"I don't know what these four guys think. They can join Tianyuan, but they come to Diyuan!"

Looking at the figure of Long Fei's four people leaving, he Wanli was also curious. After all, he couldn't believe that the underground college would recruit four talented students.

But the fact is that, of course, he Wanli is happy. After all, if Diyuan can cultivate top talents, it will be a great achievement. Maybe Diyuan will have the same status as Tianyuan in the future.

Just when he Wanli lamented that the four Longfei had joined the underground courtyard, they had already opened the doors of their respective training rooms.

"Is this the practice room?"

The area of the training room is not big. There are only about ten bungalows. There is nothing in it except a futon for sitting.

Looking at such a small room, Long Fei felt confused at first, but soon he understood.

"No wonder the college will arrange students to study in the practice room. It turns out that this is really a good place to practice."

Sitting on the futon, Long Fei immediately found that the training room was not only absolutely quiet, but also full of a lot of energy.

It's really difficult for an expert to find a suitable place for cultivation. However, Ares college provides such an excellent cultivation environment for everyone.

In the training room, Long Fei can't hear any other sound. The quiet level even makes him feel his heart beat and the sound of blood flow.

In such an environment, training will undoubtedly greatly increase the efficiency of training, and the corresponding strength will be improved more quickly.

Open the box where the two top grade energy stones are stored, and the blue light of the energy stone immediately fills the whole room.

"That's great. In such a quiet environment, I think we can refine these two top grade energy stones."

Longfei immediately put away his mind, and then began to absorb and refine these two top grade energy stones.

"What a powerful energy

Feeling the energy fluctuation contained in the top grade energy stone, Long Fei was excited because he knew that once refining and absorbing the energy, his skill would be greatly improved.

According to the internal mental skill organized by black hawk, combined with Sanskrit script, Long Fei immediately began to absorb and refine these two top-grade energy stones.

"I didn't expect that the refining speed of top grade energy stone was so slow?"

Unconsciously, three hours passed quickly. Originally, Longfei, who had super refining absorption speed, found that the top grade energy stone in front of him still kept a strong luster.

However, even so, Long Fei found that in these three hours, his kung fu had been improved obviously, and the true Qi in his body had become more pure.

"It's worthy of the top grade energy stone. I'm afraid I can't refine and absorb it at my speed without half a month!"

Put away the two top grade energy stones, Long Fei opened the door of the training room, and then left.

Walking out of the teaching building, chifengyu, Li cangyue and Murong Jingjing are already waiting at the gate of the teaching building.

"Long Fei, you are out! What about? Nothing's wrong

Seeing that long Fei came out of the teaching building unharmed, chifengyu immediately asked.

"Nothing's wrong! Why do you ask that? "

Long Fei is very puzzled, thought is not refining absorption energy stone? What can happen?

"So you can really refine and absorb the top grade energy stone?"

Chifengyu's eyes showed a look of surprise, because with his strength, it is impossible to really refine and absorb the top grade energy stone.

Originally thought that long Fei would get hurt or something. As a result, this guy not only didn't get hurt, but also greatly increased his skill.

"It's OK. It's just that refining and chemical absorption is a little slower!"

With a faint smile, Long Fei knew that it would take at least half a month to refine and absorb the two top grade energy stones at his current speed.

"It's good to be able to refine. It's nothing to slow down. You know, a top-grade energy stone is worth a hundred middle grade energy stones."

Li cangyue reminds me that she also admires Long Fei's cultivation talent, because even Li cangyue may not be able to refine and absorb the top grade energy stone.

"By the way, how are you doing?"

Long Fei is also very curious. He doesn't know what kind of talent Li cangyue and chifengyu have.

"In three hours, I refined and absorbed five pieces of medium grade energy stone!"

Li cangyue said truthfully, and such absorption and refining speed, even if you look at the whole heaven, it is also called the existence of genius.

"Sister cangyue is really gifted. I just refined and absorbed three medium grade energy stones!"

Chifengyu said enviously. Then he turned to Murong Jingjing and said, "sister Jingjing, what about you?""I also refined three pieces, but I'm far behind brother Longfei!"

Murong Jingjing said truthfully, because she was very clear that Longfei absorbed refining energy stone, but it was far more than several times.

"What? Too far away? Do you mean I'm much worse than Feige? "

Chifengyu can't believe it. After all, he doesn't think he will be worse than Longfei. After all, he is a special recruit in the hall of medicine king.

"Sister Jingjing, you mean Longfei's talent in absorbing refining energy stone is much higher than you?"

Li cangyue also couldn't believe it. After all, refining and absorbing three pieces of medium-sized energy stones in three hours was much faster than some warlords.

"Of course, brother Longfei is not only faster than me, but also has a 100% conversion rate. Mine is only 80%!"

Murong Jingjing nodded, not like a liar at all, and her words made Li cangyue and Chifeng Yu look at Long Fei with admiration.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, I can't be as powerful as she said, but according to the current speed, maybe within half a month, I can completely refine the two top grade energy stones!"

Long Fei says modestly, but his words make the three people open their mouths. Even Murong Jingjing, who knows the strength of Long Fei, can't help beating her tongue.

"What? In half a month, refining absorbs two top-grade energy stones, which Even the king of the five-star war may not be able to achieve this

Chifengyu couldn't believe it and thought that Longfei had such a terrible cultivation speed. It would not be long before his strength would reach a very powerful level.

"Yes? Then I don't know, but in my opinion, as long as there are enough energy stones, my strength will certainly advance by leaps and bounds! "

Long Fei pretends to be calm, but his heart is a burst of excitement, because the energy stone does bring him unprecedented strong feeling.

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