"What? You're going to the South China Sea tomorrow?" Xiao Zhi said in surprise.

"Of course, you want to go with me and go home by the way?" Qin Yun smiled at Xiao Zhi.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhishuang's head shook like a rattle, "I finally escaped from my father's clutches. If I were found, I would go home again, I wouldn't go."

After hearing Xiao Zhishuang's words, all the girls smiled.

The next morning, he drove Maserati into the urban area of Nanhai.

"Do you know that this is my territory? If you want to set up a stall here, you must pay me a protection fee!" several men with colorful hair scolded an old man selling handicrafts.

The old man was about sixty or seventy years old and said tremblingly, "I used to set up a stall here, but I never paid the protection fee."

"Yo, you're an old man, don't you dare to be stubborn!" the leading man smiled grimly and stepped on the small waterwheel made of bamboo placed on the ground by the old man.

The small waterwheel broke. This handicraft was made by the old man himself. It may have taken a day or two or a week.

"My things." when the old man saw that the things were destroyed and was about to rush up to stop them.

But he was stopped by several other men: "why, the old man still wants to hit me?" said, and the first man trampled on seven or eight handicrafts on the ground.

"Please, don't step on it. I've been working for a month to buy medicine for my wife. Can't I give you money?" the old man sat down on the ground and begged.

"Hey, you are old and immortal. You were so obedient and soon married." all the men laughed.

The old man was helpless and reached into his arms. When he was about to pay, the first man came to the old man and said, "four hundred."

"How much?" the old man was shaking his hand.

"For four hundred and one months, we charge on a monthly basis." the first man smiled.

"Sobbing, please let me go. I only have a stall once a month, and I don't have that much money."

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't you want to take the money just now? Brothers do it yourself." the first man was a little impatient. He waved to several people around him and held the old man's arm.

The man put his hand into the old man's arms, "Yo, isn't there a stack of money? Why are you crying with me here!" the man took out the money and looked at it.

This stack is full of one yuan and five yuan change, not even a ten yuan one.

"Pa", the man threw the money on the old man's face and said angrily, "you're kidding me, aren't you!"

"Stop!" a loud drink came and stopped the man from beating the old man's hand.

The man looked back and saw that the other party was just two people with ordinary height and appearance, so he shouted arrogantly, "who are you, who dares to meddle in our wolf's business!"

"I am the man of nightmare! Don't Nanhai city know who is the boss! Don't you know the rules of nightmare!" cried nightmare's brother.

"Nightmare? It turns out that you are the person of nightmare. I'm so afraid." the man didn't mean to be afraid at all, but attracted a burst of laughter from several people around him.

"Seek death!" mengyan looked at each other, shouted loudly and rushed up, three or two times and knocked down all the people of the wolf.

Since Qin Yun founded nightmare, the daily training for the brothers has never stopped, so the people of nightmare are basically good at fighting.

After knocking down several people of the wolf, they helped the old man up and shouted to the three of the wolf: "apologize!"

Although the wolf man lay on the ground, covered his stomach and showed his teeth with pain, he still squeezed out two words from his teeth: "dream!"

"If you don't apologize, you'll have to apologize!" said mengyan. They rushed up and were ready to beat up the wolves.

At this time, not far away, seven or eight people came, and the first one was still carrying a machete on his shoulder.

Seeing this, several people lying on the ground quickly shouted to the man with a machete on his shoulder: "brother Hao, you have to decide for your brothers. These two nightmares are nightmares. They don't pay attention to our gray wolves."

"I say how so arrogant, the person who dares to beat my wolf is the bastard of mengyan." brother Hao sneered contemptuously at mengyan.

Mengyan two people know that they are not rivals, so they take out their mobile phone and make a call.

"Still call people, then my brother Hao is waiting here, but I have to charge some interest while waiting." brother Hao put the machete across his chest, stretched out his tongue and licked the machete, and the rest surrounded him.

"Uncle, go!" mengyan said to the old man who sold handicrafts.

But the old man didn't move a step. Instead, he said to nightmare: "young man, you two go. It's because of me. I'll pay the protection fee."

"Old man, you really live so old for nothing. If you are so childish, you can say it. However, in the face of your age, I'll let you go, but you have to take a message to Tian An for me and let him mind the wolf's business in the future, otherwise this will be the end!"

Brother Hao showed a residual blade smile in his eyes, rushed forward, and the machete in his hand stabbed mengyan's chest.

"Qiang!" he felt his hand numb with the machete. The machete came out and fell to the ground.

At this time, Qin Yun already stood in front of brother Hao and looked at him coldly: "it seems that there should be several lives in his hand!"

"Bang!" with a dull sound, Qin Yun hit brother Hao on the chest. Brother Hao flew out and hit the ground heavily. He vomited blood in his mouth. It seems that he was seriously injured.

"Brother Hao." several people of the wolf shouted and rushed towards Qin Yun.

"Get out!" Qin Yun shouted, his eyes turned into gold, and a huge breath came out of him.

The wolves who rushed up felt an irresistible breath coming to their faces. They immediately felt that their legs were soft and did not dare to take another half step. They were all scared back.

But after a moment, Qin Yun's eyes returned to their original color.

"Who the hell are you!" brother Hao got up from the ground and said to Qin Yun with his teeth.

"You are not qualified enough. Call Tu bin to Phoenix Entertainment City at eight o'clock tonight!" Qin Yun snorted coldly.

Brother Hao knows that Qin Yun is not simple, but he didn't expect Qin Yun to directly call out their big head name, and Phoenix Entertainment City is the location of nightmare branch of Nanhai city.

He looked at Qin Yun with hatred and said to his men, "go! Let's see!" several men hurried to pick him up and turned around to leave.

"Did I let you go! Apologize before you go!" Qin Yun shouted.

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