Sky War God

Chapter 994: Fengyaju

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Ye Feng entered Fenglan City along with the crowd. Just entering Ye Feng, he felt that this city was very different from the previous Yitian City.

The streets here are not only spacious, but the buildings on both sides of the streets are much more magnificent than the previous Yitian City, and there are many powerful people of Wu Wang among the crowds.

It can be said that in the Fenglan City, the Wuwang powerhouse can be seen everywhere, and the Shenwu people may be the lowest level existence in this city.

A city is home to hundreds of millions of creatures, monsters, demon repairs, demon repairs, ghost repairs, and ordinary human martial arts are distributed in this Fenglan City. It can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes, and there are many strong people of various races.

Due to its vast area, Fenglan City is also the central city of the entire Fenglan Realm. In the city, there are countless family sect forces that were born and raised, even the Supreme Martial King level large sect forces.

There are also top sect forces from various regions of the Wind and Lantern Realm to establish branches in the city and station certain strong men.

Therefore, the relationship between the major sect forces in Fenglan City is complicated, and it has been undercurrents for many years, and fighting and killing have occurred from time to time.

This has also created the realistic and cruel environment of Fenglan City. Here, the top characters and the richest resources in Fenglan are gathered. At the same time, the competition is fierce.

If you want to survive in Fenglan City intact, you must have a certain amount of capital and strength. The weak can only be bullied here forever.

Some of the generous resources in Fenglan City were all divided up by powerful top sect forces, and it would be difficult for those unruly martial artists to survive in this cruel environment.

Ye Feng was walking on the streets of Fenglan City, and Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin was still on his shoulders, inseparable from him.

Like the previous Yitian City, Ye Feng's alternative dress immediately attracted the attention of many people on the street, and many people pointed out and talked about Ye Feng.

There were puzzles and ridicule, but Ye Feng didn't take the actions of these people to heart. What he needs to do now is to find a place to stay in Fenglan City.

There are almost ten days before the building conference officially opens. During this period of time, Ye Feng can settle down and recuperate.

While walking on the street, I can hear some rumors and news about the boarding meeting from time to time. Like Ye Feng, many outsiders rushed to Fenglan City from various locations in the Fenglan Realm, just to participate in the building conference.

Among these people, the top geniuses in all areas of the wind and haze realm are not cut, and the scale of the climbing conference itself may not be as good as some top martial arts events.

It is only because of the chance to see "Ouyang Qing'er", who is known as the number one beauty in the Wind and Lantern Realm, that makes the Wind and Lantern Realm a sensation.

Ouyang Qing'er, the first beauty in Fenglan Realm is attractive enough. In Fenglan, many amazing talents are all admirers of Ouyang Qing'er.

After learning the news of the upcoming meeting of the building, these wonderful people were extremely excited and rushed towards Fenglan City. No one wanted to miss this opportunity.

As a result, under Ouyang Qing'er's strong appeal, the climbing conference held by Dengxianlou reached the level of a top martial arts event.

This also made Dengxianlou the focus of everyone's attention in Fenglan City for a while. The strong from all areas of the Wind and Lantern Realm gathered toward the area where Dengxianlou was located.

Ye Feng quickly found an inn to settle down, this inn was called "Feng Yaju". It is an inn with a more elegant environment in the surrounding area.

The inn is divided into three floors, and each floor can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time, which is very large.

Perhaps the reason is that the location is relatively close to Dengxian Tower. The occupancy rate of Fengyaju has been extremely high recently, and it is almost full.

After Ye Feng came to Fengyaju, there was only one private room on the third floor for Ye Feng to stay in. Generally speaking, the three-story private room environment is the most elegant and unique in the entire inn, but the price is relatively expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

If it were not for Ye Feng's wealth, she would never have chosen such a private room to stay. The proprietress of this Fengyaju is very good at doing business and is more enthusiastic about Ye Feng’s hospitality. She didn’t have to bring a crystal coffin to the inn. According to it, there is no other bad performance.

This is also a very important reason why Ye Feng chose this elegant residence.

It was three days after moving into Fengyaju. In addition to cultivating in the room, Ye Feng would often go out and walk around in order to understand some trends in Fenglan City.

Every time he went out, Ye Feng did not forget to bring Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin, no matter where he went, he would never let Ming'er leave him for half a step.

On this day, Ye Feng went out to a large trading market in Fenglan City, and bought some resources needed for cultivation. As the central city of Fenglan Realm, the commerce in Fenglan City was extremely prosperous, with large trading market shops. There are hundreds of places, and every place is extremely prosperous and lively, with a dazzling array of goods.

Even if Ye Feng was well-informed, he still saw many novelties in the trading market in Fenglan City.

There are many kinds of things sold in the trading market, and the quality is also high, but the price is much more expensive than the trading market in the virtual realm.

These cultivation resources purchased by Ye Feng cost him a considerable part of his money. After returning to Fengyaju, the boss's wife greeted Ye Feng with a warm greeting like every day.

The proprietress looked like she was in her early thirties, she had a hot body, fair skin, and she looked charming.

Perhaps because the proprietress is more enthusiastic, many people staying at the inn are willing to joke with her. No matter what they say, the proprietress just smiles and won't be angry.

"Brother Ye, you are back."

Seeing Ye Feng entering the inn, the lady boss winked her eyes and said with a smile, looking very enthusiastic.


Ye Feng smiled and nodded to the proprietress, expressing friendship.

"Yo-yo, I said the boss, my Fatty Wu goes out early and returns late every day, and I don't see you greet me so enthusiastically, why? Isn't the boss thinking about Brother Ye?"

Ye Feng had just said hello to the proprietress, and he heard a ridiculous voice on the wine table not far away.

Immediately, I saw a fat middle-aged man stepping forward, with a bit of alcohol on his body. Obviously he had drunk a lot of alcohol before, and his eyes looked unscrupulously over the boss’s hot body. With.

"Look at your shaggy beard, how can Brother Ye be loved? Why should I say hello to you?"

Seeing this Fatty Wu coming, the lady boss couldn't help laughing and cursing at him.

"I'm unshaven, but I also have a strong side. If the boss doesn't believe me, come to my room to try it tonight. My Fatty Wu promises to let the boss enjoy the bliss on earth."

Fatty Wu said with a smile on his face, looking at the pair of Su Feng on the boss's chest with golden light.

"Fuck you, get out of me!"

Seeing Fatty Wu's speechlessness, the lady boss showed a bit of shame on her face, and she gave Fatty Wu a hard blow with the towel in her hand.

Fatty Wu had thick skin and thick skin. He didn't seem to have any reaction after being smoked. He continued to split his mouth and smiled, "Tonight, I'm just waiting to eat the big white steamed buns of the boss."

With that, Fatty Wu returned to his table and continued drinking.

Hearing the conversation between the lady boss and Fatty Wu, many people in the restaurant on the first floor of the inn laughed.

Similar scenes are staged in Fengyaju every day. The lady boss is easy-going, and many people are willing to joke with her.

"Brother Ye, don't listen to this fat man talking nonsense, go, I'll make your bed for you."

After Fatty Wu left, the lady boss returned to her usual look, with a gentle smile on her face.

After that, the lady boss took the lead to walk towards the direction of the stairs.

Ye Feng didn't hate this kind of atmosphere in the inn, on the contrary, he had a sense of relaxation. In this cruel world, it seems that it is rare to find a relaxing place like Fengyaju.

"Hey, Brother Ye, you have to be careful with your wife, he might eat you."

When Ye Feng stepped on the stairs, Fatty Wu's drunken voice came over again. Ye Feng knew that this Fatty Wu was very carefree and didn't mean to him and the boss's wife. It was just a joke, and he didn't care. After nodding with the other party, he walked straight upstairs.

In his room, the proprietress had already started to make the bed for him. Ye Feng carefully placed the crystal coffin of Yang Mingxian on the ground and sat at a table waiting.

The lady boss moved very swiftly. It didn’t take long for Ye Feng’s bed to be neatly arranged. Looking back, her beautiful eyes fell on Ye Feng, and she smiled and said, “Brother Ye doesn’t seem to be from Fenglan City. , I don’t know what happened to Fenglan City?"

After hearing the words of the proprietress, Ye Feng's eyes flickered and said: "It's true that I was born in a poor family, and came to Fenglan City just to find a way out, thinking about joining a force in Fenglan City."

Ye Feng didn't tell the boss of his specific purpose. Some things are inconvenient to let others know.

"That's it."

The lady boss nodded, and a smile appeared on the fair and pretty face, and said, "My dead ghost used to be a deacon in Dengxian Building. Although the person is no longer there, there are still these brothers in Dengxian Building. Brother Luo Ye doesn't mind, I can ask someone to arrange Brother Ye to enter Dengxian Tower. I wonder if Brother Ye is interested?"

Although the lady boss was smiling when she spoke, Ye Feng was able to detect a bit of sadness in the other's eyes.

Her man used to be the deacon of Dengxianlou, but now, the lady boss's man is dead, and she manages this elegant residence alone.

Looking at the eyes of the proprietress, Ye Feng can feel the sincerity of the other party. No matter what, the proprietress can think of helping him Ye Feng, in Ye Feng's view, it is a love.

"Where is the boss?"

At this moment, there was a vague voice from downstairs, and the lady boss couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

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