and its strength may be beyond the imagination of the Azure Cloud Region.

Another point is that although the Shah Blood League is an organization, the people inside are quite ununited. Fighting is not uncommon. They join the Shah Blood League for greater personal benefit.

If there is no benefit, the evil blood alliance will be broken.

For example, Han Ming at this moment and the icy Shuangyan opposite are not very friendly. Han Ming always wanted to get the beauty of the two women.

But without exception, he was strongly opposed by the two women, and Han Ming could only end in failure.

"It's me, the two seem to be even more beautiful!"

Han Ming's gaze was joking, and he kept scanning over the two beautiful bodies, especially on the looming spring light on the chest of the fire-attribute girl, staying for a long time. The light of lewdness in the eyes is extremely strong.

"I wonder what are you doing here?"

Seeing Han Ming's gaze, the ice attribute girl's eyes were a bit disgusting.

"The superior is afraid that you two will not be able to complete the task, so they sent me to help the two beauties!"

Han Ming said with a smile, a bit frivolous in his words.

"I don't have to worry about Master Han to participate in the task of the two of me. You should leave as soon as possible and return to the headquarters."

The ice-attribute girl said, directly issued an order to dismiss the guest to Han Ming. If Han Ming continued to stay here, it would inevitably cause great harm to the two women.

"Will I leave Do you have your full control? Unless..."

Han Ming's face was with a sneer, and his eyes fell on the looming Su Feng of the ice attribute girl and scanned.

"Unless what?"

The ice attribute girl asked.

"Unless you two can serve me comfortably together, we will have a mandarin duck playing in this pool of water, and we are making plans."

Han Ming said, speaking unscrupulously, while speaking, his floating and void body slowly drifted towards the direction where the two women were.


After hearing Han Ming's words, the ice-attribute girl became angry and yelled at Han Ming.

"I am shameless, since you said I am shameless, today, I am shameless to show you two at once!"

A cold smile appeared on Han Ming’s mouth and face, and in an instant, above Han Ming’s body, a more powerful cold air burst out, and a large cold claw print grabbed the ice-attributed girl’s body. !

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