"The ferocious beast is ferocious. You must also know that my purple light sect suffered a lot. If it weren't for the Dragon Lord at that time, maybe my purple light sect couldn't attend the practitioners' meeting."

This was echoed by practitioners, and everyone echoed: "yes, we can't be with fierce beasts!"

After listening to the practitioners, Ba Hong showed a ferocious smile at the corners of his mouth and roared: "Whoever dares to refuse today, I Ba Hong will kill him all over the door!"

This roar contains his strength to surpass the peak of Dongxu, that is, the rumored Zhenwu realm.

The prestige of Ba Hong's true martial arts realm filled the whole martial arts arena instantly. Some practitioners whose accomplishments were below the innate yuan cultivation realm immediately felt out of breath.

Several elders and Dharma guardians behind Ba Hong showed their weapons one after another and looked coldly at the practitioners of various sects under the stage.

"I won't accept it first!" Qin Yun whispered, and his figure instantly appeared on the challenge arena.

With Qin Yun's low voice, the pressure of Ba Hong's Zhenwu realm was instantly reduced by more than half, and all practitioners breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the practitioners looked at Qin Yun's figure and were shocked, "is dragon nine really the strong one in the list of gods?"

"Who the hell is this dragon nine? It can reduce this man's power by more than half!" the tianbang experts were shocked.

Although Qingyi Shengjun and Nancheng lady knew that the Dragon nine was the Dragon Lord, they never thought that the Dragon Lord was so powerful.

They were not only shocked, but also the people in the orc emperor religion.

Due to the Dragon God mask, they could not feel any breath on Qin Yun. Ba Hong frowned. Before he came, he heard that the referee of the practitioners' meeting was very strong.

"Who are you? Dare you take off your mask and show your true face!" Mei Xing in white shouted to Qin yunjiao.

"It depends on your strength. Let me take off my mask!" Qin Yun sneered.

"Where is so much nonsense? If you don't accept it, you will destroy the whole door!" Mei Yue, holding a black machete, shouted to Qin yunjiao.

"You try to kill one!" Qin Yun replied coldly.

Although Mei Yue said so, she didn't dare to do it easily. Her instinct told herself that she was not the opponent of long Jiu.

"All the experts above the cave virtual environment stay, and others leave quickly!" Mrs. Nancheng said to the surrounding practitioners.

Naturally, they are not fools. Now a war is imminent in the challenge arena. Once so many strong people fight, let alone the martial arts arena, the whole Changbai sect will become a ruin.

"Withdraw!" the patriarchs said to the disciples in a deep voice, so all the practitioners around the martial arts field were ready to leave.

Ba Hong glanced at a red robed old man beside him with his remaining light. The old man instantly understood, took a step forward with a long knife, and said to the practitioners about to leave, "I don't think who dares to go!"

This old man in red robe is a great elder of the beast emperor sect. He is full of holes and has the highest cultivation.

However, no one paid attention to him and all the practitioners left separately.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, the old man in red robe couldn't help getting angry. The long knife in his hand instantly emitted a dazzling light.

"Drink!" the old man in red robe whispered, and the long knife in his hand hit and chopped fiercely, and a huge knife Qi cut at some departed practitioners.

"Not good!" the practitioners who sensed the attack of knife Qi exclaimed.

At this time, the patriarch in the virtual middle of the three or four holes flashed and appeared in front of the Dao Qi at the same time, resisting the powerful Dao Qi.

"Boom!" the sabre gas hit the weapons of several patriarchs and made a loud noise.

Then, several patriarchs were forced back three or four steps at the same time, which shows the strength of the old man in red robe.

Seeing that his blow was resisted, the old man in red robe was angry again. With the sound of "brush!", his body turned into a red light and rushed to all practitioners.

However, the red Mang, the incarnation of the old man in red robe, flew out not far away and was blocked by a figure. This person is no other than Nie Hong, the 10th expert in the list.

"Your opponent is me!" Nie Hong drank coldly to the old man in red robe.

"Nie Hong, No. 10 in the list of heaven, I'll take your sacrificial knife first today!" the old man in red shouted and attacked with a long knife.

At this time, Ba Hong waved his hand, and the other four elders and some Dharma protectors behind him rushed to the practitioners.

Watching them do it, Shi Zheng, Baize and other tianbang experts, as well as some patriarchs, all welcomed them.

For a time, the whole martial arts field fell into chaos, filled with all kinds of surging spiritual power and all kinds of colors of spiritual light.

Although this battle scene is rare in hundreds of years, no one dares to stop and watch. All those who have enough accomplishments go to fight, and those who have insufficient accomplishments leave here as soon as possible.

But in such a chaotic scene, there are still six people standing still.

They are ba Hong, the leader of the beast emperor cult, his left and right envoys, the master of the God list, the holy emperor of Qingyi, the lady of Nancheng and Qin Yun wearing the mask of the Dragon God.

Qin Yun silently watched the departure of Nangong Yue's women and several family owners. Once they were in danger, he was ready to rescue them at any time.

But fortunately, they left smoothly and disappeared into sight.

"It seems that you really want to force me to kill." Ba Hong looked at the three men of the Qingyi saint.

"Talk big!" Mrs. Nancheng shouted to Ba Hong in a deep voice.

With that, the holy emperor in Qingyi and Mrs. Nancheng's hands were shining, and the momentum of the strong man belonging to the God list suddenly broke out.

A blue long gun appeared in the hands of the emperor of Qingyi. A green dragon was carved on the gun rod, and the tip of the gun was cold. It was not easy to see this long gun.

A soft sword appeared in Lady Nancheng's hand. It was as thin as a cicada's wing and extremely sharp.

With their weapons in hand, their momentum soared again. The momentum of Zhenwu Xiaocheng state rushed towards Ba Hong and the whole Changbai sect was full of this towering momentum.

"Don't be ashamed, just try!" Ba Hong felt the oncoming momentum, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and the red light in his hand was highlighted.

A red halberd appeared in his hand. With the appearance of the halberd, Ba Hong's momentum rose instantly, and the momentum of the two strong gods was suppressed.

"What!" the Qingyi saint and Lady Nancheng were shocked at the same time. They didn't expect Ba Hong's cultivation to be so strong.

But they didn't panic. They looked at each other and nodded. The green dragon spear and the cicada wing soft sword were very clever, and suddenly attacked Ba Hong.

Ba Hong looked at their attack with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Good to come!" he whispered. The red halberd in his hand met the Qingyi saint and Nancheng lady with a strong momentum.

"Boom!" the three weapons smashed together.

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