"Do you think Ningshen pill is so easy to refine? Even if all the medicinal materials are prepared, it may not be able to be refined! If it doesn't work out, I'll be in debt! "

Chifengyu is very speechless. After all, Ningshen pill is one of the five great pills in the hall of medicine king. It is impossible to make it successfully without enough skill and talent.

"It doesn't matter. Although you are young, we believe you have the strength! Besides, we can't just rely on you. We'll try to earn energy stone. "

Li cangyue comforted and said, indicating chifengyu not to have psychological pressure. After all, they have just arrived at the war god academy, and the days after that are still long!

"That's about the same, but don't worry, I'll try my best!"

Chifeng Yu nodded with satisfaction and was full of confidence. Although his strength was not strong, he had extraordinary talent in refining pills.

Chifengyu was only 17 years old. The reason why he became a special recruit in the hall of the king of medicine was that he had a very high talent for refining medicine.

This kind of talent can be said to be no inferior to Longfei. Although Longfei is incomparable in absorbing refining energy stone, the value of alchemy in chifengyu is beyond Longfei's reach.

"Come on, let's go back and have a rest. We have to go to the animal training ground tomorrow."

Long Fei said, and then the four left their seats and walked all the way to the gate of the canteen.

When passing by the members of Qinglong hall, Long Fei takes a look at the dinner of these members. He immediately finds that these guys have ordered three meat and two vegetables.

"It's delicious. It seems that you have a lot of energy stones, but if you eat like this, I'm afraid you'll be hungry in the second half of the month!"

Murong Jingjing jokingly laughs, then with a proud look, with Long Fei left the canteen.

"Smelly girl, don't be proud too soon, sooner or later I will let you fall into my hands!"

Hearing Murong Jingjing's words, Huang Qingyuan's face is purple with anger. However, Murong Jingjing's words are true. If Murong Jingjing has such three meat and two vegetables, not to mention half a month, he will be hungry in ten days.

"Brother yuan, these guys are too arrogant. We have to find a way to get rid of this evil spirit!"

The team members of Qinglong hall are all angry. As the talented team members of Qinglong hall, they are swept away by some special students. Can they not be angry?

"Don't worry, I'll never give up. Let them be proud for a few days. When they have a chance, I'll let them know that we Qinglong hall are not easy to get into trouble!"

Huang Qingyuan was so angry that he put down his chopsticks that he was not in the mood to eat. However, when he thought that these meals were exchanged with energy stone, he still endured his anger and ate clean.

"Brother Fei, I've heard that the test in the veterinary training ground is very difficult, even no less than the assessment of the general. If we go now, the registration fee is likely to be wasted!"

Back to the villa of julongge, chifengyu reminds them that their economic situation is not good after all, but there are not many energy stones to waste.

"It doesn't matter, even if we can't pass the test, at least we can know how difficult the test is, and then we can be sure to earn energy stone!"

Long Fei is relieved to say that it's very helpful for them to know in advance the test difficulty of the animal training ground because they can't bear to bear the wolf. It's very helpful for them to earn energy stone in the future.

As a matter of fact, Ares college has set up animal training ground to provide students with opportunities to earn energy stones. More importantly, the college hopes that students can get better exercise in the animal training ground.

"Brother Long Fei is right. Sooner or later, we will go to the animal training ground to test. It's better to understand earlier and make plans earlier. When we have enough strength in the future, we will have greater confidence to earn energy stone when we go to the animal training ground again!"

Li cangyue also agreed, and in Li cangyue's opinion, with her current strength, even if she goes to the veterinary training ground test tomorrow, she may have a chance to earn energy stone.

"Well, it's settled. We'll go to the animal training ground early tomorrow morning. Now I'll go back to my room and go to bed. You can have a rest early too!"

Chifengyu said and went back to his room to have a rest, and Longfei three also scattered separately, and then went to their respective bedrooms.

It has to be said that the villa of julongge is really good. All four of Longfei have their own separate bedrooms, which is much better than the dormitory where Wang lives.

There are eight students living in each room in the dormitory building of the courtyard. Compared with the small villa of julongge, the conditions are really worse. Moreover, there are public toilets in the dormitory building.

At this time, the four of them had already begun to rest. However, Wang Liuliu was busy in the public toilet of the dormitory building, and finally washed the toilet clean.

"Wang Biwu, you son of a bitch, aren't you the king of Star Wars? When Lao Tzu enters the inner court and becomes a supreme emperor of war, he will let you wash the toilet every day!"After some heroic words, Wang Liuliu immediately left the public toilet dejected and swearing, and then returned to Room 305 where he lived.

To be a war emperor is just a whim for Wang Liuliu. He has been in the courtyard for a year, but he has not even got the qualification to be a war general!

Just when all the students had rested, Long Fei didn't feel sleepy at all. He took out two top grade energy stones in his hand, and he immediately began to absorb and refine them.

Although the training speed is much slower than that in the training room, it is only for ordinary students.

But Long Fei is different. He has a Sanskrit bonus. Even if he doesn't go to the practice room, he can still quickly absorb the energy contained in the refining energy stone.

"Although it's much slower than in the practice room, if you can use the rest time to practice, you can also make great progress!"

Staying in the room alone, Long Fei sat on the bed with his knees crossed. He immediately used the unique internal mental skill of Black Hawk organization, and then combined with the meridian trend of Sanskrit font, he continued to refine and absorb the two top grade energy stones in his hand.

One night's practice has improved Long Fei's skill a lot. I can only see the two top grade energy stones emitting blue light. At this time, the light has been sharply reduced. It is obvious that the energy inside has been absorbed and refined by Long Fei.

"With enough deep skill, I don't have to worry about using my true Qi when I use the method of returning to my heart."

Long Fei knows that his way of returning to the heart has reached the fourth level, and his internal power is released. Although his power is amazing and can be unexpected, every time he uses it, he will consume a lot of Qi.

These consumed Qi can't be directly restored. It's just like water thrown out. If you use it once, you will reduce your power. You can only restore it through later cultivation.

Therefore, by acquiring the energy stone, absorbing more energy from refining and improving the skill, Longfei's strength will get substantial progress.

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