"Tianyun, do you want to kill the donkey?" chicha demon king said to Tianyun God Emperor.

"You two caused all this!" the burning venerable said coldly.

Chicha demon king and magic nightmare demon God also clenched their teeth. According to Qin Yungang's situation, if he wants to kill himself, it's completely easy and doesn't need any strength at all.

"What do you want to do?" the demon God of evil nightmare shouted in a deep voice. As he said, he looked at Qin Yun.

Not only it, other people also looked at Qin Yun. All this life and death should be decided by him.

Qin Yun frowned. He had an immortal relationship with chicha demon king and magic nightmare demon God. He also experienced several wars, and even almost died in the hands of the other party.

They used to kill themselves as soon as possible, but now when they were in their own hands, he hesitated.

"What should I do? Kill or not!" Qin Yun preached to Emperor Tianyun.

"Don't ask me. Now everything is up to you to decide. Killing is good for the three realms, and not killing is also good for the three realms. It all depends on you." Tianyun God said with deep meaning.

Indeed, it's not difficult to kill both of them, but the demons and practitioners may cause chaos. At that time, they will deepen hatred, and hatred and hatred will continue endlessly.

Moreover, the current three realms have experienced several wars, and each force has suffered losses to varying degrees and can no longer afford to fight again.

At this time, he thought of the Taichu master again. He had never killed all the demons. Today, if he killed all the demons, it would be against the original intention of the Taichu master.

Thinking of this, he made a decision silently in his heart.

"You've done something to the three realms, too. Let's go!" Qin Yun said faintly to the chicha demon king and the great demon God of magic nightmare.

After hearing Qin Yun's words, they immediately looked happy.

And Qin Yun let them go. Although others had their own ideas, they didn't say much for the time being. After all, it was Qin Yun's decision.

"Do you really let us go?" the demon God asked Qin Yun in an unbelievable tone.

"What? Do you want me to keep you?" Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"That's not true, that's not true." the demon God quickly shook his head.

"Hold your position and don't think about crossing the border!" Qin Yun said coldly.

"Yes." the chicha demon king and the evil nightmare demon God answered at the same time. Qin Yunran gave them face when they left. There was no reason not to agree, and they didn't dare to have two hearts again.

Qin Yun's process of killing Bukai World God and two world gods and Demons made them shudder!

"By the way, I remember the jade devil escaped." Qin Yun asked the demon God of magic nightmare.

"Yes, I'll catch this bitch sooner or later! Break her into pieces!" murmured the demon God.

"She knows that there is no shelter in the three realms. She will certainly find a way to escape from the three realms and inform all forces in the three realms! She must be caught, life or death!" Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, please follow the instructions of the Dragon God Emperor!" everyone answered respectfully except the Tianyun God Emperor.

After that, the great demon God of evil nightmare quickly left with the ice demon king and the blood demon king. The red Cha demon king didn't dare to stay in place and followed him.

When they both left, the reincarnation venerable asked Qin Yun, "how did you let them go? This is the best chance. Maybe they will make some trouble in the future."

Before Qin Yun answered, Tianyun God smiled and said, "reincarnation, let me ask you a question."

"What's the problem?" the reincarnation master wondered.

"If you were them, what would you do?" the heavenly cloud God asked with a smile.

"Me?" the reincarnation venerable hesitated a little and said, "I'm sure I'll be honest. I don't dare to make trouble again. After all, Qin... The strength of the Dragon God Emperor is here. You can crush them with one hand."

"Yes, so they will be honest." Tianyun God smiled.

"Instead of being honest, it's better to get rid of it directly." the reincarnation venerable always insisted on his own idea.

"I agree too." the blood emperor echoed.

At this time, the Fengyuan venerable smiled and stepped forward: "it's easy to kill them, but hundreds of millions of strange demons and practitioners can't kill them all. Now the three realms can't stand the war."

"Yes, sister Fengyuan is right." Mrs. YuXun echoed.

She and Fengyuan venerable are the only two strong female gods, and their killing heart is not as heavy as the blood emperor.

As soon as their words came out, Qin Yun smiled and nodded. Others don't have to explain anything more.

"But my Tianxiang temple can't be used anymore, so I have to find another place." Mrs. YuXun looked at the messy Tianxiang mountain, which has been split for several parts, and said with a bitter smile.

"Sister, go to my Shenyin Pavilion first, or find a place nearby, and we sisters can take care of each other." Fengyuan Zun smiled and said.


Then they left together

With their departure, the blood emperor, the Yixue venerable and the burning venerable also left. Although the war is over now, there are more things they need to deal with.

"Brush!" the black dog came to Qin Yun's side. Although the four horned giant cow stayed in the boundless desert in the south, it has always been in the star flying boat and made a lot of efforts in this war.

"The master's eyes are right," the black dog said to Qin Yun.

"Where are you going next? Will you travel all over the three realms?" Qin Yun asked the black dog with a smile.

"Of course, I will go back. I will always break through the first-order boundary God there, and then make other plans." the black dog answered, and then looked at the broken star flying boat.

The starship is completely useless, but it has also played a role in application.

With the sound of "brush!" the black dog tore the space, a huge space crack tore open, a strong suction absorbed the interstellar flying boat, and its body shape disappeared into the interstellar flying boat.

"They are all gone, and I won't stay much. Go back to my refining tripod. I won't come out until I break through the first-order boundary God this time!" there was an incomparable firmness in the reincarnation venerable's words.

Qin Yun's strength really stimulated him. He must improve his cultivation as soon as possible

After the reincarnation venerable left, there were only Tianyun God Emperor, Qingsheng and Qinyun.

"Master, I'll go back to Tianyun temple first. There are still many things to deal with." Qingsheng said.

"Go, don't report everything to me in the future." Tianyun God smiled and said

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